Студопедия — Match the subjects on the left with the topics on the right.
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Match the subjects on the left with the topics on the right.

0) Foreign Literature a) animals

1) Maths b) a poem by Shevchenko

2) Physics c) gymnastics

3) English d) Lermontov, Pushkin

4) History e) 4 + 2 = 6

5) Geography f) E = mc2

6) Physical Training g) H2O

7) Chemistry h) countries of the world

8) Ukrainian Literature i) the XIII century

9) Biology j) PC

10) Computer Science k) spell the word


3. Write about the English lessons at Dmytro’s school. Use the words from the box.


favourite learn games understand form school
tells answer learn week listen write

Hi! My name is Dmytro. I’m a pupil of the sixth _____________(1). I study at a lyceum. It’s a new type of _______________(2). We ____________(3) many interesting subjects at school, but my ___________(4) subjects is English. We’ve got English lessons five times a _________(5). I like to __________(6) new words and expressions. We play different word _____________(7). We have a lot of fun! The teacher _____________(8) us funny stories in English.

We __________(9) to the stories and try to ___________(10) them. We __________(11) our teacher’s questions and then we dramatize these stories.

We ___________(12) compositions about our friends and our school life. What do you do at your English lessons? Do you like them? Do you find them interesting?


III рівень (7 – 9 балів)


Read the text.

“Do’s” and “Don’ts”

A school, like any other organized group or community, must have basic rules and procedures if it is to function effectively.

Here are some of the regulations functioning at Lawnswood school in Leeds.


1. Appropriate school dress must be worn on all school occasions.

2. Bicycles shall not be ridden in the school grounds.

3. Ball games may not be played in areas close to unprotected windows.

4. Radios and tape-recorders of any type must not be brought to school.

5. No pupil is allowed to smoke on the school premises or on school visits, or to bring cigarettes, matches or lighters onto school premises. Chewing-gum is not allowed in school.

6. Pupils must move about the corridors and staircases in an orderly manner; running in corridors and on staircases is forbidden.


1. Punctuality. Pupils must be in form rooms by 8.45 a.m. and before 1.45 p.m.

2. Lates. Pupils arriving late for registration will obtain a late form from their Teacher. Pupils arriving after 9.00 a.m. must report immediately to the Office in their building.

3. Classes left unsupervised. If a member of Staff does not arrive to take a lesson, the class will wait no longer than five minutes and then report the non-arrival to the Staff room.

4. Absences. If pupils are absent, their parents should inform the school by letter, otherwise a card will be sent to their home after two days. On returning to school after any absence, pupils must give to their Teacher a note from their parents explaining their absence. Leave of absence can only be granted under certain circumstances.

5. Breakages. Any pupil is responsible for damage to school property and must inform the school administration.

These rules and procedures are very much like the rules of your school, aren’t they?


5. Explain the words:

regulations – _____________________________

school occasions – ________________________

unprotected – ____________________________

school premises – _________________________

staircases – ______________________________

immediately – ____________________________

non-arrival – _____________________________

granted – ________________________________

circumstances – ___________________________

breakages – ______________________________

Дата добавления: 2015-09-19; просмотров: 826. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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