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EXERCISE 1. Use the correct form of Participle I or Participle II.

1. He found the shop without difficulty, (buy) a map of the city.

2. There was a pause, Mary sat (think), and John stood at the door, (look) at her.

3. The company faces (shrink) profits for still another year.

4. She absented her mind from the account of calls (make) and clients (see) or not (see).


Practice section

5. He fell heavily from wheelchair to terrace, (knock) over the tea things.

6. Can the process be (speed) up?

7. Just before the show the square filled up with (drink) youngsters.

8. (Turn) slowly, (hold) on the wall, he dragged his way back into his room.

9. (Try) various topics of conversation, I became convinced that she wasn't interested in anything.


10. People gossiped that he had (hang) himself in his garden.

11. The walls were (hang) with wonderful watercolours.

12. Tourists wandered meaninglessly, (lead) by guides (bear) banners that proclaimed their allegiance to various travel firms.

13. At the end of an hour, (experience) such thrills as he had never known in his life, he found himself with so many chips that they would hardly go in his pockets.

14. He came alone, and (stand) silently for some minutes be­side his father, who sat silently (look) at him, he left the room and, (join) the rest of us said, "Papa must see a priest".

15. It can't be true, you must have (dream) it.

16. He was (show) into a brightly (light) room.

17. On other days the house was (hush) as he sat high in bed, (prop) by his pillows, with (labour) breath.

18. "When you met me last night did you think, "Poor thing, such an (engage) child, (grow up) a plain and pious spinster?"

19. All the men in the band had (shave) heads.

20. He said he hadn't (shave) since Monday.

21. All next day Julia and I spent together without interruption; (talk), scarcely (move), (hold) in our chairs by the smell of the sea.

22. Panic-(strike), she rushed out of the room.

23. We saw an (overturn) truck and a policeman, alone on the pavement, (kick) by half a dozen youths.

24. She didn't go with us, (ask) to look after a sick relative.

25. I heard of a play (stage) at the local theatre.

Минченков А. Г.

26. Some of the grass is (tread) down where people have been playing football.

27. It's no use crying over (spill) milk.

EXERCISE 2. Analyse Participle I and II as an Attribute.

Observe how they are used (syntactic position, singly or in a phrase, which article the modified noun takes, kind of verb used in the participial form). Point out any regularities you can find.

1. She found a narrow slip of paper inserted among the pages.

2. He thought about it in the same way as all other right-thinking folk.

3. There is nothing surprising about that.

4. I know you detest all games involving physical effort.


5. Uncle Jack, now confined to his wheelchair, had telephoned Jason.

6. She told me the history of a collapsing civilization.

7. In the middle of the night she woke with a thumping heart.

8. They went up the uncarpeted stairs.

9. It is identical in style with the letter shown me by Uncle Jack.


10. Porson, tightly buttoned into a dark blue suit, pushed the papers across the desk at his partner.

11. Her manner was of a cat given an unexpected saucer of cream.

12. She was confronted by a pixie-like figure wearing a red and green striped jersey.

13. A fleeting smile crossed the wizened face.

14. Eldred was tall, with dark eyes, and an air of command conspicuously lacking in her husband.

15. They returned together, appearing through a gap in the hedge dividing the pool from the house.

16. I must have been poor company, sitting in the railway com-partment with head back and eyes closed.

Practice section

17. She came into the room and stared at the big uncurtained windows.

18. She always played to well-filled houses.

19. Those were the impressions of the first half hour sharpened by the contrast with Julia's white skin and with my memories of her as a child.

20. It sounded to my ears like the grunt of an animal returning to its basket.

21. She is a woman of strict Catholic principle fortified by the prejudices of the middle class.

22. He went to public dinners held in the Catholic interest.

23. There was something forbidding in the sight of that great weight of uncontrolled metal, flapping to and fro.

24. My wife, perched on the back of the sofa in a litter of cellophane and silk ribbons, continued telephoning.

25. Now, under the stars, in the walled city, whose streets were gentle..., where the dust lay thick among the smooth paving stones and figures passed silently, robed in white; where the air was scented with cloves and incense and wood smoke — now I knew what had drawn Sebastian here.

26. Mr. Petherton sat at the head of the board, flanked by his brother Roger and Jacobsen.

27. Two fire engines drove up as we left and a host of helmeted figures joined the throng upstairs.

28. This was a small room opening on the colonnade; it had once been used for estate business, but was now derelict, holding only some garden games and a tub of dead aloes.

