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1. Engineering is the professional art of applying science to the optimum conversion of the recourses of nature to the uses of mankind. The word engineer is derived from the Latin root ingenerare, which means “to create”. The engines of war were devices such as catapults, floating bridges, and assault towers; their designer was the “engineer”, or military engineer. The counterpart of the military engineer was the civil engineer, who applied essentially the same knowledge and skills to designing buildings, streets, water supplies, sewage systems, and other projects.

2. The function of the scientist is to know, while that of the engineer is to do. The scientist adds to the store of verified, systematized knowledge of the physical world; the engineer brings this knowledge to bear on practical problems. Engineering is based principally on physics, chemistry, and mathematics and their extensions into material science, solid and fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, transfer and rate process, and systems analysis.

3. Unlike the scientist, the engineer is not free to select the problem that interests him; he must solve problems as they arise; his solution must satisfy conflicting requirements. Usually efficiency costs money; safety adds to complexity; improved performance increases weight. The engineering solution is the optimum solution, the end result that is most desirable. It may be the most reliable within a given weight limit, the simplest that will satisfy certain safety requirements, or the most efficient for a given cost. In many engineering problems the social costs are significant.

4. Engineers employ two types of natural resources – materials and energy. Materials are useful because of their properties: their strength, ease of fabrication, lightness, or durability; their ability to insulate or conduct; their chemical, electrical, or acoustical properties. Important sources of energy include fossil fuels, wind, sunlight, falling water, and nuclear fission. Since most resources are limited, the engineer must concern himself with the continual development of new resources as well as the efficient utilization of existing ones.


Exercise 7. Re-read the text and determine if the following statements are:



of no information in the text.


1. Engineers employ material resources because they are unlimited.

2. Thermodynamics is one of the basic parts of engineering.

3. Many engineering solutions should take into account social costs.

4. The quality of work of a mechanical engineer is continually rising.


Exercise 8. Indicate which part of the text (1, 2, 3, or 4) the following information corresponds to:


1. differences in the functions of scientists and engineers.

2. the origin of the term “engineer” and its meaning.


Exercise 9. Answer the question about the text.


What is meant by “engineering solution”?

1. The solution is considered to be engineering if only engineers take part in solving arising problems.

2. The solution is considered to be engineering if it suggests applying new technological methods of production.

3. The solution is considered to be engineering if it is reliable no matter how heavy it is.

4. The solution is considered to be engineering if it satisfies the requirements of efficiency, reliability and simplicity in the cheapest way possible.


Exercise 10. Read the text again and determine its main idea.


1. Functions of the engineering and engineers.

2. Engineering is the professional art of applying science to the uses of mankind.

3. Engineering solution must satisfy conflicting requirements.

4. The engineer must concern himself with the continual development of new resources.


Exercise 11. Read the following statement from the text below.


Mechanical engineers are at the core of production. Without them production would be impossible.

Do you agree with this statement? Why? Read the text and find out if you are right.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 1264. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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