Dear students!
Let us introduce you to your study requirementns. We expect you: · actively participate in the learning process (preparation of theoretical material, the decision making and the preparation of case studies, tests, practical seminars). Please be tolerant to perceive other people's opinions and views. You are expected to able to work in small groups and in pairs; · Students should not be late to a class sessions; · Students must actively participate in studies in order to gain the necessary knowledge, to develop skills and competence; · All questions discussed during workshops, SIWT and SIW as well as questions and test items of current, boundary and final controls will be included in the assessment of competency according to the evaluation criteria of student's knowledge. · Students have to perform all SIW tasks in accordance with the requirements. Passing tests, case studies, review of scientific articles, completion of SIW topics should be done strictly by the specified deadline. · Students should complete boundary control in a timely manner. Permission to complete the boundary control will only be granted after student will pass all the required workshops and SIWT, SIW in time. · Student has to complete different 3 SIW: 2 in General Microbiology, 1 in Applied Microbiology. The student must pass the SIW before the end of each credit. · Student will be getting points after boundary control, protocols of practical work and tests, case studies and SIW are completed by the required deadline; · It is expected that student have professional and neat appearance (clean, ironed uniform is must); · The use of cell phones during classes and exams is prohibited: Please be respectfull of your collegues and staff of the department. Уважайте преподавателя и своих товарищей, будьте открытыми, великодушными и вежливыми. · Please do not hesitate to discuss your problems or complaints with the Department staff. · стремитесь установить с другими позитивные взаимоотношения. Note: · Consultation time is strictly on schedule. · The time of the final control is in accordance with OPiKUP? at the end of each semester.