| an atlas
| [`ætləs ]
| атлас
| an article
| [`a:tikl ]
| стаття
| an encyclopedia
| [ en`saiklou`pi:djə ]
| енциклопедія
| a novel
| [`novl ]
| роман, новела
| a magazine
| [`mægə`zi:n ]
| журнал
| a dictionary
| [`dikòənəri ]
| словник
| a paperback
| [`peipəbæk ]
| м’яка паперова обкладинка, книжка у такій обкладинці
| a hard back (=hard cover)
| тверда обкладинка
| a leather cover
| [`leðә`kLvә ]
| шкіряна обгортка
| a bookworm
| [`buk`wə:m ]
| буквоїд
| review
| [ ri`vju: ]
| огляд, рецензія, періодичний журнал
| fiction
| [`fikòn ]
| художня література
| a reference book
| [`refrəns`buk ]
| довідник
| a fairy tale
| [`fεәri`teil ]
| казка
| a fable
| [`feibl ]
| байка
| adventure
| [ әd`ventòə ]
| пригода
| a play
| [`plei ]
| п’єса
| a guidebook
| [`gaidbuk ]
| путівник, посібник
| a textbook
| [`tekstbuk ]
| підручник
| a booklet
| [`buklit ]
| брошура, буклет
2. Match the words in the left-hand column with their definitions in the right-hand column:
1) An article
| a) a book that is used to study a school subject
2) An atlas
| b) a publication that comes out weekly or monthly
3) An encyclopedia
| c) a reference book with maps of the world
4) A magazine
| d) a book of word definitions
5) A biography
| e) a book or set of books giving information about every branch of knowledge with articles in ABC order
6) A novel
| f) usually a cheap book in a soft cover
7) A poem
| g) a story about a real person
8) A dictionary
| h) a piece of writing in a newspaper
9) A paperback
| i) a list of books on one subject
10) A textbook
| j) a short piece of writing (usually rhymed) expressing a deep feeling or thought
11) A bookworm
| k) an article that critically examines a new book
12) A bibliography
| l) stories, novels and romances
13) A review
| m) a book with recipes of dishes
14) Fiction
| n) a story about people who are not real
15) A cookery book
| o) a person who is very fond of reading