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Grammar exercises. Exercise 1.Make questions from the following statements, asking about the words in italics.

Exercise 1. Make questions from the following statements, asking about the words in italics.


1. Bolted joints are one of the most common elements in construction and machine design.

2. One of the bolted joint designs may include clevis linkages, joints that can move, and joints that rely on a locking mechanism.

3. Splines are ridges or teeth on a drive shaft that mesh with grooves in a mating piece and transfer torque to it.

4. An alternative to splines is a keyway and key.

5. A bayonet connector is a fastening mechanism consisting of a male side with pins, and a female receptor with matching L slots and springs to keep the two parts locked together.

6. Welding is a fabrication process that joins materials, usually metals or thermoplastics, by causing coalescence.

7. There are three forms of soldering.

8. Soldering was employed up to 5000 years ago in Mesopotamia.

9. Soldering was employed up to 5000 years ago in Mesopotamia.


Exercise 2. Put in the sentences on the left the appropriate time markers from the list on the right.

_________ I go to the Institute by bus. before the Institute
I do my morning exercises _________. by Tuesday
We shall have invited you _________. during October
Who has seen him _________? every day
He had worked here _________. just
_________ the plant was producing new machines. last week
We have _________ done our work. now
What are you doing _________? recently
He was going home _________. usually
Will you have read the book _________? when we met
Did you see them _________? when he comes home
We translated this text _________.  


Exercise 3. Read the confusing words in the boxes attentively and insert the suitable one in the necessary form in the sentences that follow. Translate the sentences.



ago (тому назад) before (до того)


Sandra left school 6 months _________. She washed her hair _________ she went to the party.



affect (гл. влиять) effect (сущ. эффект)


The closing down of the factory _________ many families in. The _________ of pollution can be seen all over the world.



after (предл. после) afterwards (нареч. позже)


He called _________ I had finished work. They went to the cinema and _________ they went home.



all ready (все готовы) already (уже)


The children are _________ to go. By the time I got there, the train had _________ left.



any way (любой способ) anyway (тем не менее)


They couldn’t find _________ to get out of the building. The coat was expensive, but I bought it _________.



at the beginning (в начале) at the end (в конце)
in the beginning (сначала) in the end (наконец)


There’s a contents page _________ of the book. He thought German was hard _________ but now he finds it easy. We’re going to Japan _________ of July. He tried various jobs and _________ became an accountant.



beside (возле) besides (помимо)


The sofa is _________ the fireplace in my house. _________ buying us dinner last night, he paid for the theater tickets.



besides (нареч. к тому же) except (срединный предл. кроме)
but (неначальный союз кроме) except for (предл. кроме)
apart from (предл. помимо)  


_________, it’s going to rain. Everyone in the company got a pay rise _________ James. I cleaned every room _________ the kitchen. _________ the security guard, the building was empty. _________ washing the car, what else have you done today?

Exercise 4. Open the brackets using the verbs in one of the following tenses:

Present, Past or Future Simple; Present, Past Continuous; Present, Past Perfect.


1. Yesterday Nick (to say) _________ that he (to read) _________ much during his summer vacation.

2. At the age of twenty my father (to combine) _________ work and study.

3. A great number of students (to study) _________ in the reading-room when I (to enter) _________ it last night.

4. The storm (to rage) _________ the whole night, and the sailors (to try) _________ to do their best to save the ship.

5. Mike’s friends could hardly recognize him as he (to change) _________ greatly after his expedition to the Antarctic.

6. When I (to enter) _________ the hall, the students (to listen) _________ to a very interesting lecture in history.

7. Hello! Where you (to go) _________? – Nowhere in particular. I just (to take) _________ a walk.

8. Our students (to do) _________ all kinds of exercises and now they (to be) _________ sure that they (to know) _________ this rule well. They (to hope) _________ they (to make) _________ no mistakes in the test-paper.

9. The expedition (to cover) _________ hundreds of kilometers, but they still (to be) _________ far from their destination.

10. You (to go) _________ to Great Britain next year?

Exercise 5. Answer the questions as suggested in the pattern below.

A When does the train start?
B The train starts at 11.45.
A What did I ask B?
C You asked him when the train started.
A What did B answer?
D He answered that the train started at 11.45.

1. Is English more difficult than German?

2. Where did you have lunch yesterday?

3. When will it be convenient for you to have a word with a President?

4. What can you recommend us to do to know English better?

5. Do all students remember all theу words of Unit 1?

6. What dish does your mother like best of all?

7. Is it necessary for you to learn English?

8. Do you know enough words to speak English well?

Exercise 6. Translate the following sentences into Russian.


1. I study at the machine-building department, my specialty being technology of machine design.

2. The solution is considered to be engineering if it satisfies the requirements of efficiency, reliability and simplicity in the cheapest way possible.

3. The Delegation is reported to have left London.

4. We head his name mentioned.

5. The men building our house with me are my friends.

6. Metalworking is the process of working with metals to create individual parts, assemblies, or large scale structures.

7. He is sure to be asked about it.

8. They have used the conventional crystal growth method.

9. It’s easy for me to answer this question.

10. I saw John passing our house.

11. I have my photo taken.

12. She is expected to come any minute.

13. They have used the temperature control system.

14. There was nothing else for me to say.

15. The approach is used for time and money saving purposes.

16. He was glad to have been given a new job.

17. The house being built in our street is a new building of school.

18. Having been built of concrete, the house was cold in winter.

19. Lost time is never found again.

20. He wants the book to be returned tomorrow.

21. They have constructed a gas-filled high pressure cell.

22. Machining is supposed to deal with the using of complex equipment known as cutting instruments, all kinds of devices, fixtures and adapters.

23. He is likely to know her address.

24. The research team developed a new kind of information receiving system.

25. The logic device produces a specific type signal for specific sensor state.

26. The amount of polonium to be obtained from a uranium mineral can be simply calculated.

27. We may suppose the alpha particles within the nucleus to be in motion.

28. This substance is reported to possess the property of radioactivity.

29. The speed of light being extremely great, we cannot measure it by ordinary means.

30. Automation of all industrial processes being of great importance now, the number of automatic plants is growing in our country.

31. They will have to separate iron from sulphur with magnet.

32. The pipes to convey fluids are usually made of steel.

33. Galileo was the first to observe sun spots with his optic tube in 1609.

34. To translate ancient manuscripts was a very difficult task.

35. He was glad to have fulfilled his work ahead of time.

36. The isolation of radium followed by many important investigations made on other previously unknown elements proved to be of great importance.

37. Water being denser than air, rays is refracted towards the perpendicular.

38. Einstein computed the amount of scattering to be expected on the basis of the formula given above.

39. He was the first to determine the exact weight proportions of water components.

40. To develop machine-building industry engineers have to work out new types of production.

41. Other conditions being equal, the temperature remains the same.

42. The gas to be tested is enclosed in a long glass tube.

43. Once formed, bubbles rise because of the vapour being less dense than the liquid in which it is suspended.

44. Simple substances consist of atoms, each substance having its own special kind of atom.

45. More accurate experiments are likely to contribute significant information.

46. We have thought this law to hold only for gases that are under normal conditions.

47. They expected the acceleration to be different weights but this was not the case.

48. The light from a star is known to have been coming to us for many years.

49. The term “pure metal” is used to describe a material from which all chemical elements but one has been eliminated.

50. A new technique having been worked out, the income rose.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 812. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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