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Infinity of God-Absolute - is, literally, "absence of limits".

The Creative Space is unified; it permeates and imbues all that exists, from particle to particle. Everywhere in the Universe is only one Space. And there's no boundaries for him, there are no limits. The particles have limits, but not the space containing and creating them.

The same can be said about chemical elements and bodies. In the outside world bodies begins and ends. But the fact that there are borders for the elements and bodies does not mean that they are for the saturating and creating them Space.

I exist, supporting this whole world by one part of mysel f” (Bhagavad - gita, 10:42).

“The Bhagavad Gita: " Having pervaded this whole Universe with a fragment of Myself, I remain ” (Alice Bailey “Esoteric Psychology, v.1).

"Supporting, pervading of the Universe" can be understood as a process of formation of each elementary particle. This feature - supporting, approval - performs Fohat that is "approvers" and "moulder".

The Fohat - is one of the many synonyms for the concept of "Spirit", the second aspect of the manifested universe.

It is the existence in the Universe Spirit, Fohat, Energy is the reason for the existence of elementary particles and their "hardness" in relation to one another.

By saturating the particles, Spirit as if declares its temporary right for a given volume of space, in which is located at the moment the formed by it particle, and no other particles is no longer able to transgress this border. And any particle will always be an owner of certain volume of Space, same for all.




What beyond the borders of the infinite universe?

Verily, it is the most eternal and unfathomable question of all asked by person to himself. Before it retreat in the powerlessness the best minds of mankind. This is the greatest mysteries of the cosmos, which the human mind has not yet been able to solve.

As if inside each of us turn on some emergency blocking system of consciousness, as only a person tries to present to himself that, in his view, must limit our universe and continue further.

Just here and there a complete paralysis of thought comes, bordering on a panic. After all, from the point of view of any of us, it is illogical: that what contains so much of the ending, measuring, itself has no end or edge and canэt be definitively measured. Must have - tells us our inner voice. But if does it have? Then what? What surrounds the Universe? And what surrounds that, what surrounds the universe? And what surrounds that, what surrounds that, what surrounds the universe? And so on. The mind gives up, overextends, and refuses to submit unimaginable. But it may be that where the logic is powerless, to us help the intuition? Maybe someone in the world knows the answer to this overriding question? Or is anyone in the Universe? Let's hope that's the case...

Perfectly the issue infinity of space rises in the book of Nicholas Roerich's "Seven Great Mysteries of Cosmos";:

“Since times immemorial people have looked at the starry sky reverentially, admiring the glimmer of innumerable worlds. Man was amazed by the grandeur of Cosmos since the very beginning of his presence on the Earth. Especially in solitude of the immense desert or amid the conglomeration of gigantic mountains man unintentionally plunges into the thoughts of immensibility of the Universe, infinity of the Cosmic space.

Human mind has been astonished by that Infinity. But also it could not imagine Cosmos being limited. Assuming the existence of the limit of space somewhere, another question arises immediately: what is beyond that limit? If it is not the space then what is it? Every time the human mind has to admit that Cosmos cannot have any limits. Cosmic space infinitely stretches on all sides” (Nicholas Roerich's "Seven Great Mysteries of Cosmos", The First Mystery Days and Nights of Brahma).



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