Студопедия — Choose the best answer for each of gaps in these travel-related sentences.
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Choose the best answer for each of gaps in these travel-related sentences.

1. The Chicago train leaves from ______ 4.

a) line

b) bank

c) quay

d) platform

2. Before getting on the train, make sure you get a ticket from the ______.

a) ticket office

b) box office

c) waiting room

d) check in

3. I had so much ______ on the train, but this nice man helped me when we arrived in Paris.

a) bags

b) luggage

c) box

d) packing

4. I got into St. Louis too late and I missed my ______ to New Orleans.

a) connect

b) connection

c) coincidence

d) link


2. Now, complete the sentences below with the best answer:


Начало формы

1. During rush hour, there are so many people on the train that all of the seats are taken, so it's ______________ if you want to ride.

A. empty B. fare C. standing room only

2. The conductor just made ______________ that the train would be delayed for about 15 minutes due to an accident.

A. an announcement B. a reservation C. a train pass

3. These seats are reserved for senior citizens and the physically impaired, so you might have to ___________ your seat if needed.

A. take B. give up C. remove

3. Choose the correct word (from the list on the right) to complete each of the following sentences:

Sleeper lost completely missed platform car student lavatories cash delay

1) I don't have my _______ identification card.

2) 2) I don't have any _______. Can I pay by credit card?

3) I _______ my ticket

4) I _______ my train.

5) We can't find the ________ that our train leaves from.

6) Are the _______ occupied?

7) I asked for a ______ seat because I like to sleep on trains.

8)) My window won't close ________ (= all the way). Can you fix it?

9) Why is there such a long _________?

10) I'm hungry. Is there a restaurant _______ on this train?

Начало формы

Конец формы

4. Match the following


1. Couch a) the person that checks the tickets
2. Dining car b) usually a little room on the train that can be converted for sleeping
3. Sleeper car c) the most exclusive travel compartment in the train
4. First class d) a car that has compartments for sleeping
5. Rail pass e) a ticket that is good for a specific amount of time or destinations
6. Timetable f) when you have to change on trains to get to your destination
7. Compartment g) a train car that is a restaurant
8. Platform h) the place the holds bags, suitcases
9. Connection i) the schedule of arriving and departing trains
10. Express train j) a train that stops at every station
11. Local train k) a train that stops only a main stations
12. Departure l) when the train leaves
13. Conductor m) usually the simplest way to travel in the train
14. Luggage rack n) where you enter the train

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