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Grammar exercises. Exercise 1.Revise the sequence of tenses rules


Exercise 1. Revise the sequence of tenses rules. Translate the following sentences.


1. We didn’t know where our friends went every evening.

2. We didn’t know where our friends had gone.

3. She said that her best friend was an engineer.

4. She said that her best friend would be an engineer.

5. I didn’t know that you had worked at the Hermitage.

6. We found that she left home at eight o’clock every morning.

7. Adrian said he was having a party at his plat that evening.

8. When he learned that his son had received an excellent mark at school, he was very pleased.

9. Barbara said she’d only been to England once.

10. My uncle said he would bring and show us the photographs he had taken during his two weeks’ stay at the Caucasus.


Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the suitable pronoun / adjective some, any, no or their compound (something / anyone / nobody / everywhere / etc.). Translate the sentences.

1. There are _________ pictures in the book.

2. Are there _________ English text-books on the desks? – Yes, there are _________.

3. Are there _________ maps on the walls? – No, there aren’t _________.

4. Please tell us the story. _________ knows it.

5. Has _________ here got a red pencil?

6. _________ can answer this question. It is very easy.

7. I put my dictionary _________ yesterday and now I can’t find it _________. – Of course, that is because you leave your books _________.

8. You must go _________ next summer.

9. Is there _________ interesting in the program of the concert?

10. I could see _________: it was quite dark.

11. I didn’t take any money with me so I couldn’t buy _________.

12. The question was so difficult that _________ could answer it.

13. Have you got _________ English books at home? – Yes, I have ________.

14. There is _________ ink in my pen: I cannot write.

15. You must find _________ who can help you.

16. _________ knew anything about America before Columbus discovered it.

17. Did you go _________ on Sunday?

18. Let’s go _________. The weather is fine. I don’t want to stay at home in such weather.

19. I cannot find my glasses _________. I always put them _________ and then look for them for hours.

20. Is there _________ in my group who lives in the dormitory?

Exercise 3. Translate the sentences paying attention to the complex object structure.


Complex Object – сложное дополнение (существительное в общем падеже или местоимение в объектном падеже + инфинитив)  
Переводится дополнительным придаточным предложением, вводимым словами что, чтобы, как.
подлежащее сказуемое дополнение инфинитив
  глагол-характеристика Аctive переводится подлежащим переводится сказуемым
дают главное предложение придаточного предложения
Например:   We want Peter (him) to go there with us. – Мы хотим, чтобы Петр (он) поехал туда с нами. We made him go there. – Мы заставили его поехать туда.  


1. We proved this suggestion to be wrong.

2. Aristotle supposed happiness to be associated with some human activity.

3. The whole world knows Lobachevsky to have strictly demonstrated and explained the principles of the theory of parallel lines.

4. For 2200 years all the mankind believed Euclid to have discovered an absolute truth.

5. Lobachevsky proved Euclid’s axiom on parallel lines not to be true.

6. He built a new geometrical theory quite different from that of Euclid. We know his ideas to have greatly influenced not only geometry, but mechanics, physics, astronomy as well.

7. Millions of people saw on their TV screens Soviet cosmonaut Leonov fearlessly floating in the open space.

8. Most scientists expect major development in the nearest future to take place in biology.

9. One can hardly expect a true scientist to keep within the limits of one narrow long-established field.

10. We know Newton’s laws of motion to be based upon his own and Galileo’s experiments.

11. Joule showed heat and mechanical energy to be interchangeable at a constant rate of exchange.

12. We supposed all the details of the plan to have been explained to you long ago.

13. I want you to tell me everything from the time we parted yesterday.

14. The known volatility and oxide forming properties of polonium metal require the reaction to be carried out in a closed system and ether in an inert atmosphere or in vacuum.

15. I was sitting quietly at my table when I heard something jump in at the window and then run about from one side of the room to the other.

16. He heard the professor say something to her junior assistant.

17. The present-day situation forces more and more countries to start contributing to this field of research.

18. One will naturally think such course of events to be disastrous not only for science but for future of mankind.

19. I saw the driver opening his window and throwing a box into the bushes.

20. Would you like me to go now?

21. He is not only critical of the work of others, but also of his own, since he knows the man to be the least reliable of scientific instruments.

