Вправа 25.
а) Перекладіть українські репліки на англійську мову: - Давай замовимо рибу з картоплею. - I don’t like fish. I prefer meat. - Про смаки не сперечаються. Ти візьмеш м'ясо, а я рибу. - What shall we take for dessert? - Чашечку кави і тістечко, будь ласка. б) Заповніть пропуски в діалозі репліками, поданими нижче: Customer: Waiter! I’d like the menu, please. Waiter: Here it is. …? Customer: … Waiter: Tomato soup? Customer: Yes, please and I’d like a steak. Waiter: Which vegetables would you like? Customer:… Waiter: … Customer: A bottle of red wine, please. Waiter: Okay. Your order is tomato soup, a steak with potatoes and a salad, a bottle of red wine.
I prefer a steak with potatoes and a salad. I’d like to eat some tomato soup. What will you drink? What would you like to order? Вправа 26. Перекладіть діалог. Офіціант: Слухаю Вас. Клієнт: Я хотів би замовити суп і біфштекс. Офіціант: Ви віддаєте перевагу вареній картоплі чи рису з біфштексом? Клієнт: Я віддаю перевагу вареній картоплі. Офіціант: Щось будете пити? Клієнт: Я хотів би чашечку кави, будь ласка. Офіціант: Добре. Ваше замовлення: суп, біфштекс із вареною картоплею і чашечка кави.
V. ГРАМАТИЧНІ ВПРАВИ Вправа 27. Поставте дієслово в дужках у теперішній доконаний час. 1. The fire prevention inspector (to teach) us today to protect our lives from fire. 2. Seven fatal home fires (to occur) this week in our town. 3. Smoke and poisonous gases from a fire (to numb) his senses at once. 4. I (to install) smoke detectors in my house this year. 5. He (to test) already his smoke alarms. 6. My uncle (to buy) an ABC extinguisher this morning. 7. My mother (to put out) just a grease fire with baking soda. 8. They (to plan) already two escape routes from every room in their home. 9. I (to smell) just smoke. 10. My little brother (to see) just flames from the window.
Вправа 28. Зробіть подані речення заперечними та поставте до них всі види питань. 1. A child has knocked a pan off the stove. 2. We have put our bags of groceries near the stove. 3. Grease in a pan has just caught fire. 4. The cook has slid a lid over the pan to smother the flames. 5. I have used salt to put out grease fire in the kitchen. 6. His sister has just called the fire department. 7. Smoke has woken us up. 8. The firemen have protected our neighbour’s property from fire tonight. 9. This week two people have died in a home fire in our village. 10. My brother has entered the Academy of Fire Safety this year. Вправа 29. Виберіть потрібну форму дієслова із дужок. 1. We (have practiced, practiced, will practice) two escape routes from every room of our house yesterday. 2. The fire (broke out, has broken out, breaks out) just. 3. I (see, have seen, am seeing) smoke and flames from the window of the neighbour’s flat now. 4. They (are escaping, have escaped, escaped) through smoke now. 5. She (is crawling, has crawled, crawled) just on her hands and knees to the door. 6. Because of smoke children (covered, will cover, have covered) their nose and mouth with a moist cloth a few minutes ago. 7. The firefighters (will put out, have put out, are putting out) the conflagration soon. 8. I (have found, will find, find) already an alternative escape route. 9. I (am calling, called, have called) the fire department five minutes ago. 10. He (closed, will close, has closed) just all the doors between him and the fire.
Вправа 30. Зробіть подані речення заперечними. 1. He will graduate from the Lviv State University of Vital Activity Safety in a year. 2. Yesterday a fire prevention inspector taught pupils of our school how to protect their lives from fire. 3. There are 40 cadets in their platoon. 4. The firefighters have put out the wildfire tonight. 5. We have ten faculties at our Academy. 6. She is smothering a grease fire with baking soda at this moment. 7. Ukrainian people install smoke detectors in their houses very often. 8. He tested his fire extinguishers last month. 9. We have checked our smoke alarms this week. 10. Firefighters respond to thousands of emergency incidents during a year.
