Ex.14. Read and translate the text. Find –ing forms and define if they are Participle I or Gerund.
SYSTEM APPROACH A system approach is one that views the business as a network of interrelated parts functioning together - not as isolated operations not depending on each other. Most large firms use a system approach to organizing production. In any organization it focuses on the inputs, the processes involved and the outputs or results desired of the system. A system approach to manufacturing means that firms first determine the desired quality and quantity of the output or final product. Then they establish the quality and quantity of inputs needed to desired output. The inputs in production are including natural resources, materials or labor, capital and management – the factors discussed earlier. Product planning, process planning and production control are all parts of the system approach to production management. INVENTORY CONTROL Inventory control means keeping records of material on hand and maintaining the appropriate balance of materials. This in especially difficult for a large manufacturing firm which may have several thousand different types of material on hand. Most firms establish minimum and maximum levels of inventory that are acceptable using one of many sophisticated methods. Another related problem is in determining the value of inventory on hand. Since the value of inventory is determined in dollars, changes in the value of a dollar affect the worth of inventory. During inflation the value of both materials and finished goods rises.
USE OF COMPUTERS Use of Computers Automatic control system indicating the level of operation of machines is predetermined and controlled automatically by a computer. A computer is a machine that can perform rapid calculations and make choices from predetermined instructions. For example, a computer may control the adjustment of a carburetor on a car. Computers have been used extensively in business since 1960. Their use in production, however, was not widespread until the coming of the mini-computer in the early 1970s. Since then, small, low-cost mini-computers have been introduced in many production plants. They are performing repetitive, specialized jobs. These may include running machines, or testing anything from carburetors to cigarettes. In Polaroid's 90 percent of the operations are controlled by minicomputers
Внешние признаки, отличающие отглагольное существительное от герундия
Ex.15. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Define the –ing forms: the gerund or the verbal noun. 1. She blamed herself for having been a dull companion. 2. The singing of those beautiful folk songs impressed me greatly. 3. Your having written is really no excuse for your not coming on the day fixed. 4. Such doings can hardly be explained. 5. The motor was carefully examined before starting. 6. I am very pleased to meet you after hearing so much about you. 7. Your hair wants cutting. 8. I shall look forward to seeing you again. 9. It was no use talking about it any longer. 10. Sleeping is necessary.