22. I noticed him starting at the newcomer.

23. Now he never allows anything to be done in a hurry.

24. Olive heard the side gate open and looking out of the window she saw John walking up the garden.

25. On entering the house, she saw her son walking up and down in an agony of doubt.


Exercise 4. Verbs of perceptions, for example, hear and watch, can be followed by the infinitive without to or the participle depending on the meaning. Underline the correct form in the following sentences.


1. I heard my neighbours turn / turning off their television and go / going to bed.

2. I woke up at two in the morning. I could hear my neighbours have / having an argument.

3. When I looked through the window, I saw her read / reading a book.

4. When she saw me come / coming, she waved.

5. She could feel her heart pound / pounding as she neared the end of the race.

6. Can you smell something burn / burning?

7. When I came into the room, I saw her lean / leaning casually against the fireplace.

8. It was obvious that she hadn’t heard me come / coming in. I saw her go / going over to the drawer and take / taking out a gun.

9. I’ve never seen anyone eat / eating so much as you do.

10. As I woke up, I could hear my mother downstairs make / making breakfast.


Exercise 5. Translate the sentences paying attention to the complex subject structure.


Complex Subject – сложное подлежащее (существительное в общем падеже или личное местоимение + инфинитив)    
Переводится дополнительным придаточным, присоединяемым к главному или неопределенно-личному предложению словами что, чтобы, как; простым предложением с вводным в середине, которое соответствует сказуемому в английском языке (как известно, как говорят и т. д.)  
подлежащее сказуемое инфинитив  
становится подлежащим глагол-характеристика, обычно Passive, выносится вперед, образует главное предложение становится сказуемым  
придаточного предложения  
Сказуемое может быть выражено:  
глаголом Active глаголом Passive словосочетаниями  
to be said – говорят to seem – казаться to be likely – очевидно, вероятно  
to be known – известно to appear – по-видимому /оказываться  
to be seen – видели to be unlikely – маловероятно  
to be reported – сообщают to prove – доказывать, оказываться  
to be sure – безусловно /конечно  
to be expected – ожидается / полагают to turn out – оказываться  
to chance – случаться to be certain – конечно /несомненно  
to be supposed – полагают /предполагают to happen – случаться /оказываться  
to be uncertain – сомнительно  
to be considered – считают /полагают    
to be believed – считают /полагают  
to be found – обнаружили  
to be thought – считается  
Например:   Petrov (he) is said to be ill now. – Говорят, что Петров (он) сейчас болен. He is known to live in Kiev. – Известно, что он живет в Киеве. (Он, как известно, живет в Киеве).    


1. He is said to avoid all sorts of arguments.

2. He is said to have graduated from Oxford University.

3. He seems to have taken an advantage of the favorable conditions.

4. This scientist is known to be keeping in touch with the latest developments in his field of research.

5. He happens to work at the same problem.

6. He is sure to argue about it.

7. Your advice proved to be helpful.

8. Gold was proven to be unattacked by moisture.

9. The results obtained were found to be in perfect agreement with earlier findings.

10. The people from the Institute of Optics are known to work hard at a new device.

11. The interpretation was found to be convincing.

12. They obtained what seemed to be a strong acid.

13. They built what is believed to be the greatest church of that time.

14. This student has never been thought to pass examinations.

15. This substance was not observed to possess radioactive properties.

16. He does not appear to be concerned with the problem.

17. He was not expected to spoil the sample.

18. He is not believed to represent the majority.

19. This equation may easily be demonstrated to be a first order equation.

20. This substance is seen through a microscope to consist of small crystals.

21. This method was considered by the author to be inaccurate.

22. The theory is discussed and found to be substantially in agreement with the experimental results.

23. This element was isolated and found to possess valuable properties.

24. There seems to be some confusion of terms in the paper.

25. There seems to exist a great need to experimenting.


Exercise 6. Translate the sentences paying attention to the for + infinitive structure.


for +существительное (местоимение)+ инфинитив
Переводится оборотом, соответствующим различным придаточным предложениям: предлог for помогает определить начало русского придаточного предложения, вводимого союзами что, чтобы, в котором инфинитив становится сказуемым. Следует, однако, иметь в виду, что не всегда есть необходимость при переводе оформлять этот оборот придаточным предложением.
Например:   For this method to be valuable it must be improved. – Чтобы этот метод был полезным, его необходимо усовершенствовать. Speak louder for him to hear you. – Говорите громче, чтобы он вас слышал. There is a possibility for him to attend the conference. – У него есть возможность присутствовать на этой конференции. It is easy for you to say that. – Вам легко говорить.


