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Let’s stop on the theme of Baptism. How to interpret the meaning of that sacrament? How to understand the sense of Baptism by Water and Baptism by Fire? And how they connect with each other?

Start with the fact that the Cross – it’s the symbol of Mankind Kingdom. Four-petal Lotus is the Merging in one whole the particles of four Plans - Physical, Astral, Mental and Buddhic.

This is in the narrow sense.

And in the more wide, Cross indicates on the process of association the particles of different quality, for example, Yin and Yan.

Thus, concept “Baptism” should be interpreted as connection the particles (or, can say, bodies) of different quality, forming the human organism.

As is well known in Christianity exist two main Baptisms – by Water and by Fire. What is that, and how should understand their meaning?

Both Baptisms is named by “fathers of church” the sacraments. Surprisingly as far as little is understood true meaning of this striking phenomenon.

Baptism by Water, representing in reality no more than symbolical image, turned into some attribute of protection from “dark powers” (whammy, vitiation and so on), in obligatory ritual ceremony, entirely pagan.

Ablution of kid (or adult) by connecting two chemical elements – this is only the symbol. And some shamanistic, protective meaning is given to it. Supposedly that after hanging to person on the neck a piece of iron in the shape of crucified Christ he becomes invulnerable for evil.

Of course, it is impossible to deny that fact the talismans (and the “cross” is talisman) possess some power – all depends from that, who created it, who touched it, who wears it and of what material it’s made.

This is interesting theme, but we don’t stay on this now. However to associate the wearing of talisman (“cross”) and Baptism by Water in whole one – it’s a full absence of true understanding that what is a Baptism.

But let’s return to the interpretation of meaning.

In the Bible, in New Testament, in Gospel from John says that nobody enters in God’s Kingdom, not baptized by Water and not accepted the Holy Spirit from high. “Jesus answered: truly, truly say to you: if somebody isn’t born from water and Spirit, can’t enter into God’s Kingdom” (New Testament from John, Chapter 3:5).

Holy Spirit – it’s the same as Fire. Thus Christ claimed that nobody touches the Heavenly Kingdom (at essence it is the same as dive into Nirvana) until accepts double Baptism – by Water and by Fire.

What does it mean?

Water in occultism – it’s the symbol of Matter, Fire – of Spirit.

Baptism by Water necessarily must precede to the Baptism by Fire.

Baptism by Water – it’s merging in the one whole the particles of material principle, bodies (shells) three lower Plans – Physical, Astral and Mental – which can consider as Matter in respect of three high Plans – Buddhic, Atmic and Monadic, that are the Spirit (Fire) as regarding to lowers.

After that happens full merging (Individualization, Initiation and Identification) of bodies three lower Plans – i.e. Baptism by Water finishes, and begins the time for the next stage – evolutionary. It’s time for the Baptism by Fire – sequential joining the bodies of three high Plans.

Human Kingdom the first of all begins to join the “fiery Plans”, and namely Buddhic. I.e. each of us, is just born, is already involved into the process of Baptism by Fire.

We can attract attention of beings two more high Plans – Atmic and Monadic, even more “fiery”. And then, if it happens, if their bodies integrate into our organism, then our Fiery Baptism gains yet the more strength and power. And we become the Mahatmas ourselves - Great Souls, Godlike, in whose organisms united the particles of all six simple Plans (like the Creator).

Organism of Mahatma is the representative of Seven Plan – Logoic, complex.

That's what the Baptism by Water and by Fire from the position the Teachers of Ageless Wisdom, and so they are interrelated.

We can consider the Old Testament, John Baptist and Baptism by Water as the symbols of material origin, Yin.

While New Testament, Jesus Christ and Baptism by Fire – are the images of spiritual principle.



Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 493. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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