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Closed and opened chakras.

When clairvoyant looks at the person he sees his energy centers (chakras) as flowers of life. Or closed buds – are dark, dim and little-active, or – bright flowers – are burn like the Sun. The first ones he will describe as closed chakras, the second will name the opened. Their openness or closeness – it’s not a figurative expression. It’s their real energy state.

When into composition of thin shell forming that or other chakra, enter more and more particles Yan (emitting energy-ether), from what their number equates with the number of particles Yin (absorbing ether), the chakra is opened.

What does it mean?

This means that energy center is opening to the external world. Chakra begins to exchange energy with surrounding bodies. If there are little of particles Yan, energy is produced little. It’s enough only for circulation within own energy enter. All this little quality of energy is absorbed the chakra by itself, its particles Yin. The power of ether flow is not enough to full-blownly communicate with outwards things.

Chakra – is the central area of any thin shells, constitutive the body, is this man or an animal, plant or mineral. Or superhuman. Chakra – is the heart of this thin body-shell. But borders of thin body don’t coincide with the borders of chakra. They stretch much farther. Borders of thin bodies are rather amorphous and changeable. For example when the person learns to attention, concentration, memorization, or becomes proficient in any other intellectual function, he actually is trained to operate with his mental body. He learns to modify its form. With its help he gets information from the outward things. Any of thin bodies-shells is able to exchange energy-information with surroundings.

Communication is carried out such way.

Thin body forms from itself the channel of communication, or can say a “tongue of communication”. Tongue as a protuberance. Like at Sun. That one what can “lick” studied body and divide with it information. Thin shell pours over the researched body or environment by its energy. This energy flux in accordance with physical laws forces out the same or almost the same portion of energy-ether from this body.

This it is “exchange of information”. Not fictitious, figurative, but real, literal.

So and happens communication on all levels, at any Plan, at any chakra, at any body.

But this is not only existing mechanism of exchanging by energy.

Every body accumulates in its chemical elements the solar particles (photons). When photon is in the body, it records information about this body, and temporary becomes as if its integral part. So if such photon gets into another place – flies through or attracts – it “tell” about that body where it has come from.

Because except of exchange by energy-ether fluxes directly, bodies also can give to each other the portions of free particles – photons, “charged” with information. Can name this method by electromagnetic.

Here so the chakras and communicates with the outward things – energy or particles (they also transmit an energy).

Than more of energy one or another thin body produces, i.e. the more in it there is the particles Yang, then on more distance it could “reach” with its energy language. And then more long will prolongs inertial moving of emitted free particles. After all only inertial moving of particles Yan can last forever.

Here and is all secret. More energy chakra is more open, it more intensively communicates with the world.

If there is little of energy, the chakra is closed. Its energy there is barely enough for circulation within itself and the body of organism.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 466. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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