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Упражнение 14.

А. Переделайте предложения из действительного в стра­дательный залог.

1. You open the door. 2. We asked questions. 3. He will finish his project next week. 4. He can do this exercise. 5. They invited me to their conference. 6. I saw a new film. 7. My sister writes letters regularly. 8. Universities develop new methods of students' train­ing. 9. After graduating from the University the students may get a still higher degree. 10. The study of foreign languages, history and economics must improve the curricula of technological universities.

В. Переведите предложения в страдательном залоге, дайте варианты, где возможно.

1. Mathematics, strength of materials, mechanics, elements of machines as well as engineering physics are studied at technologi­cal institutes. 2. The development of science is closely connected with the development of higher education. 3. Students are provided with hostels, well-equipped laboratories and libraries. 4. Any coun­try must be provided with good specialists in all branches of sci­ence and technology for its further development. 5. Large sums of money are spent by the state to train highly-qualified engineers. 6. Much attention must be paid to improve the standards of higher education. 7. Students of technological institutes are trained to analyse various facts and theories. 8. The scientific and techno­logical progress of a country is determined by the qualification of specialists. 9.Some institutes of technology are reorganized into universities. 10.The country must be provided with specialists ca­pable of working with the technology of tomorrow effectively.

Упражнение 15. Найдите Participle I и Participle II, переведите предложе­ния.

1. The students studying at the institutes passed entrance exams in summer. 2. The subjects studied in the first two years are very important for future engineers. 3. The lecture delivered by our dean was on new methods of technology. 4. The man delivering this lecture is our professor on mathematics. 5. An article discussing the new system of school education appeared in all newspapers. 6. The results of the experiments discussed yesterday will be pub­lished. 7. The attention paid to the study of fundamental subjects is great. 8. Students interested in computer engineering enter techno­logical institutes. 9. The number of specialists connected with new branches of science and engineering is increased every year.


Упражнение 16. Определите по суффиксу, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова:

administration, gradual, electric, intensively, practical, dramatic, integral, specific, operation, illumination, naturally, identical, organization, originally, arctic, technical, acceleration.

Упражнение 17. Найдите в тексте 1А слова с суффиксами -tion, -al, -ic, -ly и переведите их.

Упражнение 18. Найдите глагольные формы, которые могут быть сказуе­мыми в предложении:

student, many, will be passed, doing, technical, has, reports, studied, interesting, connected, are, were done, large, is, tasks, de­veloped, is read, coming, texts, badly, giving, had, was made possi­ble, are given, forms, necessary, teaches, basis, was, done.

Упражнение 19. Найдите:

а) антонимы (слова, противоположные по значению)

to begin, to enter, young, large, to open, to take, quick, much, to graduate from, many, long, slow, little, to finish, old, small, to close, to give, few, short;

б) синонимы (слова, совпадающие по значению)

new, large, many, to begin, to take, to speak, to enter, to build, to do, to get, modern, big, to start, much, to make, main, to talk, to construct, to come into, major.

Упражнение 20. Составьте предложения из следующих слов в соответст­вии с порядком слов в английском предложении.

1. has, buildings, our, several, institute. 2. subjects, students, many, the first-year, study. 3. the third-year, had, last, students, training, industrial, summer. 4. carry out, students, practical, work, in, laboratories, well-equipped. 5. problems, many, scientists, important, solve, our. 6. texts, difficult, Petrov, technical, translated. 7. his, will, the teacher, translation, correct. 8. next, dean, a lecture, deliver, our, week, will. 9. students, more, insti­tutes, last, entered, a million, than, year.

Упражнение 21. Заполните пропуски глаголами to be, to have в соответст­вующем времени.

1. Moscow... the capital of Russia. 2. There... many institutes in Moscow. 3. The oldest of them... Moscow University. 4. Our University... one of the oldest technological institutes in this coun­try. 5. It... founded in 1830. 6. It... old and new buildings. 7. There... laboratories, workshops and libraries in our institute. 8. Every faculty... its own computer center. 9. Our library... a great number of books and magazines in all branches of science and technology. 10. Last year we... at school, next year we... the second year stu­dents. 11. We... industrial training in the third year.

