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The writing of this article has greatly contributed book of Jasmuheen "The Food of Gods";.

Reading introductory chapters I several times met in the text her words that we are facing a choice of how to make our body - emitting or absorbing - energy. These words immediately became the trigger. Because the theme of the duality of our world, the universe - one of the central problems in our work. Creators and destroyers, Yin and Yang, Matter and Spirit, mass and energy, etc.

In response to the ideas of Jasmuheen I immediately recalled about the chakras - closed and open. I lit up with a flash of insight. I suddenly realized the reasons for their openness and closeness. The mechanism of this phenomenon appeared before my mind's eye with the utmost clarity. That is what I want to try to convey to you. And also to start a story what is the Dedication. After all, this issue is directly related to the topic of the chakras. Actually, Dedication - this is the process of changing the chakras - opening, closing, and the reorientation of ignition of, as well as their interaction with each other and with the outside world.

In occultism a number of concepts at the same time has several, little different from each other semantic loads.

This applies to such categories as Matter, Spirit, Soul.

We also identified the "chakra" with the elementary building block of the universe, putting it on a par with terms such as "atom" and "elementary particle".

In the Universe everything is " as below, so above ". Overall it can observed analogy - both in structure and in development.

Chemical element in its structure is similar to the planet, the planet – to the solar system, the last – to the Galaxy, the Galaxy – to the Supergalaxy, and so on, until the rung of the ladder - to central heavenly body of the Universe.

Because it is in the form of a great big galaxy our Universe exists.

Atom, elementary particle - this is the smallest force center, the center of creation. Chemical element – is a bigger force center, which is a cluster of elementary particles.

Any celestial body – is a cluster of chemical elements. All the elementary particles, as is known, divided into two main types - absorbing and emitting. Or absorbs the energy-information-ether, or emits. Yin or Yang. However, any of them and creates energy, and destroys.

In any conglomerate particles are present both types. Percentage ratio of types may be any.

Depending on this ratio any conglomerate is either predominantly emitting or absorbing.

The same can be said of any celestial body and just the body in general.

Absorbing planet - is unholy.

Emitting – is sacred.

Absorbing people - normal, emitting – Initiate, Holy.

Chakra - is not only the smallest subatomic particle. It is also the name of the power center as a conglomerate of particles.

In any elementary particle "is rotated" the energy - through time - appears and destroyed (disappears).

In any conglomerate energy also rotates in a circle - first, because it is composed of particles, and, secondly, because the particles exchange the energy with each other - Yin absorb the energy of Yang.

"Chakra" in the mouth of the esotericist, symbolizes one of the power centers in the human body.

Force center in this case - is a symbol of the subtle bodies, makes the sign of the dense physical body. Etheric, astral, mental, buddhic bodies – all these are the thin bodies of human. His chakras.

These subtle bodies also consist of particles. The areas in the human aura, where is the greatest concentration of these particles, the practicing esotericists, who feeling and seeing them, just call them by the chakras - centers of power.

That's what a chakra, from the point of view of a practicing occultist.
But it will not be wrong to call as chakras subtle bodies of human. At the very least, any force center - is a direct expression of any Plan or Sub-Plan.

And here we just come to the theme of open and closed chakras – to their reasons for opening and closing.

Opening and closing of chakras are directly connected with the level of human holiness.

Holiness of human is determined by measure of energetic saturation. Then more it is saturated, the more it is holy. And it’s nothing else.

The more energy per unit of time it is "produced" in the body, including the subtle bodies, not just the physical, and then more holy, more energy-saturated is the person. Holiness, Initiation - it's just that. Moreover, the higher the Plan, the more energy its particles produce per unit of time. Therefore, the thinner, higher Planes become the part of the human body, the more holy, more spiritual, more energetic he becomes.

The ratio of particles of Yin and Yang within the same plan in the body, too, can change. If are predominated absorbing particles, Yin - it does not add holiness. Quite the contrary – reduce the level of energy. This is the darkness.

If the number of particles Yang becomes more and more - in each of the subtle bodies - and it is compared with the number of Yin - then this is the Sanctity.

In that is precisely the whole secret of Initiation.

That way, going from Initiation to Initiation, a person adds to their bodies more particles Yang. Ideally, the number of Yin should be equal to Yang number. Then the amount of emitted energy is exactly equaled to the amount of absorbed. And the man becomes the God. Because in the body of our Creator, the Universe, there are equally of Yin and Yang, how much energy is emitted, so much is absorbed. It's the perfect balance, allowing the universe to remain in equilibrium.

