Lead-in. Work in small groups and share the ideas you associate with the Internet marketing.
Work in small groups and share the ideas you associate with the Internet marketing. Think over the advantages of the Internet marketing in comparison with offline marketing. Share your experience of Internet purchasing. Key Vocabulary 1) Before you read the text, consult a dictionary to make sure you know the following words and phrases, give their Russian equivalents: 1) cost-effective 2) marketing vehicles 3) intended audience 4) email campaign 5) to click on a link 6) a proactive medium 7) to leverage 8) to tailor 9) to implement 10) software packages 11) e-commerce functionality 12) compelling 13) maintenance Explain the meaning of the words and word expressions in English. Reading 1) Before you read the article, look at the title and guess about its contents. What do you already know about this issue? Make use of the following expressions: On second thought I think…; At all hazards…; Frankly speaking, I don’t know up from down… Scan the article and choose the opportunities to properly headline paragraphs 1-7. a) Increase Sales b) Fast, Efficient and Effective c) Easy to Track and Evaluate d) Low Cost e) Improve Brand Awareness f) Personalized Communication g) Targeted and Qualified Audience