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XVI. Think of a good restaurant that you know.

Which of these items would it serve after the main course? Would it serve any other items which are not on the list? In what order would it serve the items?

a) dessert

b) coffee

c) cheese

d) liqueurs

e) fresh fruit

f) mints, Turkish delight, other small sweets

g) ice-cream



a) Study the list of ingredients and put them under eleven types on the right. Use a dictionary if necessary.


The first one is done for you.

turkey kidney rice pheasant butter
mustard herbs salmon lamb cauliflower
beans margarine lobster trout venison
flour crab duck beef pepper
garlic scallops oysters    
Types of ingredients  
vegetables: cauliflower, beans
cereals and cereal products:  
fats and oils:  


How many more ingredients of each type can you name?


b) Methods of cooking. Find in the dictionary meaning of the following verbs:

to chop; to fillet; to grate; to mash; to mince; to shred; to slice; to stuff;

to peel

Find the correct name to go with each definition:



Method of cooking Name
1) in water or another liquid at 100°C a) to bake
2) in water or another liquid at a little less than 100°C b) to boil
3) in water or another liquid at 100°C, slowly and for a long time (e.g. beef) c) to grill (Am.E. = broil)
4) in steam d) to fry
5) in the oven; with very little or no fat (e.g. bread) e) to poach
6) in the oven, with fat (e.g. meat) f) to roast
7) under or over direct heat (e.g. steak) g) to saute
8) in fat or oil h) to steam
9) in a little fat, for a short time i) to stew


c) Name foods or dishes which are:

cold, hot, raw, cooked, spicy, salty, sour, rich, light

Note: The word «hot» can also mean very spicy; full of pepper.

For example: Would you like a hot curry or a mild one?

What soups are thick? clear? creamy?

XI. When you explain a dish to customers, you need to tell them about:

— the main ingredients;

— how the chefs preparethe ingredients (chop, slice, mince)

— and how they cook the ingredients (boil, fry, roast)

The chefs do this:

mince beef, mash potatoes, shred cabbage

The waiter or waitress serves this:

minced beef, mashed potatoes, shredded cabbage


The chefs do this   The -waiter or waitress serves this  
fillet plaice slice mushrooms fry scampi stew lamb grill sardines bake ham   filletted plaice sliced mushrooms fried scampi stewed lamb grilled sardines baked ham  

Note: Roast does not take -ed. Saute can take -ed.

Would you like roast chicken and saute / sauteed potatoes?


These words change their spelling: chop — chopped;

shred — shredded; fry — fried.

XII. Read and translate the following combinations:


chopped onions   grilled trout  
mashed potatoes   stewed apples  
minced chicken   steamed cauliflower  
sliced beetroot   filleted sole  
baked carp   grated carrots  
poached salmon   shredded lettuce  
boiled carrots   saute potatoes  
fried mushrooms   roast lamb  


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