Who are they and how do they look? In the streets, in parks, cafes, on discos, everywhere you can see young people standing together and talking about something with great interest. What are they talking about? They talk about studying, music, clothes and about money, which will finish soon. But in spite of the problems they are never sad. At the same time students walk in town, go to cafes, discos and concerts. Students become friends very fast and forever. Perhaps later when they meet they’ll talk about how they are glad to see each other, how they were missing and call each other brother, thought they were studying in different groups and saw each other only during the entrance exams. But this will be in future. And now there are some different types of students. One part does nothing but study. Others have time for studying and for things they love to do. Someone likes going in for sport, some are fond of playing computer games, other like singing or dancing and so on. And there are some students who don’t want to study and want to graduate the university with good and excellent marks. Students wear everything that is comfortable to them. They listen to different types of music. Pop, rock, rap these are only few types they listen to. And all students like sleeping. So are they so different after all?
Exercise 4. Answer the questions.
1. What people are considered to be outstanding? 2. What qualities must they possess? 3. Is it enough to be talented to be called outstanding? 4. Are there any world famous composers of the 20th century? 5. What distinguished writers lived in the 20th century? 6. Who is the first cosmonaut, the first human being to journey into outer space? When was it? What is the name of his spacecraft? What is the world-known word that he said when taking off? 7. Who was the first human to conduct a space walk? When was it? What is the name of his spacecraft? 8. Who was the first person on the Moon? When was it? What is the name of his spacecraft? What are the world-known words that he said when setting his boot on the Moon surface? 9. Who is the man standing behind the rocket industry? 10. What famous inventors do you know? 11. Who invented the electric candle? 12. Who discovered the Periodic Law of elements? 13. Do you know any outstanding scientists of the world? 14. Which of them made great discoveries? 15. Do you know any outstanding scientists of the world in your profession / specialty?
Exercise 5. Read the following text and translate it.
Applications of mechanical engineering are found in the records of many ancient and medieval societies throughout the globe. In ancient Greece, the works of Archimedes (287 BC – 212 BC) deeply influenced mechanics in the Western tradition and Heron of Alexandria (c. 10 – 70 AD) created the first steam engine. In China, Zhang Heng (78 – 139 AD) improved a water clock and invented a seismometer, and Ma Jun (200 – 265 AD) invented a chariot with differential gears. The medieval Chinese horologist and engineer Su Song (1020 – 1101 AD) incorporated an escapement mechanism into his astronomical clock tower two centuries before any escapement can be found in clocks of medieval Europe, as well as the world's first known endless power-transmitting chain drive. During the years from 7th to 15th century, the era called the Islamic Golden Age, there were remarkable contributions from Muslim inventors in the field of mechanical technology. Al-Jazari, who was one of them, wrote his famous Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices in 1206, and presented many mechanical designs. He is also considered to be the inventor of such mechanical devices which now form the very basic of mechanisms, such as the crankshaft and camshaft. Important breakthroughs in the foundations of mechanical engineering occurred in England during the 17th century when Sir Isaac Newton both formulated the three Newton’s Laws of Motion and developed calculus. Newton’s Laws as well as the precise observations of Tycho Brahe and the studies of terrestrial projectile motion of Galileo became the grounds of the so called classical mechanics.
Exercise 6. Read the text again and think of a title for it. Exercise 7. Look at the names in the box below. These all are world-wide known mechanical engineers. What do you know about them? Match the engineers’ names and their characteristics. There are two extra characteristics, can you name the famous mechanical engineer they describe?
Exercise 8. Read the following text about Ivan Kulibin, a prominent Russian mechanical engineer.