29. I saw a few passengers strolling unhurried beside their porters.

30. The sight would have soothed a mind less agitated than mine.

31. Beyond the dome lay receding steps of water and round it, guarding and hiding it, stood the soft hills.

32. A pair of boldly arched, heavily pencilled black eyebrows lent a surprising air of power to the upper portion of the face.

33. He sat back in the low seat, a cherishing warmth enveloped him.


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Practice section



34. Ravished, he looked down sideways at the round, babyish face.

35. He laid his cheek against her hair and so, interlaced, they sat in silence, while the car, swaying and pitching a little, hastened along the white road.

36. He was being dragged back from the memory of the sunlit down and the quick laughing girl, back to this unhealthy, overheated room and its complaining occupant.

37. He returned, filled with a profound and ineradicable disgust.

38. The spectacle of Janet Spence evoked in him an unfailing curiosity.

39. The picture which arrested Spode's attention was a medium-sized canvas representing Troilus riding into Troy among the flowers and plaudits of an admiring crowd.

40. Most of his interiors came from this period; the long-buried humanist had begun to surface.

41. Surrounded by privilege and patronage, the crown even has a certain bias against capitalism.

42. Ditching Major later this year will be a temptation, but the exercise would be the final self-inflicted disaster, based on a premise only fantasists believe in.

43. By that time the ministers concerned would have been out of power.

44. A disintegrating government has been in power too long.

45. A leaked report revealed that the government had no such plans.

46. The uncovered mahogany table was like a pool of brown unruffled water within whose depths flowers and the glinting shapes of glass and silver hung dimly reflected.

EXERCISE 3. Paraphrase these sentences changing the

attributive clauses into participial phrases in post-position where possible.

1. "Bravo", said a man who was sitting nearby.

2. The picture that fascinated her turned out to be an 18th-century masterpiece.

3. He looked down at the dog that was lying at his feet.


4. He could hardly recognize the woman who was standing before him. him.

5. The children who came to the farm every Sunday helped her about the house.

6. The tourists came to a path that led to a lake.

7. I happen to know the man who is talking to the hostess now.

8. The woman who saw the murderer decided to go to the police.

9. Mary was looking at the moon that was coming up over the hills.


10. She picked up a large book that was lying on the table and began to read.

11. I don't think he ever lived in a house that had a bathroom till he was fifty.

12. The girl who knew how to do it was out.

13. Something in the car that was going by seemed strange to him.

14. He thought there was something strange in the car that had just passed him.

15. The lady, who was sitting next to him, dropped her fan.

16. The lady who sat down next to him asked him if he had a programme.

17. She walked quietly out of the room trying not to wake the children who slept peacefully in their bed.

18. People who go to the theatre know this actor.

19. The women who believed him lost a lot of money.

20. Leaving home she met the woman who lived on the floor above her.

21. He received a message that asked him to call Mr. Brown.

22. When he entered the room the girl who was typing by the window turned round.

23. When he entered the room the girl who was sitting by the window turned round.



Минченков А. Г.

EXERCISE 4. Paraphrase these sentences so as to use Participle II in the function of attribute.

1. She was exhausted. She sank into the armchair.

2. A tree was uprooted by the gale. It fell across the road.

3. She was wakened by a loud sound. She jumped out of bed.

4. We were soaked to the skin. We finally found a shelter.

5. His hat was blown off by a sudden gust of wind. It started rolling along the street.

6. Mrs. Smith lived in a house that was painted green.

7. As I was occupied by other thoughts I stopped thinking about Jack's affairs.

8. As he was satisfied with what he had done, he decided he could take a holiday.

9. The girl was confused and didn't know what to answer.


10. I've never heard about the novel that Mary mentioned.

11. He described a very unpleasant experience he had had. I wouldn't like to have the same experience.

12. After that there was silence in the room. It was broken only by the drumming of the rain on the windows.

13. Fortunately, the murder they attempted wasn't successful.

14. A lot of seats were not sold.

15. The people she met were very helpful.

16. She was requested to submit the report to a committee that had been specially set up to investigate the matter.

17. She walked out of the theatre. She was depressed by the play.

18. The criminal gripped her bag. There were gloves on his hands.

19. He just watched the snake. He was stunned and unable to move.

20. All the questions that were asked seemed easy to her.

21. The thing you've bought isn't worth the money you spent.

22. They say that the prisoner who escaped has been caught again.

23. The only man who was injured was quickly taken to hospital.

24. The film they released is a typical thriller.

Practice section

25. The breaches that he hinted at in his speech should be inves­tigated.

26. They proposed to sell the picture. It scandalized many art lovers.

27. They estimated the cost of the campaign. It amounted to 1 million pounds.

EXERCISE 5. Translate into English using Participle I or II as attribute where possible.

