Студопедия — Antonyms. Types of antonyms.
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Antonyms. Types of antonyms.

An antonym is a word that is the opposite meaning of another. They are identical in style and belong to the same part of speech.Polysemantic w can may have special antonym for each of its meaning.eg:dull-active; dull-clever, capable.Classification:1. absolute or root antonyms. eg:to love-to hate, late-early, big-little.2. derivational ant (express contradictionary notions)formed with negative prefixes dis-, un-, non-.eg:to please-to displease. b)antonymous suffixes full, less.eg:painfull-painless. 3 ) complementary antonym is one of a pair of words with opposite meanings, where the two meanings do not lie on a continuous spectrum. There is no continuous spectrum between push and pull but they are opposite in meaning and are therefore complementary antonyms. Other examples include: dead, alive; off, on; day, night; exit, entrance; exhale, inhale; occupied, vacant; identical, different.4) relational antonym is one of a pair of words with opposite meanings, where opposite makes sense only in the context of the relationship between the two meanings. There is no lexical opposite of teacher, but teacher and pupil are opposite within the context of their relationship. This makes them relational antonyms. Other examples include: husband, wife; doctor, patient; predator, prey; teach, learn; servant, master; come, go; parent, child.


21. Borrowings as the main source of replenishing the vocabulary
According to etymological principles words divided into classes
1) primordial or native word-stock (about 30% of voc) 2)borrowed or loan words (more than 70% of voc) The number of borrowed words in Eng language is indeed high EL system absorbed and remodeled the vast majority of borrowed words according to standards. That’s why sometime is difficult to distinguish borrowed word from native word. Loan words peculiarities: 1)the initial position of the sounds v acuum, g enre, j ewel 2)the initial position of the letter j, x, z and combitations ph, kh, eau in the root: philology, khaki, beauty 3) the dependence of pronunciation: a) x as ks, gz (in native and latin words - exist) b) x as z (in words of greek origin) c) ch as tch (in native words – child; d) ch as sh (in late French borrowing – machine) e) ch as k (in words of greek origin – eko)

Words came from 1) Scandinavian borrowing(started in 9 c ent – anger, cake, crop, egg, fellow, mean, call, give, take) 2) Latin borrowing divided into 3 periods a)antient borrowed, which go back as fae as 3 c entury(street, cheese, poor, wall, kitcen, dish, mill, castle) b)borrowing beginning from 7 c en, when Christianity was introduced – bishop, monk, cross, minister, devil, candle) c)words borrowed during the revival of classical learning and art from 15 c entury(senior, junior, animal, major, genius, superior) 3) Greek borrowings were adopted from French and Latin (democracy, philosophy, physics, dialogue, theatre) 4) French borrowings divided into 2 classes a) old borrowing from Norman conquest in 1066 to 16 cent – dinner, place, dress b) new borrowings from 16 century – publish, novelist, magazine) 5) borrowinf from other languages: Indiansugar, orange, candy… Japanesekimono, samurai… Spanishcanoe, TobaccoItalian …. umbrella, manifest.


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