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1. pro rata basis — пропорционально; на пропорци­
ональной основе.

2. International Finance Corporation — Международ­
ная Финансовая Корпорация; дочерняя структура
Всемирного банка (World Bank), предоставляющая
финансирование частных инвестиционных проектов
в развивающихся странах и также финансовое кон­

3. Commitment period — срок действия обязатель­
ства; время, в течение которого действует обязатель­
ство банка предоставлять кредит/кредитную линию.

4. Default Rate Interest Provision — положение о
штрафной процентной ставке; процентная ставка за про­
сроченный платеж (согласно интерпретации ЕБРР —
европейского банка реконструкции и развития).

5. LIBOR — (London Interbank offered rate) — лон­
донская межбанковская ставка предложения; процен­
тная ставка по краткосрочным кредитам, предостав-

С. А. Семко, В. В. Сдобников, С. Н. Чеку нова

ляемым лондонскими банками. Ставка служит основ­ным ориентиром, базовой ставкой для установления учетных ставок кредитного процента на международ­ном рынке капитала.

6. variable (fixed) interest rate — плавающая (фикси­
рованная) ставка процента;

7. BAA rate — ставка процента, назначаемая по кре­
диту компании с кредитным рейтингов В В А.

8. exercise an option — исполнить опцион; предъя­
вить опцион к исполнению. Опцион — контракт, пре­
доставляющий право приобрести или продать в буду­
щем акции, товары и т. д. Исполнение опциона обыч­
но имеет место, если текущая рыночная цена опцион­
ного контракта ниже (для пут опциона [опциона на
продажу — put option]) или выше (для колл опциона
[опциона на покупку — call option]) цены исполнения,
указанной в опционном контракте.

9. forward interest rate — форвардная процентная
ставка. Процентная ставка, определяемая при подпи­
сании какого-либо договора и начинающая действо­
вать в определенном будущем периоде.


10. to consolidate interest rates — консолидировать
процентные ставки. Реструктуризировать процентные
выплаты по кредитам для осуществления единой вып­
латы по различным кредитам (обычно консолидация
проводится для уменьшения ежемесячных долговых

11. unwinding costs — стоимость изменения условий
договора; издержки в связи с изменением условий до­
говора (согласно интерпретации ЕБРР). В тексте о
фондовом рынке, возможный вариант перевода — рас­
ходы на закрытие позиции (т. е. расходы, понесенные
в результате закрытия денежной позиции на денеж­
ном рынке, занятой банком для финансирования ка­
кого-либо кредита).


Учебник коммерческого перевода. Английский язык

12. rescind (the policy) — аннулировать/отменять/ра­
сторгать/ отменять действие (политики).

13. negative covenant — обязательство о невыполне­
нии. Ограничительное (restrictive) условие договора о
предоставлении кредита или ссуды, предназначенное
для ограничения действий компании в пользу ссудо­
дателя (например, для ограничения способности ком­
пании привлекать дополнительные заемные средства,
выплачивать наличные дивиденды или приобретать
другие компании). В то время как ограничительное
условие о выполнении (positive covenant) обычно пре­
дусматривает минимальные и максимальные финан­
совые показатели, которые должны достигаться ком­
панией, которой предоставляется кредит или ссуда
(например, ограничительное условие о выполнении
может предусматривать минимальное значение коэф­
фициента ликвидности [current ratio]). Невыполнение
ограничительных условий компанией может повлечь
за собой временный или постоянный отказ ссудода­
теля (suspension or termination) от своих обязательств
или же может привести к ужесточению условий дого­
вора (например, к повышению процентной ставки или
выставлению ссудодателем требования о предостав­
лении гарантии или обеспечения).

14. Debt Service Coverage ratio — коэффициент по­
крытия обслуживания долга (операционная прибыль
до налогообложения и выплаты процентов деленная
на сумму процентных выплат).



