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Engineering education has changed considerably over the years as technology itself has advanced. A generation ago it was common to find universities offering engineering courses with such titles as Mining and Winding; Compressed Air; Theory of Machines; Pumps, Electric Motors and Generators. However, as understanding of the basic nature of different applied areas grew, the importance of the fundamental concepts and their universality led to courses which were more discipline than application oriented. There are a number of important consequences of this. First, an engineer who has received a thorough grounding in fundamental concepts is less likely to become obsolescent a few years after graduation. It should be easier for him to turn his hand as needed to following developments and rapid changes in his field, or even to switching to some associated field. Most industries recognize that a training period of one or two years will be needed before they can expect to realize the full potential of a new engineering graduate. Many have formal training programs to achieve this necessary orientation to and familiarity with their own areas. As with all professionals, an engineer's education does not end with graduation but continues throughout his working life.

Another result of the fundamental nature of university courses is the impact that this has on the student himself. He may have entered the engineering college because of an absorbing interest in, say, television, automobiles, or bridges. However, he may not see the connection between his basic courses and his particular interest. This requires not duly patience on his part, but an effort from his instructors to show connections with the real world. Unless this is done, students may very easily lose their motivation.

Most engineering curricula begin with the basic sciences—physics, chemistry, and mathematics - and continue with basic engineering areas such as thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, mechanics and properties of solids, electrical science, transport properties and processes, systems engineering, and design. More specialized areas are offered for study in the later years. Engineering students are usually required to develop their communication skills in rhetoric and perhaps graphics courses. Also, they will have the opportunity to study economics, law, management, psychol­ogy, and other areas important to practicing engineers.

Perhaps the most difficult part of the education of an engineering student is the illustration of how all the knowledge he acquires is integrated in coping with an engineering problem. This aspect should be covered in courses on design. In this text the word "design" is used in the broadest sense to denote the entire process involved in solving an engineering problem.

The undergraduate student acquires a tremendous amount of know­ledge and technique concerned with the application of engineering principles. Hopefully, too during these early years his abilities to think creatively and judge intelligently will be developed rather than stifled.

After completing his undergraduate education the student may have the choice of continuing his studies to a higher degree, involving further specialization. The rate of growth of technology is placing an increasing accent on graduate education, and the opinion has been expressed that the Master's degree should he recognized as the first



as they used to be - как было когда-то (в прошлом);

to increase - возрастать, увеличивать(ся), повышать(ся);

fundamentals - основы;

to highlight - выдвигать на первый план, придавать большое значение;

to overlap - частично перекрывать(ся), пересекать(ся);

to provide - предоставлять, обеспечивать;

core - суть, сущность; ядро;

to drop altogether - здесь: объединять;

label - ярлык;

degree - ученая степень;

sure - верный, надежный;

guide - руководство; советчик;

employment - здесь: работа;

likelyhood - сходство, подобие;

certain - определенный;

endeavor - попытка, старание;

to attract - привлекать;

to call for - призывать к..;

to involve - включать, вовлекать;

to repair - здесь: восстанавливать;

environmental - экологический;

recent - недавний;

doubtless - несомненный;

to emerge - появляться, возникать;

to acquire - (при)обретать;

branch - отрасль;

to tend - иметь тенденцию, склонность;

to convey - здесь: сообщать;

beyond - за; вне; сверх, свыше;

listing - перечисление;

topic - тема;

faculty - профессорско-преподавательский состав; преподаватели;

background - опыт;

chapter - глава (книги);

society - общество;

to provide - предоставлять, обеспечивать;

valuable - ценный;

trade - здесь: профессиональный;

to encounter - сталкиваться, (неожиданно) встречаться;

below - ниже;

professional degree.

nuclear - ядерный;

considerably - значительно;

to advance - продвигаться (вперед), развиваться;

generation - поколение;

common - общепринятый;

winding - эл. обмотка;

to compress - сжимать;

nature - природа, суть, характер;

applied - прикладной;

consequence - последствие;

thorough - основательный, тщательный;

grounding (in) - образование (в);

obsolescent - выходящий из употребления, отживающий;

rapid - быстрый;

to switch (to) - переключиться, переменить (направление), перейти (к);

to recognize - признавать;

training - обучение;

familiarity - знакомство;

impact - воздействие, влияние;

absorbing - (все)поглощающий;

connection - связь;

particular - определенный, специфический;

patience - терпение;

effort - усилие, попытка;

curricula - (мн.ч.) учебные планы, программы;

fluid - жидкость;

property - свойство;

solid - твердое тело;

communication skills - навыки общения;

to acquire - приобретать, получать, овладевать;

to integrate - составлять целое; соединять;

to cope (with) - справлять(ся); бороть(ся);

to cover - здесь: включать;

sense - чувство;

to denote - обозначать;

entire - целый, весь;

to solve - решать;

tremendous - огромный;

amount - количество, число;

concerned with - связанный с..;

ability - способность;

creativity - творческий;

to stifle - подавлять, гасить;

to complete - выполнять, завершать;

choice - выбор;

rate - темп, скорость.


Comprehension Check:


Ex. Answer the following questions.


1. Why aren't the traditional fields of engineering as distinct as they used to be?

2. Is the graduate's degree enough for the rest of the engineer's life?

3. What are the new areas of engineering and what does each of them involve?

4. What data do engineering catalogues mostly include?

5. What information do professional periodicals provide?

6. Has engineering education changed over the years?

7. Does the engineer's education end with the college graduation?

8. What is resulted from the fundamental nature of the university courses?

9. What subjects/courses do most engineering curricula include?

10. What is the most difficult part of the engineering education?

11. What choices does the student have after completing his undergraduate education?



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