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In religious and esoteric literature there are not less complications, ambiguities and misunderstandings than in usual books, and doesn’t everything simply.

The Spirit is regarded by true Male Principle of Universe, the partner of Matter.

Nevertheless we consider that and in this question are hidden quite a few inaccuracies.

In Christian Trinity the Father – it’s not the Second Hypostasis, but the First, main, given birth to the Son, and from her emanates the Holy Spirit.

In Stanzas of Dzyan Book the Father is called – Father, and Father is united with Mother – “Mother-Father”. In the same place he is named yet as Godlike Thought (the Matter – Godlike Bosom).

And in religious and in occult texts there are quite many Trinities.

“Father – Son – Holy Spirit” (Christian), “Spirit – Soul – Body” (philosophic), “Spirit – Soul – Body” (philosophic).

There are still two Hindu Trinities: “Shiva – Vishnu – Brachma”, “Atma – Buddhi – Manas”.

And also is Trinity, meeting in the books of Alice Bailey: “Life – Quality – Phenomenon”.

From all listed Trinities only in one of them is mentioned the word “Father” – in Christian Trinity: “Father – Son – Holy Spirit”.

In it Father and is named so - the “Father”.

In which connection in it simultaneously there are concepts “Father” and “Spirit”. And it indicates on that, every of them has its own meaning and fulfills its own function. As you see, in this Trinity the Spirit – is not Father.

Nevertheless traditionally consider that Spirit and Father – are synonyms.

Probably, because Spirit – Breath – as the Male Principle in the Nature at fertilization becomes the reason of beginning new Life – i.e. enliven the Matter.

In Stanzas it’s not said about Father as of something separated from Matter.

In Old Testament Eva and Adam are together too. Eva symbolizes the Matter.

And whom then Adam is symbolized, if the Serpent that tempted the Eva, best suited to the role of that what impregnates the Atoms, i.e. on the role of Spirit?

But from other side all in the Universe is born in the result of union of “Fire” and “Water”, where the Water – is the Matter, and Fire – is the Spirit.

Spirit – it’s the Breath of the Matter itself, Primordial Substance, the First Male Principle, generated by Virgin Mother.

Let’s accept the concept that Spirit – this it is the Father. Union of Mother and Father, Yin and Yan, gives birth to Soul, to Son – elementary particle.

In accordance with texts of Book Dzyan comes out that Spirit – this it is Spurned, Eighth Son of the Mother, who also is named the First Born.

Thus in the Trinity “Father – Son – Holy Spirit” the word “Father” reflects an image of Mother (as it not surprisingly), the Most First Principle, generating other two.

The word “Son” symbolizes the Soul, elementary particle.

And “Holy Spirit” – it’s exactly Spirit, Light.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 526. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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