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Now you are at the beginning of this series of books devoted to the main sections of the human science.

And after we dive into the analysis of the processes and phenomena of this world, go through all the intricacies of Matter, Spirit and Soul and analyze different types of elementary particles, chemical elements and their compounds, and all sorts of representatives of the various Kingdoms of Nature recommend you to come back to the realization that that all of this together - no more than a disturbance in space - Maya, an illusion, a dream that can "see" Creative space.

And everywhere, everywhere there is nothing but God.




H.P. Blavatsky identifies Akasha in her works with Mulaprakriti that is not quite true. Mulaprakriti - is Root-Matter, Original Substance.

Akasha - it does not the Matter that is not the first aspect of Creator. Akasha - it's directly the changing of the material basis. Akasha - is synonymous of Spirit, the second aspect. Akasha is a Sanskrit word - "visibility", which in itself indicates that the Akasha is related to the state of manifestation. While Mulaprakriti hidden in the "integument, forever unseen." This is - the first place.

Second, the main characteristic of Akasha is "shabda" (sound), which indicates a relationship with the Voice, Speech, Word, which are the list of synonyms, where each concept represents the way of manifestation of spirit in matter.

Third, according to the Upanishads, Akasha - is the first element (bhuta), which created the Brahman. And first, as we know, was born the Spirit. Element of Matter - it's not Matter itself, but its altered state. Akasha - this is one of the great elements - Mahabhuta. Akasha - this is the fifth element, formed in Matter, which combines together all other four elements - Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Impulse of Manifestations (Akasha), indeed, imbues every point of space, penetrates any of the existing elementary particles.

Fourth, to Akasha "inherent light and darkness," and this corresponds to reality. A method of forming Akasha - is to build of two types of construction units - Light (Yang) and Dark (Yin).

Fifth, Akasha - is a "repository of knowledge and information," and rightfully so, as the Akasha - the Spirit, and the Spirit - this is information.




The image of Buddha in Buddhism also is symbolic as the image of Christ in Christianity.

Buddha - is awakened one. It is almost the same as the buddhi - Awakening, the first thought of the One, Impersonal (Brahman) after waking up, i.e. during the transition from a Manvantara into Pralaya.

Buddha (Buddha) - is the same as the Buddhi - Mind, Divine Thought, Spirit, is embodied in Matter.

Buddha plays the role male principle, generating this phenomenal world.

Christ in Christianity has the same symbolic function - the male principle, married to the female principle - the Church of Christ, with the result that there is this phenomenal world.

Buddha and the Christ – are the symbols of the Spirit manifested in matter. Buddha was suffering in this world. But the Noble Eightfold Path saved him from suffering and led to Nirvana.

Christ suffered on the cross, but after his death, he ascended and was in Paradise.



And in fact, in both cases, the suffering in this phenomenal world, are completed by liberation and peace.

The Ascension of Christ and the Buddha entry into Nirvana - are symbols of achieving by them, each in his life, the state that the Bible called the Apocalypse.

Apocalypse - is the salvation of Human Consciousness from the clutches of material existence, Getaway, " Exodus from bondage in Egypt ".

The period of mass achievements of such an existence within the boundaries of the universe is called the Bible "the Millennial Kingdom of the Saints ". This is not immersion into Pralaya. No, Pralaya will follow later, when - is unknown.

Obviously, Buddha and Christ were done the symbols, by those people, who made biographies of real personalities, who wore these names.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 489. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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