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Every day thousands of emergency situations occur all over the world. People suffer from earthquakes and tornadoes, floods and hurricanes. They may find themselves in danger underground, underwater, high in burning buildings or they may be trapped in wrecked (понівечених) automobiles, trains and planes.

The firefighter is the first who arrives at the accident scene. His task is not only to rescue victims captured in diverse (різних) emergency accidents but also to give them the first aid. There are certain (певні) diagnostic signs which help to determine the condition of the victim. They are as follows: blood pressure, body temperature and skin colour, pupils of the eyes, state of consciousness, reaction to pain and ability to move.

During the primary survey the firefighter must pay special attention to major life threatening conditions. They include respiration, pulse and bleeding. According to this the process of triage is very important especially when firefighters deal with multiple-victim accidents.

Victims with high-priority injuries need immediate (негайного) treatment. Usually these victims can’t breathe or their breathing is laboured (ускладнене), they have severe or uncontrolled bleeding, head injuries, abdominal or open chest wounds. In this case the firefighter must examine the victim, listen and feel for breathing. If he discovers (виявляє) the breathing difficulty, he must open the air way and provide artificial respiration. It is also very important to check victim’s pulse, its regularity and strength. If the firefighter can’t feel the pulse at the wrist, then he must begin resuscitation immediately.

If the victim is bleeding severely the firefighter must take appropriate actions (вжити необхідних заходів) to stop bleeding. He can do it by direct pressure (безпосередньо затиснувши рану), pressure point (затиснувши ділянку тіла вище рани) or by tourniquet as a last resort (останній, крайній засіб).

Victims with second-priority injuries usually have burns, multiple open or closed fractures and spinal column injuries (пошкодження хребта). In case of these injuries the firefighter uses special ointment (використовує спеціальну мазь) and bandages. Victims with lower-priority injuries usually have minor fractures, cuts or bruises. This group of victims also includes those who have mortal wounds and can’t be saved.

When nothing threatens victims’ lives the firefighter must conduct a secondary survey. The purpose of the secondary survey is to locate further injuries and to provide proper (належне) treatment and care. The firefighter is responsible for careful transporting of seriously injured persons.

So, the firefighter must possess (мати) good knowledge of the first aid because the victims’ lives depend on his qualified actions and his ability to make prompt (швидкі) and efficient decisions as to priority of injuries. The fire department must coordinate its role in emergency situations with the local civil protection to utilize (використовувати) effectively the personnel available (наявний у розпорядженні).


Вправа 8. Дайте відповіді на питання до тексту.

1. What emergency situations may occur in the world? 2. Who is the first to arrive at the accident scene? 3. What are the diagnostic signs which help to determine the condition of the victim? 4. What are the major life threatening conditions? 5. What does the process of triage mean? 6. Why do victims with high-priority injuries need immediate treatment? 7. What must a firefighter do if the victim is bleeding? 8. What is the purpose of the secondary survey? 9. Does the firefighter need knowledge of the first aid? Why? 10. Do you know how to give the first aid?


Вправа 9. Перекладіть подані слова та словосполучення:

а) emergency situation; all over the world; to find oneself in danger; a burning building; to be trapped; a wrecked automobile; an accident scene; to rescue a victim; diverse accidents; to give the first aid; a diagnostic sign; to determine the condition of a victim; a primary survey; to pay special attention; a life threatening condition; high-priority injury; to take appropriate actions; by direct pressure; the last resort; an open fracture; a closed fracture; a spinal column; a lower-priority injury; a minor fracture; a mortal wound; a victim’s life; a secondary survey; to provide treatment; to be responsible; a seriously injured person; to possess good knowledge; qualified actions; to make a prompt decision; a fire department; civil protection; personnel available;


б) траплятися; прибувати на місце надзвичайної ситуації; кров’яний тиск; температура тіла; колір шкіри; зіниці очей; свідомість; реакція на біль; здатність рухатися; ускладнене дихання; травми голови; процес сортування поранених; негайне лікування; рана черевної порожнини; відкрита рана; у даному випадку; оглядати жертву; штучне дихання; знайти пульс; кровоточити; розпочати реанімаційні заходи; хребет; поріз; набряк; смертельна рана; проводити огляд; необхідний догляд; обережне транспортування; дихати / дихання; здатність приймати рішення; аварія з кількома постраждалими.

Вправа 10. Виберіть слово, яке підходить за значенням.

1. Every day thousands of (emergency situations, visits) occur all over the world. 2. The task of a firefighter is to give the victim the first (attention, aid). 3. The major life threatening conditions (consist of, include) respiration, pulse and bleeding. 4. The firefighter is (the last, the first) who arrives at the accident scene. 5. Victims with high-priority injuries need (immediate, future) treatment. 6. When nothing threatens (victim’s, patient’s) life the firefighter must conduct a secondary survey. 7. During the primary survey the firefighter must pay special attention to major life (danger, threatening) conditions. 8. The firefighter is (responsible, important) for careful transporting of seriously injured persons. 9. If he discovers the breathing difficulty, he must (close, open) the air way. 10. The firefighter must (possess, provide) good knowledge of the first aid.


Вправа 11. Заповніть пропуски словами, які подані нижче, поставивши їх у потрібну форму.

1. People … from earthquakes and tornadoes, floods and hurricanes. 2. The firefighter is the first who arrives at the accident …. 3. During the primary survey the firefighter must pay special attention to major life … conditions. 4. Victims with high-priority … need immediate treatment. 5. If a firefighter discovers the breathing difficulty, he must provide … respiration. 6. If the victim is bleeding severely the firefighter must take appropriate … to stop bleeding. 7. When nothing threatens victim’s life the firefighter must … a secondary survey. 8. The firefighter is responsible for careful … of seriously injured persons. 9. The purpose of the secondary survey is … proper treatment and care. 10. The firefighter must … good knowledge of the first aid.


Дата добавления: 2015-06-29; просмотров: 502. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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