Lushchiy, S. I. The Artistic Models of Existence in Valeriyan Pidmohylnyi’s Novels: Dissertation for the Scholarly Degree of Candidate of Philological Sciences According to Specialization No. 10.01.01 — Ukrainian Literature. — T. H. Shevchenko Institute of Literature, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2000. — Manuscript. The dissertation is devoted to Valeriyan Pidmohylnyi’s novels, Misto and ALittle Drama. The problem of the meaning of human existence is seen in the author’s dissertation as one of the main themes in the novelist’s work. S. I. Lushchiy categorizes the models of heroes as follows: pragmatic, the model of existence as absurd, and the model of the life of Stepan Radchenko as a road from the will to power to creative instincts. These are models of modes for the cognition of the individual and life in the novels, Misto and A Little Drama. The existence of the heroes of both novels is treated from various standpoints: spiritual, biological, social, psychologial. The author thoroughly analyzes not only the novels’ main characters but also their minor ones, explaining how she sees them and describing how they are presented. In her dissertation, S. I. Lushchiy analyzes the works’ similarities through the prism of the philosophical esthetics of pragmatism, existentialism, the works of Skovoroda, Schopenhauer, Nietsche, Freud, Berdyaev and others. She also examines Misto and A Little Drama within the context of our domestic literary process of the 1920–1930 s. Key words: artistic models, psychological analysis, existentialism, existential problems, the absurd, value orientations, the meaning of life.
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