And in this precisely lies the mystery of love. God is love. You can often hear these words. But what's behind them?

It’s absolute harmony. Love in the ideal - is to absorb as much as to give. Then there is no excess or deficiency. Everything is constantly refilled. No one is hurt. And this is the mystery of the Second Ray.

The second Ray is the yellow particles. In the three low planes they absorb energy, but less than the blue. And in the top three - emit, but less than red. Summary, across the Universe, exactly yellow, the Second Ray, are ideally harmonized. Not blue, and not red.

In unholy man are dominated particles that absorb energy - blue and yellow.
We say otherwise - the particles of lower part of spectrum are dominated. It’s in all bodies - not only in dense. Because of this, these bodies-shells of human are absorbing of energy, and not emitting - or at least they would be in balance.

The human body does not have enough energy produced by its. And it has to take the outer. To warm up by the fire - we can say literally and figuratively. To absorb energy from the surrounding sources.

Because of this, his body turns into a kind of point for external energy. But energy - it is an information. Always. So you can imagine - how much extraneous information the man has to pass through him. Any - positive, negative.

Trying to make your life less like carousel of information, the person starts to limit their contacts with the outside world, making them elective. In order to absorb only the energy that he likes and is familiar. He deliberately closes his chakras, for fear of falling into the body of unnecessary energy.

When the person goes through the series of Initiations, he (she) begins to produce more energy through him(her-)self. His life becomes more stable. If before any external could influence on his life, whip from the way, then now he becomes the competent member of life melodrama. He try an influence, but make an impact on the surround. His chakras are opened. He consciously opens them to the world to communicate with it, because he no more fears it.

This consists all sense of concepts “opened chakras and closed”. Closed chakra – it’s a chakra, not tuned up to the receiving of external information, more precisely, turned up to the receiving of selective information.

In what follows person tries to attune his organism by such way that communicate with external world with the help only one chakra – seventh, complex. This chakra – is Single Eye of the body.

If thine eye be Single, thy whole body shall be full of light ” – such the ancient wisdom, embodied in the book of Alice Bailey “Feats of Heracles”.

This Single chakra – it’s the body of seventh, Logoic Plan. Body of the higher Plan – Monadic – overshadows head of person, where under it (under this higher body) is the shell of Atmic Plan, and all others four – Buddhic, Mental, Astral and Physical. This higher, complex body reports to all organism energy impulses, and for its turn receives reciprocal ones.

It means that seventh chakra becomes the guiding principle of person. At him all chakras stop to dominate, except seventh. If before this at person all chakras could react on external environment individually – in him – cordial, or guttural, or solar plexus, or the others, then now the contact with the world is determined by only one chakra.

The others are subordinated to it and listen to it. Its energy impulses for them – are the most important. It doesn’t mean that body stops to exchange with outward things by particles, by energy (ether) with the help of these chakras.

No, the chakras are active and “burn” as before. Only with the difference that now all perceiving and all reporting to the world energy-information they compare with higher template – with information stored in the seventh chakra. Person becomes show by himself a single whole – none discord. Single perfect being. In this is all meaning of evolution, all meaning of development of our Universe – creating such perfect beings, Mahatmas. At the same time lower chakras all also active.

However now they first of all respond on the information come from seventh chakra. The lower chakras become the channels connecting Spirit and Matter. They don’t guide by the body themselves.

Exactly this question are devoted the books of Alice Bailey.

Spirit is immersing into the Matter – higher Plans connect with lower. It’s an involution. This leads to the energetization of person, to the evolution, Ascension, Salvation, Easter. And Matter – i.e. organism – overcomes gravitation and propensity to material – and rises to the Sky. In organism there are equally Yin and Yan, Matter and Spirit.

From Initiation to initiation organism accept into itself all more and higher Plans, and learn to interact with them. When the bodies of higher Plans only overshadow the head, weakly penetrate, they can’t full-blownly cooperate with the bodies of lower Plans in organism. When energy-saturated body of higher Plans penetrates the head deeply, begins the most wonderful and unique.

The transfiguration of consciousness begins thought, and then all organisms. Low chakras of organism was active before this, but higher were not. And during of penetrating the high Consciousness more and deeper inside the head, low chakras cease to dominate, and, higher, opposite, become the leading. Till they become the driven too – except one of them – seventh – Single EyeSahasrara.

Such is the common schema and the general plan, and common direction of development of any organism.

We give a little more information about chakras.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 452. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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