Студопедия — Fill in the table for the words of the key vocabulary and some new words from the text (10-12 items). The example is given to you.
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Fill in the table for the words of the key vocabulary and some new words from the text (10-12 items). The example is given to you.

Word Definition Equivalent Synonyms Antonyms Derivatives
product an article of commerce; an exchangeable unit of economic wealth продукт; продукция; выработка, изделие good, item, produce, commodity   production, produce, productive
1, 2,...          

2) Find 9 words from the key vocabulary and the text “Advertising” in the word square. Some letters may be used several times.

a r t i s i n g
p e p d e d i a
l v u n m l a c
a d b a g o n o
c i l r s l i v
e c u b l i m e
m i s m m o c r
e t y e r c i t
n t s p a m a l

3) How much do you know about advertising agencies? Complete the text below with the following words from the box.

target audience copywriters full-service careful consideration creative fields

a media plan departments purchase media access manage in terms of


Advertising agencies are a) businesses which can manage every aspect of an advertising campaign. They vary widely b) size and scope and cater to different kinds of businesses. Some agencies have only one or two major clients whose accounts they c). Others have hundreds of clients spread throughout the country or the world, as well as many field offices from which to service them. In general, an advertising agency will be able to manage an account, provide creative services, and d) for a client.

An agency, depending on its size, will likely have different e) which work on the separate aspects of an account. An account manager or the account planning department will coordinate the work of these departments to insure that all the client’s needs are met. The departments within a full-service agency will typically include:

RESEARCH The research department will be able to provide clients with some details about the prospective audience of the final advertising campaign, as well as information about the market for the product being advertised. This should include specific market research which leads to a very focused ad campaign, with advertising directed to the ideal f).

CREATIVE SERVICES Advertising agencies employ experts in many g) that provide quality, professional services that conform to the standards of the industry. One or several h) provide the text for print ads, and the scripts for television or radio advertising. Graphic designers are responsible for the presentation of print ads, and the art department is responsible for providing the necessary images for whatever format advertisement is decided upon. The final advertising provided by an agency should be fully developed and polished.

MEDIA BUYING One of the services provided by advertising agencies is the careful placement of finished advertisements in various media, with an eye toward maximizing the potential audience. The research conducted by the agency will inform any media-buying decisions. An agency will be able to negotiate the terms of any contracts made for placing ads in any of various media. The media-buying staff of an advertising agency will draw on specific research done for the client, as well as on past experience with different media. Through this research and i), the agency will develop j): this should be a fully realized plan of attack for getting out the client’s message.

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