1. For the reaction to take place two conditions must be met.

2. It is for you to analyze which of these two methods is wrong.

3. It is important for scientists to know the structure of the material world.

4. Eight minutes are required for light to travel from the Sun to the Earth.

5. For the system to be correct it must only use well-established components.

6. For any natural physical state to change, some changes of the condition acting upon this state must occur.

7. The equipment is too complex for a common operator to control.

8. For two molecules to react they must be in contact.

9. The time required for amount of radiation to be reduced to half the original amount is different for different materials.

10. It was impossible for us to make this axle rotate without anybody’s help.

11. For the exam to pass successfully you have to work at your English during the whole term.

12. It is not quite difficult for students to work regularly.

13. The time required for a mass to come to rest can be calculated without difficulty.

14. The problem discussed is too complex for you to handle.

15. There is nothing for them to worry about.

16. The students were waiting for the assistant to adjust the device for work.

17. It is advisable for post-graduates to know at least one foreign language.


Exercise 7. Translate the sentences paying attention to the

modal verb + perfect infinitive structure.


a modal verb  
(must / have to / be to;  
can / could; + perfect infinitive(have +V3)
may / might;  
should / ought to)  
Если за модальным глаголом следует инфинитив в перфектной форме, то этот модальный глагол передает значение уверенности, предположения, возможности, вероятности того, что какое-то действие уже произошло (об этом говорит перфектная форма инфинитива). В этих случаях при переводе смысловой глагол следует ставить в прошедшее время часто со словом ужé, а модальный глагол переводится словами должно быть, возможно, вероятно и иногда выносится вперед.
must должно быть очень большая уверенность в том, что действие произошло
may / might вероятно, возможно меньшая большая уверенность в том, что действие произошло
could, should / ought to следовало бы сожаление или упрёк о несделанном  
can / could + перфектный инфинитив в вопросительном и отрицательном предложениях могут переводиться словами неужели и не может быть, чтобы
to be должен был, но не сделал (обозначает действие, которое должно было произойти, но не произошло)
Например:   He must have left. – Он, должно быть, ушел. You may have seen this article in the book. – Возможно, ты видел эту статью в книге. You should have taken the text-book in the library. – Вам следовало бы взять учебник в библиотеке. Could he have come? – Неужели он пришел? He can’t / couldn’t have come. – Не может быть, чтобы он пришел. / Он вряд ли пришел. He was to have come. – Он должен был прийти, но не пришел.


1. The students must have finished their experiment.

2. The students might have finished their experiment.

3. The students can’t have finished their experiment.

4. The students needn’t have finished their experiment.

5. The students ought to have finished their experiment.

6. The experiment should have been finished.

7. Can the experiment have been finished?

8. The experiment was to have been finished.

9. The experiment could have been finished.

10. The experiment shouldn’t have been finished.

11. Each shift might have followed on where the preceding one stopped.

12. He couldn’t have said it. This line should have been put into operation long ago.

13. Could he have overlooked such a serious mistake?

14. They ought to have paid more attention to the problem of fuel consumption.

15. You were to have used a device specially designed to measure certain physical changes in the atmosphere.

16. Originally, the Earth’s temperature must have been extremely high.

17. The student ought to have been careful while working, with this instrument. Now the instrument is broken.

18. He may have finished his experiment, but we are not sure.

19. The explosion must have occurred long ago.

20. No living beings could have survived in such a climate.

21. Some problems of science could not have been solved without isotopes.

22. Could these rocks have been more than 5000 years old?

23. Life may have existed on this distant planet.

24. I could have gone to the conference, but I lost my invitation.

25. This phenomenon was to have been considered.


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