Вправа 31. Поставте питання до виділених слів. 1. There are 5 faculties at the Academy of Fire Safety. 2. My brother is a fire prevention inspector. 3. I have a fire extinguisher in the corner of the kitchen. 4. Firefighters protect people and their property from fire. 5. We shall graduate from the University of Civil Protection in half a year. 6. His little pet knocked a pot off the stove yesterday. 7. They are putting out a conflagration from helicopters now. 8. His brother has graduated from the Academy of Fire Safety this year. 9. Some people have stuck in a lift of our building today. 10. They have already inspected these premises. Вправа 32. Виправте помилки у поданих реченнях. Поясніть. 1. My pet have knocked a bag onto the stove. 2. The heat from the stove has ignited a blaze yesterday. 3. There are a cadet and two students in the laboratory. 4. He has extinguish a grease fire in the kitchen. 5. I am seeing flames from the shop’s windows. 6. He will graduate from the Academy of Fire Safety last year. 7. Some years ago he becomes a fire prevention inspector. 8. At this moment firefighters of our crew put out a forest fire. 9. I have called the fire department some minutes ago. 10. Many people has smoke detectors in their homes.
Вправа 33. Перекладіть речення, вживаючи відповідні часові форми. 1. Мій брат буде поступати в Академію пожежної безпеки наступного року. 2. Вони загасили лісову пожежу кілька годин тому. 3. Мій сусід щойно зателефонував до пожежної частини. 4. У нашому взводі 35 курсантів. 5. Саме зараз пожежники гасять багатоквартирний будинок. 6. Вогнеборці нашого міста гасять тисячі пожеж щороку. 7. Люди дуже часто панікують під час пожежі. 8. Ми встановили сповіщувачі диму у кожній кімнаті нашого будинку цього тижня. 9. Пожежники врятували його життя сьогодні. 10. У випадку пожежі залиште будинок якомога швидше.
Вправа 34. Поставте подані речення у всі можливі часові форми. 1. He (to graduate) from the Academy of Fire Safety. 2. The firefighters (to smother) a kitchen fire. 3. Fatal home fires (to occur) at night. 4. We (to buy) a fire extinguisher. 5. They (to crawl) on their hands and knees through smoke. 6. She (to test) smoke alarms. 7. I (to call) the fire department. 8. Firemen (to save) people’s lives. 9. Smoke detectors (to wake) them up. 10. Children (to leave) the house.
Вправа 35. Скажіть, що Ви виконуєте наказ. Зразок: Call the fire department! – I am calling the fire department now. 1. Cover your nose and mouth with a moist cloth! 2. Touch the door cautiously! 3. Keep the door closed! 4. Seek an alternative escape route! 5. Stuff cracks to keep smoke out! 6. Install fire detectors in every room of your house! 7. Turn off the burner! 8. Use baking soda or an ABC extinguisher to smother the flames! 9. Test your fire extinguisher! 10. Teach your children how to protect their lives in case of fire! Вправа 36. а) Заперечте накази: Зразок: Open the door! – Don’t open the door! 1. Leave the house! 2. Let him buy a smoke detector today. 3. Crawl on your hands and knees if you see flames. 4. Put your bags of groceries near the stove. 5. Get out of the house as quickly as you can. 6. Plan two escape routes from every room in your home. 7. Buy a fire extinguisher. 8. Signal with a flashlight or a white cloth. 9. Let’s use stairs instead of a lift. 10. Panic! б) Перекладіть накази: 1) 1. Never drink and drive. 2. Keep matches out of children’s reach. 3. Always extinguish campfires. 4. Don’t drive too fast. 5. Keep medicine out of children’s reach. 6. Never leave a pan of oil unattended (без нагляду). 7. Don’t drop lit cigarettes in the forest. 8. Do not touch the wire with wet hands. 9. Do not block the emergency exits. 10. Fasten (застебніть) your seat-belts (паски безпеки) before the takeoff (зльотом). 2 ) 1. Нехай він купить сповіщувачі диму. 2. Розмістіть вогнегасник класу АВС на кухні. 3. Виходь з квартири якомога швидше у випадку пожежі. 4. Упевнись, що виходи не заблоковані. 5. Давай не будемо панікувати. 6. Давай скористаємося сходами. 7. Залишайся на місці! 8. Не повертайся в будинок! 9. Рухайся швидко, але розсудливо. 10. Нехай вона спланує шляхи евакуації з будинку. VII. ПРИЧИНИ ВИНИКНЕННЯ ПОЖЕЖ. РОЗСЛІДУВАННЯ ПОЖЕЖ