1. После бури на дороге лежало много вырванных с корнем деревьев.

2. Вытоптанная трава снова начала зеленеть.

3. Он повел нас к ожидавшей нас лодке.

4. В комнате было зеркало в золотой рамке.

5. Он рассказывал нам о непризнанных достоинствах этого поэта.

6. Вы задаете мне вопросы, которые меня смущают.

7. Некоторые из картин художника, спасенных его друзьями, были выставлены на недавней выставке в Москве.

8. У него были редкие волосы, гладко зачесанные назад.

9. Джулия вошла в комнату в сопровождении пожилого человека.


10. Они молча шли по опустевшей улице.

11. Девушка села на упавший ствол дерева и начала читать книгу.

12. Она получила короткое письмо, написанное уверенным размашистым почерком.

13. Вот устройство, специально предназначенное для этой цели.

14. В приемной сидела женщина, читавшая газету.

15. Женщина, читавшая газету, поднялась и направилась в кабинет врача.

16. В спешке он налетел на старика, выходившего из автобуса.

17. Один из четырех человек, игравших в бридж, попросил чашку чая.

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18. Дрожащими руками она вынула письмо из конверта.

19. Некоторые пассажиры быстро мчавшегося поезда дремали, другие читали газету.

20. Лицо человека, промелькнувшее в окне проходившего мимо поезда, показалось ему знакомым.

21. Мать перенесла заснувшего ребенка в его кровать.

22. Шум проезжавшей машины разбудил спящего ребенка.

23. Человек, дремавший у окна, вдруг проснулся и спросил, какая это станция.

24. Всходившее солнце освещало своими лучами комнату.

25. Люди, занимающиеся спортом, всегда находятся в хорошей форме.

26. Завядшие цветы все еще стояли в вазе.

27. На земле много исчезнувших видов животных и растений.

28. Эксперимент было трудно провести из-за большого количества людей, участвующих в нем.

29. Она не понимает всех связанных с этим проблем.

30. Выяснилось, что найденная скульптура античного происхождения.

31. Вся накопившаяся горечь и обида вылилась наружу.

32. Среди гостей был отставной майор, седой человек лет шестидесяти.

33. Сбежавший преступник был пойман через две недели.

34. Некоторые из опрошенных людей дали отрицательный ответ на этот вопрос.

35. Посланная телеграмма потерялась где-то в пути.

36. Она ждала прихода дочери с растущим чувством тревоги.

37. Все возрастающая популярность этого певца — результат успешной работы его импресарио на протяжении предшествующих 5 лет.

38. Эти программы создавались благодаря усилиям энтузиастов, желавших реализовать свои замыслы.


Pr actice section

EXERCISE 6. Point out Participle J and II used as adverbial modifiers. Define the type of the adverbial modifier,

1. The sudden realization of what she could do went flooding through and over her.

2. With the steady roar of applause Don Francisco came striding on to the stage.

3. She was busy complaining about the incident to Mr. Rush.

4. He looked intently at the empty grate, as if expecting to read a message on it.

5. He negotiated many deals while playing golf or tennis.

6. Looking his friend straight in the eye, he said that was his only interest in the riding school.

7. She reappeared carrying red and white checked tablecloths.

8. Gerda seemed immoderately amused by Derek's story, while still making the right responses to Gladys.

9. Carter rubbed his little hands together as though washing them.


10. When opened the boxes revealed a meal, with everything wrapped in plastic.

11. He would arrive after the wedding, having seen Lord and Lady Brideshead on their way through Paris.

12. An hour ago she sat turning her ring in the water and counting the days of happiness.

13. Turning it over in my mind I recalled the courtships of the past ten years.

14. We drank our wine and soon our new friend came lurching towards us.

15. I've never been given massage before, except once when I hurt my shoulder hunting.

16. "What was your route?" I asked, wishing to be agreeable.

17. Our young friend, as you may know, spends most of his day drinking.


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18. While professing a mild agnosticism himself, he had a liking for the shows of religion.

19. The other half simply want to earn their living doing adver-tisements for Vogue and decorating night clubs.

20. Only the Hungarian cousins who, mistaking the status of tutor, took him for an unusually privileged upper servant, were unaffected by his presence.

21. The others were not long after him, having been fetched by car at the end of the day.

22. Seeping through the squalid air of the police station came the sweet, rich smoke of a Havana cigar.

23. She made straight for the fire and crouched over it shivering.

24. That day, too, I had come not knowing my destination.

25. I followed him by the noise he made crashing through the undergrowth and cursing when he hurt himself.

26. He used to waste a great deal of time sitting at the bedside of his patients and talking in a sad, low voice about nothing in particular.

