Unlike consecutive interpretation where the interpreter may correct mistakes and slips of the tongue, simultaneous interpreter has no time for corrections and redoing.
Long stretches of speech to e translated do not allow the consecutive interpreter to keep close o the ST, whereas the simultaneous interpreter is forced by the time limitations to translate by small fragments of the source text transforming them accordingly to the target language grammar. However, both during consecutive and simultaneous interpretation interpreters use text compression and text development as basic translation devices. Basic compression devices used in Ukrainian-English translation comprise: Transformation of nominative structures into the verbal ones; Converting prepositional constructions into noun clusters; Omission of transformation of words and word combinations typical for Ukrainian style and considered redundant according to English speech standards. Limited knowledge of the foreign language does not permit free interpretation of the ST and English way of expression is more concise and often English text contains no redundant words, which is explained by the analytical structure of the language. Text development is reflected in note-taking procedure, which usually includes the following information items: main ideas (skeleton outline) – subject, verb, object;