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This article should consider as direct continuation of the article “Chakras – opened and closed. The mechanism of Initiation (briefly)”.

Here we prolong the theme of mechanism of Initiation. In article followed over this we will talk about not less importance question – to the Rising of Kundalini.

In the book of Alice Bailey “Initiation, human and solar” there is analogy between human organism, planetary (planet) and solar (solar system). As above, is so below.

And planet, and solar system – these are organisms similar to the human, let having another scale and other form (form and scale are not most main thing here). Planets and solar systems as and Galaxies, and Super Galaxies, and of course all Universe on the whole, these are organisms, living, as every their component is live and has a Consciousness – we talk about elementary particles.

Any body – it’s totality of assembling it wills. The will in this way – it’s consciousness of more small unit. But in the finite result we all the same come to the most small – indivisible, to the atom, to the particle, to the energy center.

Not only men can go through Initiations. But also the planets are. And solar systems are and Galaxies. And Super Galaxies. All Universe as a whole goes through one global Initiation.

Representatives of lower kingdoms – animals, plants, minerals – aren’t also deprived of their due share of this opportunity. Acceptance of various kinds of Initiations – it’s inalienable and constant part of our world. This is process, more frequent and usual than uninitiated can guess about this (sorry for pun).

All in Nature is subordinated to the endless rhythm of initiations which are rolled on the beach of Universe in their own only to them known order again and again.

In traditions of oriental schools of spiritual development there are mentioning about 4 Initiations through which person goes through as measure of his evolution. In other way they are named the Initiations of 4 elements.

Should explain what happens at this time in the organism, in thin shells.

From Initiation to initiation into thin bodies in series integrates all more and more sparse, energy-saturated shells containing the bigger percent of particles Yan (emitting energy).

The person in series goes through the Initiations of Earth, Water, Fire and Air. Just in this sequence in the scales of Universe it increases an energy level of elementary particles –from the Fields of Attraction (Earth, Water) to the Fields of Repulsion (Fire, Air).

At that Fields of Attraction gradually decrease and increase the Fields of Repulsion.

The level of energy smoothly grows. Just in this order level of energy changes inside thin shells of person.

As you see energy in the body is added gradually. It gives time for adaptation of low bodies especially of dense physical. If the energy in one moment jumps from the Earth level to the Air level, passing Water and Fire, organism would die.

As you see in this question the Nature is led by all the same well making a good showing principle of smooth and gradual approximation to the wished purpose. This method – is the wisest in the Universe. It always gives the best results as against the method of quick leaps.

If locate the particles of Universe in the hierarchical order in accordance with quality of using or producing by them energy, then they are disposed just in this order – Earth, Water, Fire and Air.

At the same order Initiations goes.

Every man takes Initiation of Earth automatically, just giving birth in this world.

Initiation of Water is named yet – Parjanya-Varuna.

Of Fire – is Initiation Agni.

Of Air – is Initiation Vayu.

Original Christian name for the Initiation – is Baptism.

Cross – is the symbol of association in single whole the particles of different Plans.

It is no wonder that Baptism (Initiation) by Water at Christans forestalls the Baptism (Initiation) by Fire.

As you see there is full analogy with Oriental traditions.

Besides just in this order the particles react on the Gravity (attraction). In the direction from Air to Earth the particles are all more strongly attracted (because gravitation). This rule can be observed by the example the photons of visible diapason, when they are refracted and make spectrum. Refraction of the light way – this is just its gravitation – attraction of photons. To the violet part of spectrum the refraction (gravity) increases, and to the red – decreases.

Interestingly that on this scale of elements the reaction of particles to the antigravity, will be directly opposite. From Earth to Air, going through Water and Fire, the particles are all better repulsed from the objects emitting Ether - antigravitating.

From the Initiation to the Initiation the thin bodies of person are build into itself all more and more the particles Yan, till the number of particles both types – Yin and Yan – equalizes.

Such is the scientific-esoteric sense of Eastern Initiations of 4 elements.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 431. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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