Студопедия — Job. my speciality. my future profession. the job interview. politeness formulas
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Job. my speciality. my future profession. the job interview. politeness formulas

  ИНЖЕНЕР?!... Этот открыто светящийся интеллект, этот свободный и необидный юмор, эта легкость и широта мысли, непринужденность переключения из одной инженерной области в другую и вообще от техники – к обществу, к искусству. Затем – эту воспитанность, тонкость вкусов: хорошую речь, плавно согласованную и без сорных словечек; у одного – немножко музицирование; у другого – немножко живопись; и всегда у всех – духовная печать на лице…

Exercise 1. What will these scientists study? Match 1-7 with A-G.

  physicist   A rocks
  biologist   B substances
  ecologist   C stars
  chemist   D the environment
  mathematician   E living things
  geologist   F matter and energy
  astronomer   G numbers and shapes

Exercise 2. Read the texts (1-6) and match them with the names of the jobs (a-g). There is extra one job name.


actor vet astronomer meteorologist astronaut shop assistant singer


1. People of this profession already save thousands of lives every year in Florida, Mexico, East Asia and other places when they warn people to evacuate their homes in good time to get out of the way of a hurricane or a storm.

2. Any dog owner knows that his or her dog can eat its 24-hour energy need in just a few minutes at a single meal. Both cats and dogs need to be offered a lot of fresh water and cat owners need to take special care to encourage their pets to drink.

3. Portraying Frodo in the Lord of the Rings Elijah Wood had a big problem – his costume. He had to get up at five o’clock every morning to put on Frodo’s feet and ears.

4. When you go to fish-n-chips, they will ask you this question: open or wrapped? This is because British people eat their take-away chips in paper. If you want to eat your chips in the street, ask for them to be “open”. If you want to take them home ask for them “wrapped”.

5. His fun lyrics showed that rapping doesn’t always have to be about street violence and crime. Not long ago he criticized other rappers for encouraging children to use incorrect English. He’s very intelligent and he first wanted to go to university but changed his mind and decided to make music instead.

6. In March, 2004 a new planet was discovered 10 billion kilometers from Earth and was named Sedna. The news was especially exciting because the planet was found beyond what was understood to be the edge of the planetary solar system.


Exercise 3. Below is a list of personal qualities. What jobs suit people who have these qualities? Explain your choice.


Example: I think a mechanic should have an ability to work with his hands and physical strength. He also needs some interest in sciences.


imagination patience tolerance kindness creativity courage quick reactions physical strength interest in sciences interest in arts interest in the natural world good memory good ear for music good social skills an ability to study hard an ability to work with one’s hands an ability to work with one’s brain an ability to express yourself clearly being a leader


Exercise 4. a) From the verbs in the box below form the nouns to denote various jobs and professions using the suffixes, –еr / –or / –ist.


type sail journal run drive direct paint art guitar teach dance


b) Use the names of the jobs from part a) to complete the sentences.


1. We have a wonderful maths _________ at school. That’s why I like the subject.

2. My brother plays different musical instruments, but I can’t call him a _________ or a drummer.

3. Don’t like to be in John’s car when he drives. He is such a careless _________.

4. Maya Plisetskaya is a brilliant Russian ballet _________.

5. Richard is a talented film _________, but his last film was not a success.

6. Someone who works on a boat or a ship is a _________.

7. If you want to become a _________ you need to enter a university and have some works published.

8. I think we need a new _________ Miss Clark makes so many mistakes in the documents.

9. Leonardo da Vinci was not only a famous _________, he was also an inventor and scientist.

10. The general sent a _________ from Marathon to Athens to carry the news.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 947. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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