Упражнение 22. Выберите правильную форму.

1. Entrance exams (held, are held) in summer. 2. More than 20 new technological institutes (were founded, founded) in the last decade. 3. Basic engineering subjects (studied, are studied) in the first and second years. 4. Highly-qualified specialists (trained, are trained) at higher schools. 5. More than a million students (enroled, were enroled) to the institutes and universities of this country last summer. 6. The training of specialists (will be im­proved, will improve) as a result of restructuring in the next few years.

Упражнение 23. Напишите ответы на вопросы по следующему образцу:

Are there two presidents in the United States? No, there are not. There are not two presidents in the United States. There is one president in the United States.

1. Are there thirteen months in a year? 2. Are there eight days in a week? 3. Are there fifty minutes in a hour? 4. Are there sev­enty seconds in a minute? 5. Are there forty days in a month? 6. Are there thirty days in February? 7. Are there thirty-two days in January? 8. Are there five seasons in a year?

Упражнение 24. Выберите соответствующие местоимения.

А. 1. (We, us) all went with (their, them) to the dean's office. 2. My friend came to see (I, me) last night. 3. Victor gave Peter and (I, me) a book and we went to the reading-room with (he, him) and his friend. 4. He told Mary and (me, I) to go with (he, him) and his sister. 5. They know all about my friend and (I, me). 6. I came to the Institute with Michael and (her, she). 7. An old man asked (we, us) to come and see (him, his). 8. Go with David and (her, she) to visit (they, them).

B. They invited me to (them, their) party. 2. He could not an­swer (his, her) teacher. 3. They were (your, you) former students. 4. You are (us, our) colleagues. 5. This is (my, me) brother. 6. Ann went to (his, her) room and put on (his, her) new dress because she was going to a dance given by (his, her) company. 7. Where is the dictionary? (He, it) is in (his, its) place on the table.

C. 1. Your dictionary is new, but (my, mine) is not. 2. She says that this dictionary is (her, hers). 3. You can do it without my help, but not without (theirs, their). 4. Will you help me to sort out the things? I cannot tell which are (your, yours) and which are (our, ours). 5. He is an old friend of (me, mine). 6. Do you know your lesson today? He does not know (him, his). 7. This is your note­book and this is his, but where is (her, hers)?

Упражнение 25. Выразите согласие или несогласие.

1. Do you study at school? 2. Are you a student of the third year? 3. Do you study many subjects? 4. Did you pass your en­trance exams well? 5. Do you live in Moscow? 6. Do you live far from the institute? 7. Is English your favourite subject? 8. Will you go to the concert tomorrow? 9. Were your books taken from the li­brary? 10. Do you live in the hostel?

Упражнение 26. Заполните пропуски предлогами in, at, on, to, into, under, near.

1. We live... Moscow. 2.1 get up... seven o'clock and leave... eight. 3.1 usually walk... the institute. 4. There are three rooms... our flat. 5. There is a picture... the wall and a small table... the picture. 6. He comes... the room and sits down... the chair... the table. 7.... the evening we watch TV or read books. 8. We do not study... Sunday. 9. There are several newspapers... the table. 10. The accident happened... the bridge.

Упражнение 27. Дайте недостающие формы глагола, запомните их.

got, beginning, took, meant, say, becoming, found, brought, going, come

Упражнение 28. Прочитайте и переведите текст без словаря.

As you know higher education trains highly-qualified specialists for further development and progress of the country. The students making good progress get state grants. The course of study at the universities lasts about six years. The students take three or four years of general engineering and fundamental courses, then one or two years of specialized training in some fields of science and tech­nology. In the first and second years a good foundation for profes­sional knowledge is provided. At present there are many modern laboratories at institutes. Most higher schools have their own com­puter centers. This means that the state must spend a lot of money to improve higher education.


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