27. When pressed to stay to dinner, Mr. Hutton did not refuse.

28. Mr. Hutton splashed along, not caring if he got wet.

29. In midlawn there was a tree pruned into a huge green mush-room; in its shade sat, as if posed, conversing, a garden table and three chairs.

30. Once signed the contract can't be cancelled.

31. If disturbed, the bird may abandon the nest, leaving the chicks to die.

32. Though badly pronounced, the sound could still be identified.

33. Being so nervous she can't bring herself to speak to him.

34. Turn it on to maximum temperature as shown in picture 3.


EXERCISE 7. Translate into English using the participles us adverbial modifiers.

1. Просмотрев журнал мод, я поняла, что все мои платья вышли из моды.

2. Накормив кошку, она стала готовить себе ужин.

3. Думая, что мы заблудились, он вызвался показать нам, как выйти из леса.

4. Зная, что у нее нет денег, я предложил заплатить за нее.

5. Побелив потолок, мы стали оклеивать обоями стены.

6. Обнаружив, что дом пуст, она вышла на улицу.

7. Понимая, что она все равно не успеет на поезд, она решила не спешить.

8. Истратив все деньги, он начал брать в долг.

9. Поскольку я уже видел этот фильм, я решил переключить на другую программу.


10. Выйдя из автобуса, она направилась к булочной.

11. Включив свет, я увидел, что в комнате кто-то был.

12. Поскольку я сидел в первом ряду, я прекрасно видел все, что происходило на сцене.

13. Не зная, что делать, она решила, что попытается выиграть время.

14. Полагая, что может ему доверять, она подписала документ.

15. Обнаружив, что дверь не заперта, и видя, что в коридоре никого нет, вор вошел в комнату и украл сумку.

16. Как бы листая страницу старой детской книги, она рассказывала мне о своем детстве.

17. Они были заняты тем, что упаковывали вещи.

18. Весь второй год в университете он провел, избавляясь от друзей, которых он приобрел в первый год.

19. Перейдя на итальянский, она рассказала нам всю историю более подробно.


Минченков А. Г.

20. Он потратил почти целый вечер, пытаясь настроить меня против вас.

21. Мы хорошо провели время, играя в баскетбол.

22. Она проводит большую часть своего времени за учебой.

23. Она истратила много денег на покупку мебели для новой квартиры.

24. Я получил большое удовольствие от разговора с этим писателем.

25. С минуту я просто стоял, размышляя, что мне делать дальше.

26. Мама была занята приготовлением ужина.

27. Шаркая, он вышел из комнаты.

28. Все втроем они пошли кататься на лодке по озеру.

29. Мальчик прибежал и взволнованным голосом начал рассказывать, что произошло.

30. На свист из кустов приползла змея.

31. Он прилетел на собственном вертолете.

32. Все произошло так, как и было предсказано.

EXERCISE 8. Point out Participial Constructions; analyse and classify them. Translate into Russian.

1. I don't want him made unhappy.

2. Then I went away — left her in the chapel praying.

3. Madame de Grenet had a priest hidden outside the door.

4. She tried to have her patient moved upstairs, where there was running water.

5. Hearing him spoken of by Cordelia as someone she had seen a month ago I was greatly surprised.

6. 1 heard it said that his dealings were badly looked on by orthodox Conservatives.

7. He had had more copies of his portrait printed than he knew what to do with.

8. Even on this convivial evening I could feel my host emanating little magnetic waves of social uneasiness.

9. I feel the past and the future pressing so hard on either side that there's no room for the present at all.

10. As I stood on the platform I saw my luggage and Julia's go past, with Julia's sour-faced maid strutting beside the porter.

11. I must get the pictures unpacked and see how they've travelled.

12. We stood thus embraced, in the open, cheek against cheek, her hair blowing across my eyes.

13. I looked in at my wife, found her sleeping and closed the door.

14. When we got to the place we found it almost deserted.

15. I heard Julia across the table trying to trace the marriage connexions of her Hungarian and Italian cousins.

16. My wife first impressed the impressionable with her chic and my celebrity and, superiority firmly established, changed quickly to a pose of almost flirtatious affability.

17. Lord Flyte found him starving in Tangier.

18. I spoke loudly to make myself heard above the dance music.

19. We crossed together, expecting to find unfolding before us at Dover the history from all parts of Europe.

20. You have to sleep with your feet pointing East because that's the direction of heaven.

21. We all began talking at once, so that for a moment Mr. Samgrass found himself talking to no one.

22. I am not going to have you painting in the gallery.

23. Everything was left unsaid. It was only dimly and at rare moments that I suspected what was afoot.

24. When we have guests I see him thinking, "Will they speak of me to my wife?"

25. They watched the grave crowds crossing and recrossing the square.

26. All the catalogue of threats to civilized life rose and haunted me; I even pictured a homicidal maniac hiding in the shadows.

