Supplementary 8: Theory of word combination. 1. Definition of the word combination.
1. Definition of the word combination. 2. Word combination as grammatical structure, as non-communicative unit, as syntactically organized structure with syntactic relations. 3. Subject-matter of the WC theory. 4. How is the syntactic structure of the word combination created? 5. The grammatical aspect of the study as distinct from the lexicological. 6. Bloomfield’s theory of word phrase: endocentric (subordinate and coordinate) and exocentric (predicative and prepositional); paratactic and hypotactic. 7. Classification according to internal structure: with the head (regressive\progressive) and without the head (independenr\dependent: being morphologically homogenous and heterogeneous). (Alexeyeva I.A. Theoretical English Grammar Course. Chapter 2, pp.196-211, pp.180-181)
Revision tasks for self-control What are the issues relevant to syntactic research? How are basic syntactic features termed? Note syntactic relations as connecting syntagmatic groupings of words. What is a dominational / equipotent connection like? Point out the main divisions in subordination, coordination and predicative connection. Account for the types of word-phrases in accordance with syntactic relations. What are grammatical means of expression syntactic relations?