Induction Motor Performance
The performance characteristics of an induction motor are the plots of slip S, rotor speed n2, torque T, stator current I1, consumed power P1, power factor cosφ, and efficiency ηas functions of useful power P2 taken off the motor. Fig. 7.7 illustrates these characteristics plotted under natural operating conditions, i.e. the conditions in which the uncontrollable motor carries varying loads at the constant frequency f1 of stator current and constant impressed voltage V1.
As the slip increases with the load, the rotor speed decreases. Вut the rate of change of the speed with increasing load from 0 to the rated value is very insignificant and does not exceed 5%. That is why the speed characteristic of an induction motor is essentially flat, i.e. the characteristic curve only slightly drops toward the x -axis. The torque T developed by the motor is balanced out by the braking (load) torque Tb and the torque T0 required to compensate for mechanical losses: T = Tb + T0 = P2/v2 + T0, where P2 is the useful power of the motor, and v2 is the angular velocity of the rotor. At no load, the torque T is equal to T0. As the load thrown on the shaft grows, so does the torque, which increases faster than the power P2 because of a certain decrease in the rotor speed. The current I1 drawn from the supply varies nonuniformly with increasing load on the motor. When the motor runs without load, cosφ is small and the reactive component of current is large. At small loads, the active component of Ix is less than its reactive component, therefore the former has an insignificant effect on I1 as against the latter. At large loads, the active component becomes higher than the reactive component and variations in the load appreciable change the stator current I1. The curve of power P1 consumed by the motor approaches the straight line that insignificantly bends upward at large loads because the power losses in stator and rotor windings grow with loading. The power factor varies with the load on the motor shaft in the following manner. At no load, cos q> is small, in the order of 0.2, because the stator current's active component due to the power loss in the machine is small in comparison with the reactive component that produces the magnetic flux. With an increase of the load on the shaft, cosφ rises, reaching its maximum value of 0.8 or 0.9, because of the increased active component of the stator current. At very large loads, cosφ slightly decreases since the reluctance of the rotor winding grows at too high values of the slip and rotor frequency. The curve of the efficiency n has the shape specific to any machine or a transformer. At no load, the efficiency is zero. When the load increases, the efficiency sharply goes up and then declines. The efficiency reaches the highest value at a definite load such that the load-independent iron losses and mechanical losses are equal to load-dependent copper losses in stator and rotor windings.