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V. Language

Exercises 1. Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following:

- higher educational establishment;

- faculty of Mechanical Engineering;

- practical application;

- to take exams and get credits;

- research work;

- vacations;

- to provide;

- different subjects;

- assistant professor;

- teaching staff;

- equipment;

- out-of-class activity;

- to do one’s best.

Exercise 2. Give English equivalents for the following:

- наукове товариство;

- гуртожиток;

- аспірантура;

- денна форма навчання;

- самодіяльність;

- кафедра;

- відвідувати лекції і семінари;

- регіональний підрозділ;

- сучасні прилади;

- навчальний рік;

- курсова робота;

- стипендія;

- лінгафонний кабінет.

VI. Comprehension

Exercise 1. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

1. KSTU is one of the best higher educational establishments in Ukraine.

2. Now, there are two buildings and three hostels at the University.

3. About six hundred students study at the University.

4. Under the supervision of teachers students carry on research work.

5. The academic year is divided into three terms.

6. In the third year students begin to study special subjects.

7. KSTU has doctoral programs.

8. There are not many sport facilities at the University.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions:

1. When was the University founded?

2. What forms of education are there at the University?

3. How many students study at the University?

4. What is a teaching staff?

5. What kind of laboratories, shops and classrooms are there at the University?

6. Into how many terms is the academic year divided?

7. Do students study special subjects in the first year?

8. Is there a post-graduate course at the University?

9. Does University life imply only a study?

10. What kinds of out-of-class activities are there at the University?


VII. Practice

Speak on the topic “ My University.”. Use the chart.



VIII. Comprehension

Listen to the Text B. Be sure that you know the following words and word combinations:

to be situated – бути розташованим

entrance exams – вступні іспити

to be like somebody (something) – бути схожим

to fall in an exam – провалитися на екзамені

to exist – існувати

to last – продовжуватися

to allow – дозволяти

tutor – викладач, який проводить практичні заняття та слідкує за навчанням та дисципліною студентів

undergraduate – студент останнього курсу університету

residential University – університети в коледжах яких живуть студенти різних спеціальностей


Text B


The city of Oxford is like London. It is old, international and it is situated on the river Thames. Oxford is very beautiful and green city. We say that Oxford is old and historical because it was founded in 912. The University was founded in 1249. Oxford is international because people from many parts of the world come to study at this University. Every year more than one thousand students enter Oxford University. The entrance exams are difficult. It is necessary to work hard to become a student of the Oxford University. Oxford University is residential. It consists of 38 colleges and each student must belong to one of the colleges.

The academic year in England has three terms which usually last from the beginning of October till the middle of December, from the middle of January till the end of March and from the middle of April till the end of June. There are examinations at the end of each term. If a student fail in an exam, he may be allowed pass the exam again. Only two reexaminations are usually allowed.

The University of Oxford has a tutorial system of education: every student has a tutor who plans his work. Each week some students come to see him, they discuss different questions connected with their studies and research work. At Oxford University no student may call on a tutor or attend a lecture without his or her gown, therefore the students wear them in all weather or carry them over arm or shoulder.

The students at Oxford University spend a lot of time studying. Their working hours are from 9 to 1. At 9 o’clock they see the tutor or go to the library or to the lecture. From 2 to 5 they are engaged in sports and all kind of exercises. Almost all students go in for some kind of sport. The most famous kinds of sport are: boxing, running, playing football, golf and other games. From 5 to 7 they usually either work in the library or in the laboratory. At 7 o’clock the undergraduates and tutors gather in the hall and have dinner. After dinner students have club activities, debating societies etc. By 10 o’clock the students must be in the college, as most of the students live in the colleges. At 10 o’clock the students sit down to work again and work about 2 hours. At 12 o’clock p.m. the students go to bed. The life of the students at Oxford is very interesting.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-15; просмотров: 431. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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