BE LEGALLY BOUND HEREBY, the undersigned
(each jointly and severally if more than one and herein­
after jointly and severally referred to as «Debtor») prom­
ises to pay to the order of________________________ Phila­
delphia, Pennsylvania (hereinafter «Bank») at any of its

banking offices the sum of.............................................. Dollars to

be paid as follows:

Security interest — As security for the prompt pay­ment when due of all amounts due under this Note, in­cluding any renewals, extensions and/or modifications thereof, together with all other existing and future liabil­ities and obligations of Debtor, or any of them, to Bank, whether absolute or contingent, of any nature whatsoev­er and out of whatever transactions arising (hereinafter collectively referred to as the «Liabilities»), Debtor and each of them hereby grants to Bank a lien and security interest in and to all property of Debtor or any of them which at any time Bank shall have or have the right to have in its possession, or which is in transit to it, including without limitation any balance or share belonging to Debtor or any of them of any deposit, agency, trust, es­crow or other account or accounts with Bank and any other amounts which may be owing from time to time by Bank to Debtor or any of them. Said lien and security

Учебник коммерческого перевода. Английский язык

interest shall be independent of any right of set off which Bank may have.

Events of default — Each of the following shall be an «Event of Default» hereunder: (1) The nonpayment when due of any amount payable under or on any of the Liabil­ities, or the failure of any Obligor to observe or perform any agreement of any nature whatsoever with Bank. (The term «Obligor» as used herein shall include Debtor and all other persons liable, either absolutely or contingent­ly, on the Liabilities, including endorsers, sureties and guarantors); (2) If any Obligor becomes insolvent or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or if any petition is filed by or against any Obligor under any provision of any state or federal law or statute alleging that such Obligor is insolvent or unable to pay debts as they mature or under any provision of the Federal Bank­ruptcy Act; (3) The entry of any judgement against any Obligor which remains unsatisfied for fifteen (15) days or the issuing of any attachment, levy or garnishment against any property of any Obligor or the occurrence of any sub­stantial change in the financial condition of any Obligor which, in the sole, reasonable judgement of Bank, is materially adverse; (4) The dissolution, merger, consol­idation or reorganization of any Obligor which is a cor­poration or partnership without the express prior written consent of Bank; (5) The death, incarceration or adjudi­cation of legal incompetence of any Obligor who is a nat­ural person; (6) If any information heretofore or hereaf­ter furnished to Bank by any Obligor in connection with any of the Liabilities, or in connection with any guaran­tee or surety agreement applicable to any of the Liabili­ties, should prove to be materially false or incorrect; (7) The failure of any Obligor to furnish to Bank financial and other information as Bank may reasonably request or require.

С. А. Семко, В. В. Сдобников, С. Н. Чекунова

Bank's rights upon default — Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default: (1) Unless Bank elects other­wise in writing, the entire unpaid balance of this Note and of such of the Liabilities as are not then due and payable shall be immediately due and payable without notice to or demand on any Obligor; (2) Bank may ex­ercise all of the rights, privileges and remedies of a Se­cured Party under the Pennsylvania Uniform Commer­cial Code and, further, may exercise all of its rights and remedies under any security agreement, pledge agree­ment, note or other agreement or document issued in connection with or arising out of any of the Liabilities, all of which remedies shall be cumulative. The net pro­ceeds of any collateral held by Bank as security for any of the Liabilities shall be applied first to the expenses of Bank in preparing the collateral for sale, selling and the like, including, without limitation, reasonable attor­ney's fees and expenses incurred by Bank (including fees and expenses of any litigation incident to any of the fore­going), and second, to the complete satisfaction of all of the Liabilities together with all interest thereon; and (3) Upon five (5) days written notice to Debtor, Bank may, at its option, begin accruing interest, in addition to the interest provided for above, at a rate not to ex­ceed five percent (5 %) per annum on the unpaid prin­cipal balance hereof, provided, however, that no inter­est shall accrue hereunder in excess of the maximum amount of interest allowed by law. Such additional in­terest shall accrue notwithstanding the entry or obtain­ing of any judgement and shall be added to and become part of the Liabilities. Debtor agrees to pay the accrued additional interest upon demand.

Disbursement of proceeds — Each Debtor agrees that any disbursement of the proceeds of this Note, or any portion thereof, to any one or more Debtors shall be con-

Учебник коммерческого перевода. Английский язык

clusively deemed to constitute disbursement of such pro­ceeds to and for the benefit of all Debtors.

