Текст 15. Задание 1.Прочитайте исходный текст делового письма на английском языке и смодулируйте аналогичный текст на русском языке.
Задание 1. Прочитайте исходный текст делового письма на английском языке и смодулируйте аналогичный текст на русском языке. Задание 2. Выполните полный письменный перевод текста в соответствии с характеристиками и особенностями официально-делового стиля современного русского языка. a) Re: Our Contract 276/00021723/00018 Krupp reference 60/731 474 Dear Mr. Ivanov, Referring to the a.m. contract and our meeting with your colleagues Mr. Petrov and Sidorov we would like to confirm to you that we are ready to begin manufacturing as soon as the down-payment has been irrevocably transferred to our account and the end user АО “Krasnoyarskoe Moloko” has sent us the confirmed technical specification. A realistic date would be mid-February. According to today’s knowledge we assume that we shall be able to deliver the machinery and equipment approx. 9 months after the two a.m. conditions have been met, always provided that we have received the Hermes approval via Sachsische Landesbank by February 27, 20.. We hope that these proceedings are in accordance with your wishes. He would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your cooperation and we would like a assure you that we shall do our utmost to execute your order rapidly and with top quality. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us. For today we remain with kind regards KRUPP KUNSTSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH
b) Re: Our Contract 276/00021723/00018 Krupp Ref. 60/731 474 Dear Mr Petrov, We refer to yesterday’s phone call to your attention. As explained, we already began to design the equipment and completed a major portion thereof. We also made preparations for start-up of production and placed our orders for time-critical components. Due to the delays we could not accelerate the processing of your order any further, as had been our original plan. As soon as we have received the L/C, the proceedings already begun will be continued with top priority and we shall contact you to coordinate set an exact date for delivery. We look forward to continuing our mutual cooperation. Yours faithfully, KRUPP KUNSTSTOFFTECHNIK GMBH