27. He paused, his duty discharged.


Минченков А. Г.

28. 9. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.

People could often be heard talking about the virtues of clean air.

The Dixons had guests coming at the weekend.

Jean was standing still on the exact spot where he had launched his curse, his enormous sides shaking with laughter.

If they want to wreck the performance by having the police tramping round the whole time, this is the way to do it.

Now, it being a melodrama, there was of course in the third act a murder and burglary scene.

Doris was left standing by the sign-post at the cross-roads.

Mr. Hutton, legs outstretched and chair tilted, had pushed the panama back from his forehead.

Half a mile on he found his way barred by yet another gate.

In theory she didn't much care; let the dead bury their dead. But here, at the graveside, she found herself actually sobbing.

She went to a cupboard across the room and came back with four canvases. "I have to keep them hidden from Henry."

EXERCISE 9. Translate into English using Participial Constructions.

1. Она сидела и наблюдала, как люди спешат на работу.

2. Я видел, как он сидел у окна и читал газету.

3. Они слышали, как кто-то ходит в соседней комнате.

4. Я случайно подслушал, как они говорили о тебе.

5. Она заметила, как кошка пытается стащить рыбу со стола, и прогнала ее.

6. Войдя в комнату, я обнаружил, что она гладит белье.

7. Мы оставили их играть в шахматы.

8. Когда я уходил, они беседовали о только что вышедшем фильме.

9. Она пошла домой, оставив своих друзей танцевать и развлекаться.

10. Его застали за курением в общественном месте и оштрафовали.


11. Я вдруг поймал себя на том, что опять думаю of> пом происшествии.*

12. Услышав это, он невольно начал смеятся.

13. Невольно я стал задавать себе вопрос, где же я мог ее видеть.

14. Очень скоро фильм растрогал ее до слез.**

15. Вот увидишь, у Джека телевизор заработает через 5 минут.

16. Он делал стрижку и укладывал волосы один раз в месяц.

17. Она остановилась у заправочной станции, чтобы заправить бензобак.

18. Я бы хотел вывести эти ржавые пятна.

19. Я видел, как их машину остановил полицейский.

20. Я считаю проблему решенной.

21. Он хотел, чтобы машину подали немедленно.

22. Им было нужно, чтобы дело было улажено как можно быстрее.

23. Видели, как он пытался открыть дверь.

24. Слышали, как она рассказывала о предстоящей поездке.

25. Если позволит погода, мы поедем кататься на лыжах.

26. Если принять во внимание все обстоятельства, мне кажется, мы не можем удовлетворить вашу просьбу.

EXERCISE 10. Analyse the participles used in the function of predicative. Translate into Russian.

1. Her whisper was penetrating.

2. The idea itself seemed disturbing.

3. In any event, one emerges from this exhibition delighted and inspired.

4. Clarisse came on escorted by Scarpia's minions.

5. Then he got sent to prison; I couldn't quite make out why.

6. He said that if I didn't mend my ways I would get sent down.


* In sentences 11-13 use the verb find.

** In sentences 14-18 use the verb have. 133

7. The rooms were shuttered against the afternoon sun.

8. The smell of garlic was overwhelming in the hot carriage.

9. The order of glasses got confused, and we fell out over which was which.


10. She woke bewildered, almost frightened.

11. The sound of his own voice in the darkness was appalling.

EXERCISE 11. Rewrite these sentences correcting misrelated participles.

1. Walking along the street, his hat was blown off by the wind.

2. Waiting for the train, my bag was stolen.

3. When using this device, it must be remembered that it can break.

4. While reading, the book shouldn't be held too close to the eyes.

5. Having missed the train, it seemed wise to go back home.

6. When speaking to the old woman, it seemed to her that they had met before.

7. Driving along the road, a hare rushed right in front of our car.

8. While playing with the cat it scratched him.

9. When changing a pipe, the water should be turned off.


10. Walking in the park, a dog attacked her.

11. When speaking to her, it is difficult to understand what she wants to say.

12. Realizing that it could have happened to her, her hand began to tremble.

13. Having spoken to him, it seemed to me that he wouldn't do that again.

14. Knowing her friend to be reliable it was difficult to believe that she had failed her.

15. Standing by the window, a noise attracted her attention.

16. Entering the room it felt as if she had been there before.

17. Reading the book a second time, the message became clear to her.




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