Prepayments — Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by Debtor, this Note may be prepaid in whole or in part, without penalty. If, however, this Note is repayable in instalments, any such prepayments shall be applied on account of the last remaining unpaid principal payment to become due and the number of instalments hereunder shall be correspondingly reduced, but no such prepay­ments shall reduce the amounts of the scheduled instal­ments nor relieve Debtor from paying a scheduled instal­ment on each instalment payment date until the entire principal amount hereof together with all interest there­on has been paid in full.

Right to complete note — Bank may at any time and from time to time, without notice to any Obligor: (1) date this Note as of the date when the loan evidenced hereby was made; (2) complete any blank spaces accord­ing to the terms upon which Bank has granted such loan; and (3) cause the signature of one or more persons to be added as additional Debtors without in any way affecting or limiting the liability of the existing Obligors to Bank.

Warrant of Attorney — Debtor, and each of them if more than one, hereby irrevocably authorizes and em­powers any Attorney or any Clerk of any court of record, upon the occurrence of an Event of Default or any time thereafter, to appear for and confess judgement against Debtor, or any of them, (a) for such sums as are due and/ or may become due on the Liabilities, and/or (b) in any action of replevin instituted by Bank to obtain posses­sion of any collateral securing this obligation or securing any of the Liabilities, in either case with or without dec­laration, with costs of suit, without stay of execution and with an amount not to exceed fifteen percent (15 %) of the principal amount of such judgement, but not less than


ЮЗак. 5274

С. А. Семко, В. В. Сдобников, С. Н. Чекунова

Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), added for collection fees. Debtor (1) waives the right of inquisition on any real estate levied on, voluntarily condemns the same, authorizes the Prothonotary or Clerk to enter upon the Writ of Execution said voluntary condemnation and agrees that said real estate may be sold on a Writ of Exe­cution; (2) waives and releases all relief from any and all appraisement, stay, exemption or appeal laws of any state now in force or hereafter enacted; and (3) releases all errors in such proceedings. If a copy of this Note, verified by affidavit by or on behalf of Bank, shall have been filed in such action, it shall not be necessary to file the original Note as a Warrant of Attorney. The authority and power to appear for and enter judgement against Debtor shall not be exhausted by the initial exercise thereof, and the same may be exercised from time to time, as often as Bank may deem necessary and desirable, and this Note shall be a sufficient Warrant.

Miscellaneous — Debtor hereby waives protest, no­tice of protest, presentment, dishonor, notice of dishon­or and demand. Debtor agrees to reimburse Bank for all costs, including reasonable counsel fees, not to exceed fifteen percent (15 %) of all amounts due hereunder, in­curred by Bank in connection with the enforcement here­of. If this bears interest at a rate based on the prime com­mercial rate charged by Bank from time to time, chang­es in the rate of interest hereon shall become effective on the day on which Bank announces a change in its prime commercial rate of interest. Interest shall be calculated hereunder for the actual number of days that the princi­pal is outstanding, based on a year of three hundred sixty (360) days, unless otherwise specified. The rights and privileges of Bank under this Note shall inure to the ben­efit of its successors and assigns. All representations, war­ranties and agreements of Debtor made in connection

Учебник коммерческого перевода. Английский язык

with this Note are joint and several if Debtor is more than one person and shall bind Debtor's personal representa­tives, heirs, successors and assigns. If any provision of this Note shall for any reason be held to be invalid or unen­forceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision hereof, but this Note shall be construed as if such invalid or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein. This Note has been delivered in, and shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The waiver of any de­fault hereunder shall not be a waiver of any subsequent default. The additional provisions, if any, on the reverse side hereof are hereby made a part hereof and incorpo­rated herein as though set forth in full.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Debtor has duly execut­ed this Note the day and year first above written and has hereunto set hand and seal.



_______________ (SEAL) ____________________


Name of Corporation or Partnership




Name and Title



Name and Title (CORPORATE SEAL)


С. А. Семко, В. В. Сдобников, С. Н. Чекунова

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