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Переведите на русский язык слова и словосочетания в скобках.

1) К основным обязанностям вице-президента по
производству относятся (to superintend) всех вопро­
сов, касающихся производства, включая использова­
ние (of industrial property, technical data and assistance,
inputs, machinery and equipment); обучение техничес­
кого персонала; техническое обслуживание оборудо­

2) Американская компания передает совместному
предприятию все права на (products, patents, technology,
know-how, trademarks and trade names) своей компании,
необходимые для производства и реализации совмес­
тным нредприятйем своей продукции.

3) На совместном предприятии ведутся (proper
books of account), к которым представители обеих сто­
рон имеют свободный доступ (at all reasonable times).

4) Ни одна из сторон не будет (sell, transfer, assign,
mortgage or pledge) все акции совместного предприя­
тия или их часть без (the prior written consent) другой

5) Это условие не относится к случаям передачи (of
directors' qualifying shares) до тех пор, пока (beneficial
ownership) этими акциями сохраняется за Американ­
ской компанией или иностранной компанией (as the
case may be).

С. А. Семко, В. В. Сдобников, С. Н. Чекунова

6) Стороны договариваются внести такие измене^"
ния в (the documents of incorporation), на которые име­
ется согласие соответствующих органов.

7) Сторона использует то количество акций (to which
it is beneficially entitled) при голосовании по вопросу о
смещении с должности (nominee or nominees).


8) В случае непроведения (a validly constituted
meeting) любое решение правления считается приня­
тым и имеющим юридическую силу (if consented to in
writing by all the directors).

9) (Duties and responsibilities) президента (devolved
upon him) Уставом совместного предприятия, заклю­
чаются в (to administer all the affairs) совместного пред­

10) (Auditors) совместного предприятия избирав
ся на (annual meeting of shareholders).

5. Вместо пропусков вставьте нужные предлоги, где это необходимо. Переведите словосочетания и предложе­ния на русский язык.

Foreign Company is engaged... the manufacture and sale of (name of products);

American Company manufactures (name of product)... certain patents in the United States of America;

to be duly organized... the laws of (name of State);

to replace any of all nominees... the Board of Directors;

the other party shall join... all necessary acts, steps and proceedings;

written notice shall be sent at least... 5 days before the meeting;

... the incorporation of Joint Company, American Company agrees to execute licensing agreements;

to execute licensing agreements... ten days;

to sell shares... a specified price per share;

Учебник коммерческого перевода. Английский язык

the right exercisable... giving written notice; sale pursuant... this clause;

the parties hereto have signed this Agreement... the day and year first above written.

6. Переведите предложения, используя «Комментарий и словарь» к тексту.

1) Capital, industrial property, technical skills and know-
how are required to produce such products and to market

2) American Company shall transfer to the Joint Com­
pany the machinery and equipment set forth in Exhibit B,
which machinery shall become the sole property of the Joint
Company, free and clear of all liens, charges and claims of
any kind whatsoever.

3) Nothing contained in this Agreement is intended or
shall be construed to bind the parties hereto or their nomi­
nees on the Board of Directors of the Joint Company as to
the method or manner of the exercise of the discretion vest­
ed in them as directors of the Joint Company concerning
their management of the affairs thereof.

4) All decisions of the jJoard of Directors shall require an
affirmative vote of at least... directors.

. 5) N otice may be waived by the unanimous written con­sent of all directors.

6) Proper books of account shall be kept by the Joint

7) This provision shall not apply to transfer of directors'
qualifying shares so long as the beneficial ownership of such
shares is retained by American Company or Foreign Com­
pany as the case may be.

8) Either party may offer to sell to the other party all of
the shares of the Joint Company then owned by the offeror
party and/or its affiliated corporations.

С. А. Семко, В. В. Сдобников, С. Н. Чекунова

7. Переведите предложения, обращая особое внимание
на передачу канцеляризмов

1) If any of the provisions contained in Exhibit A should
not be approved by the appropriate authority for inclusion
in the documents of incorporation of the Joint Company,
the parties agree to make such amendments thereto as shall
be acceptable to the said appropriate authority.

2) The parties hereto hereby subscribe to such capital
stock of the Joint Company in equal amounts.

3) The absolute title, free and clear of all liens, charges
and claims of any kind whatsoever, to the real property and all
buildings and other structures thereon, including all fixtures,
equipment and machinery located therein, situated at (ad­
dress or other description), which said real property, build­
ings, structures, textures, equipment and machinery are more
specifically described in Exhibit С annexed hereto.

4) Prior written notice of all directors' meeting shall be

sent to all directors at least____ days before the meeting,

specifying the time and place of the meeting and indicating a matters to be considered thereat, and including copies of any reports or studies relating thereto.

5) American Company and Foreign Company agree that
neither will sell, transfer, assign, mortgage, pledge or other­
wise encumber or deal with any or all shares of the capital
stock of the Joint Company without the prior written con­
sent of the other, except as hereafter provided.

6) The closing of any sale pursuant to this clause shall

take place within__ days after acceptance of the offer by

the offeree or the giving of notice by the offeror of the exer­cise of its right of purchase hereunder.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-19; просмотров: 602. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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