Inspection practices are usually considered to be (вважаються) the most important non-firefighting activity performed by firefighters. Prevention is the best way to keep premises safe from fire. And it is the task of fire prevention inspectors to teach people how to protect their lives and property. They say: “The best fire is the one that didn’t happen”. The majority of fatal home fires occur at night, when people are asleep. Instead of (замість того, щоб) waking you, smoke and poisonous gases from the fire can quickly numb the senses and put (занурюють) you into an even deeper sleep. Your chance of dying in a home fire is cut nearly in half if you have smoke detectors to alert you to a fire. So guard your family with smoke detectors (also called smoke alarms) and install them in your home. A working smoke detector usually gives your family at least (щонайменше) three minutes to get out of your house. To make certain your smoke detectors are working, test them every month. After smoke detectors, fire extinguishers are your family’s next line of defence. Place extinguishers where they are easy to take in an emergency and check them regularly to see that they are fully charged. ABC extinguishers are the best for homeowners. They are filled with multipurpose dry chemical that smothers most household fires – including grease and electrical. Baking soda is also good for putting out grease fires. To prevent panic in case of fire it is necessary to plan two escape routes from every room in your home and practice using them. Make sure that furniture or other items do not block exits. Every family member should know what to do if a fire breaks out. Knowing how to protect yourself during a fire emergency can save your life. If you smell smoke, hear a smoke detector, or see flames, get everybody out. Don’t wait for any reason. If you must escape through smoke, crawl on your hands and knees to the door, covering your nose and mouth with a moist cloth to protect your respiratory tract. Touch the door cautiously. If the door is cool, open it and continue along your escape route. If it is warm, keep the door closed and seek an alternative escape route or stay in your room. In a fire emergency, use the stairs, not the elevator. Leave the house as quickly as you can. Call the fire department from a neighbour’s phone, a mobile phone, or a call box. Do not go back into the house for any reason. The most important facts to remember in case of fire are to move quickly but intelligently (розсудливо) over the planned escape routes and not to panic! If you can’t escape and there is no fire in your room, stay inside. Call the fire department and tell them exactly where you are trapped. Close all the doors between you and the fire. It is necessary to stuff cracks to keep smoke out. Wait at the window and signal with flashlight or any white cloth. Вправа 8. Дайте відповіді на питання до тексту. 1. What is the best way to keep your home safe from fire? 2. Is it true that smoke and poisonous gases can quickly wake you up? 3. Why is your chance of dying in a home fire cut in half, if you have smoke alarms? 4. Where should you place your fire extinguisher? Why? 5. Why is an ABC extinguisher the best type for homeowners? 6. What can you use for putting out grease fires in your kitchen, if you don’t have an extinguisher? 7. What must you do if you escape from fire through smoke? 8. Is it safe to use an elevator in a fire emergency? Why? 9. What are the most important facts to remember in case of fire? 10. What must you do if you are trapped by fire?
Вправа 9. Перекладіть подані слова та словосполучення: а) to keep safe from fire; instead of waking somebody; to numb the senses; to put somebody into a deep sleep; to cut in half; to alert somebody to a fire; to guard somebody with something; to make certain; a line of defence; to be fully charged; to be filled with multipurpose dry chemical; to smother household fires; to break out; to crawl on hands and knees; to cover one’s nose and mouth with a moist cloth; to protect somebody’s respiratory tract; to stay inside; to be trapped; to stuff cracks;
б) інспектування; діяльність, не пов’язана з гасінням пожеж; інспектор пожежної охорони; захищати життя; смертоносні побутові пожежі; отруйні гази; встановлювати сповіщувач диму; щонайменше; перевіряти щомісяця; схопити у разі необхідності; харчова сода; планувати шляхи евакуації; рятувати життя; відчувати запах диму; тікати крізь дим; торкнутися дверей; мобільний телефон; користуватися сходами; рухатися швидко, але розсудливо; зателефонувати у пожежну частину; подавати сигнал ліхтариком або якою-небудь білою тканиною.
Вправа 10. Виберіть слово, яке підходить за значенням. 1. Prevention is (the best, the worst) way to keep premises safe from fire. 2. Smoke detectors (kill, save) many people. 3. To make certain your smoke detectors are working, (buy, test) them every month. 4. Place extinguishers where they are (light, easy) to take in an emergency. 5. Baking (soda, salt) is also good for putting out grease fires. 6. If you see flames get everybody (in, out). 7. If the door is (hot, cool), open it cautiously. 8. Leave the house as (quickly, slowly) as you can. 9. In case of fire (cry, do not panic)! 10. You should (open, close) all the doors between you and the fire.
Вправа 11. Заповніть пропуски словами, які подані нижче, поставивши їх у потрібну форму. 1. The best … is the one that didn’t happen. 2. Check regularly to see that … are fully charged. 3. ABC extinguishers … most household fires – including grease and electrical. 4. If you must escape through …, cover your nose and mouth with a moist cloth. 5. If the door is warm, seek an alternative …. 6. Call … from a neighbour’s phone or a mobile phone. 7. Tell firefighters exactly where you are…. 8. You can put out … fire with baking soda. 9. Knowing how to protect yourself during … can save your life. 10. If you smell smoke … on your hands and knees.