Студопедия — Complete the sentences with the adjectives from the box.
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Complete the sentences with the adjectives from the box.

lazy friendly shy rude stupid cool sweet selfish sporty


1. He never gets angry or nervous, doesn’t lose his head even in a difficult situation. He’s _____

2. She doesn’t like to work. She just sits and watches TV. She is so ___________!

3. She is sincere, she always smiles and talks to you. She’s ______________.

4. He doesn’t know anything. And he doesn’t want to study. He’s ___________!

5. She really cares about other people. She’s always helpful. She’s _____________.

6. He plays football, volleyball, tennis and rugby. He also goes jogging every morning. He’s very __________.

7. She always thinks only about herself and never cares about others. She’s _________!

8. It’s difficult for him to talk to people, especially girls. He’s so _________.

9. Mary never says “please” or “thank you”. Isn’t she _____________?


7. Match the adjectives and their antonyms:

1) ambitious a) careless / unreliable
2) kind-hearted b) agreeable
3) punctual c) pragmatic
4) boring d) greedy
5) active e) indifferent
6) hard-working f) cowardly
7) obstinate g) ill-natured
8) brave h) clever / intelligent / smart
9) offensive i) exciting
10) stupid j) passive
11) idealistic k) lazy
12) generous l) docile (слухняний, покірний)



8. Sort out the personal qualities into the three columns of the table:

boring forgetful hard-working easy-going stupid brave moody mean

greedy obstinate blockhead sociable trickster honest aggressive

sensitive uncommunicative generous modest selfish absent-minded shy


Positive Negative Neutral

9. Name the traits of character according to the description:

1) Someone who always remember your birthday. - th…....

2. Doesn’t want to change his\her mind. - st…….

3) Worries too much about details, is nervous. - f……

4) Thinks only about himself. - s…..

5) always tells the truth.- h….

6) always keeps his things in order. - t…….

7) doesn’t laugh or make jokes very often. - s…..

8) isn’t frightened of anything. - b…..

9) wants what other people have got. - j…..

10) always ready to help you with money or smth else. - g…..

11) always believes good thins will happen. - op……

12) isn’t fond of being with other people, doesn’t enjoy social activity. - uns…..

13) very clever, always uses words in a clever and amusing way. - in…..\w…..

14) is always honest, says always what he really fells or believes. – si…..

15) isn’t easily upset, annoyed or worried. - ea…

16) is extremely proud of himself, pleased with himself, has too high an opinion of himself. - co…..

17) who thinks or tells one things to some people, but tell the opposite and does the opposite to other people. - do…..

18) who is always sorry for s o who is in a bad situation, understands how they feel. – sy…..

19) who accepts difficulties, people’s annoying behavior without becoming angry. – pa…

20) who are naturally kind and helpful and not easily made angry. - g….-n….

21) kind and generous. – k…-h…

22) able to talk easily to other people. –co…..

23) who relies too much on his abilities, influence, knowledge. – s…-co….

24) who likes to poke his nose into other peoples business. –N…- P….

25) who walks and does everything in a funny, clumsy way. – aw…

26) who like to work hard. – in….

27) who behaves in a good way. – w…-b….

28) who easily becomes angry and worried. - h…- t…

29) who speaks too much of important as well as unimportant things. - ch……

30) who is afraid of everything and everybody. - co…..

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