8 Plane Avenue, 12345 Toronto, Tel.: (123) 456 567 789 OBJECTIVE To contribute my programming knowledge to a corporation that will encourage technical and professional growth. TECHNICAL SUMMARY Hardware IBM, GREAT, NEXT, IBM-PC, SUN Software C++, ActivX, Java, HTML, Algol, Kobol, Fortran, MS-Office, Word Perfect, CAD CONCEPT Problem Analysis, Basic and Advanced Programming, Designed Techniques in On-Line and Batch Processing, Dumps and Debugging and Management Utilities, System Maintenance, Multiple Error Analysis. EDUCATION 1989– 1993 MIT, Boston, MA Diploma in Computer Programming Honors Student, Programming Tutor 1983-1988 Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia MS in Mathematics and Computer Science Honor Student EXPERIENCE 1993– present Toronto University, Computer Research Center Programmer in Web-Site Design, Senior Programmer in Internet Division from 1995 AWARDS Gold Medal for the Best Work in CAD Canadian Academy of Computer Science AFFILIATIONS American Computer Society Canadian Academy of Computer Science CAREER RELATED COURSES Managing INTERNET– based companies. Canadian College for Management, 1999 Пример 5. Координатор производства и маркетинга/ Manufacturing and Marketing Coordinator MICHAEL BOOMS 12 Kelvin Street, 12345 Colorado, Tel.: (123)345 567 789 e-mail: OBJECTIVE MANUFACTURING/ MARKETING COORDINATOR SUMMARY 10 years’ experience in competitive design and marketing of …………………… Highly expert in close coordination of marketing and manufacturing divisions. Demonstrated excellence in supervision of design staff and management of …… Possess conceptual acuity in interpreting customers ideas into salable products. EXPERIENCE 1990– present GOLD PRINT DESIGN Ltd., Colorado Corporate Design Director Direct design and merchandising of domestic and international line of…….., with corporate volume of $30 million. Maintain close and constant communications with marketing executives in establishing achievement of marketing plans Coordinate manufacturing and marketing divisions for most effective production of seasonal and standard merchandise. Manage Colorado office, Design Department and all administrative functions for International Division Maintain retail-client relations in the field of determination of local regional taste and demand Initiate use of available machinery to produce new lines Helped company maintain strong market position in recessional climate Also carried full responsibilities of Senior Design and Merchandising Coordinator (see below) 1995-1990 Senior Design and Merchandise Coordinator Researched market for merchandise mix and capacity for introduction of GOLD PRINT DESIGN products in particular stores and locales. 1992-1995 Design and Merchandise Coordinator Dealt directly with national chain store accounts in development of private-label lines Established input into models and colors from result of market research 1989-1992 PUBLICUS CORPORATION, New Jersey Consultant Design and merchandised PUBLICUS product line Improved coordination between Design, Production, Planning and Manufacturing Divisions Developed new scale specification to increase marketability EDUCATION 1985-1989 Moscow Institute of Technology and Design, Russia AWARDS Best Designer of GOLDEN PRINT CORPORATION, 1996 Некоторые примеры деловой переписки Сопроводительное письмо к контракту Цель сопроводительного письма к контракту – чисто правовая. Поскольку все контракты должны быть посланы как минимум заказной почтой, то очень часто срок действия контракта начинается с момента получения письма. Такое письмо содержит очень краткое изложение сути контракта, который прилагается к указанному письму. В конце такого письма весьма уместно будет выразить надежду на взаимовыгодное сотрудничество.
Пример 1.