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Engineering Work

In any one area of engineering there is a wide range of functions that the engineer may participate in. The spectrum includes research and development, design, production and construction, installation, operation and maintenance, and sales and management. While mobility is free within the spectrum, it is most likely to occur in the order given than in the reverse direction. One reason is that detailed knowledge of scientific concepts becomes less and less important as one moves toward the managerial function, although the knowledge of finance and labor be­comes more detailed. It is difficult for a student to predict his ultimate niche although, if he could, he might choose a somewhat different set of elective courses.

In general, the research and development engineer requires, besides a firm grounding in the fundamentals of his area, an easy familiarity with analytical and experimental techniques. A natural curiosity a creative bent, and considerable stamina are essential.

The design engineer has somewhat similar requirements, with particu­lar accent on creativity. He also needs a broad understanding of such topics as engineering economics, optimization, and methods of manufac­ture, along with a particular sensitivity toward human needs. Design activity is extremely broad, so the individual is most likely to find himself one of a large team, particularly in a complex project. Senior members in such a group are likely to find themselves coordinating a variety of specialized activities. The team may, for example, include specialists in theoretical analysis, testing, computation, optimization, and esthetic design.

It is the production and construction engineers who, on any project, are responsible for the implementation of a completed design. They will have to work initially with design engineers and then with technicians actually to produce the hardware itself from the specified raw materials. A sound knowledge of materials, methods of manufacture, time estimation, and the logistics of movements of materials is important.

The area of installation, operation, and maintenance may need know­ledge from civil, mechanical, electrical, chemical, or other branches of engineering, depending on the nature of the plant. A large plant may employ specialists from these brunches, though a small plant may tend to employ engineers comfortable in several areas. Here the responsibility is to ensure that the equipment is installed correctly, brought into operation, and effectively maintained. The engineer must develop effective maintenance and replacement schedules and requires some knowledge of economics. Aspects of safety and pollution control could be important.

The sales area is an important division of many engineering companies, accentuated by the rapid changes and new developments that are con­stantly modifying products. The sales engineer needs a thorough en­gineering background but must also be an expert in the operation and performance of his company's products. He may have to educate a prospective customer in the principles, advantages, and limitations of the equipment. It may be important that his knowledge extend to cover his customer's operating plant so that he can illustrate how his own product may best be used. Knowledge of economics law and psychology could be useful, and a friendly personality is a decided advantage.

Many engineers after several years in one or more of the above areas, eventually move into managerial positions. Here they quickly discover the merit of some knowledge of economics, financial management, and labor policies. They may need considerable courage to plan effectively and make sound, far-reaching decisions. In this regard the engineer's technical background serves him well, but he will have to acquire a familiarity with business administration also.

Vocabulary to the text:

range - сфера, диапазон;

to participate - участвовать;

research - исследование;

installation - установка;

maintenance - (техническое) обслуживание;

likely - вероятно;

to occur - происходить, случаться;

order - порядок;

detailed - подробный;

to predict - предсказывать;

ultimate - конечный;

set - набор;

firm - прочный;

grounding (in) - образование (в);

curiosity - любопытство;

creative - творческий;

bent - склонность, наклонность;

stamina - запас жизненных сил, жизненная энергия; выносливость;

essential - существенный;

similar - подобный, схожий;

requirement - требование;

accent - подчеркивание, выделение;

along with - наряду с..;

sensitivity - чувствительность;

extremely - чрезвычайно;

complex - сложный;

senior - старший;

implementation - осуществление, выполнение;

raw materials - сырье;

sound - здравый;

completed - завершенный; выполненный;

initially - исходно, сначала;

estimation - оценивание, оценка, подсчет;

depending on - в зависимости от..;

nature - природа, суть, характер;

plant - завод, предприятие;

to employ - принимать на работу;

to ensure - обеспечивать;

equipment - оборудование;

replacement - замена;

schedule - расписание, график;

safety - безопасность;

pollution - хагрязнение;

division - подразделение, отдел;

to accentuate - подчеркивать, выделять, акцентировать внимание (на);

constantly - постоянно;

to modify - модифицировать, видоизменять;

background - опыт;

expert - эксперт, специалист;

to educate - воспитывать, давать образование;

prospective - перспективный; будущий, возможный;

to extend - расширять(ся), распространять(ся); простираться;

to cover - охватывать, включать;

customer - клиент, потребитель;

decided - решительный, определенный, бесспорный;

advantage - преимущество;

above - выше, над;

eventually - в конечном итоге;

managerial - руководящий;

position - должность;

considerable - значительный;

courage - храбрость, мужество, смелость;

sound - здравый;

far-reaching - далеко идущий; чреватый последствиями;

in this regard - в этом отношении;

to serve - служить;

familiarity - знакомство.


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