1.One of the earliest attempts to propel a vehicle by mechanical power was suggested by Isaac Newton. 2.In 1825 a steam engine was built in Great Britain. 3.We know a vehicle to have carried 18 passengers and covered 8 miles in 45 minutes in the 19th century. 4.From I860 to 1900 was the period of the application of gasoline engines to motorcars in many countries. 5.By that time motorcars had got a standard shape and appearance. 6.In 1896 a procession of motorcars took place from London to Brighton to show how reliable the new vehicles were. 7.The cars of that time are known to be very small, two-seated ones, with no roof, driven by an engine placed under the seat. 8.After World War I it became possible to achieve greater reliability of motorcars, brakes became more efficient. 9.Constant efforts were made to standardize common components. 10.Multi-cylinder engines came into use, and most commonly used were four-cylinder engines. 11.Gradually, vehicles driven by internal combustion engine were developed. 12.Huge capital began to flow into the automobile industry. 13.From 1908 to 1924 the number of cars in the world was reported to have risen from 200 thousand to 20 million. 14.No other industry had ever developed at such a rate. 15.Like most other great human achievements, the motorcar is not the product of any single inventor.
II. Найдите соответствия между словами в правой и левой колонках:
III. Переведите глаголы и дайте их 2 и 3 формы: To begin, to become, to show, to drive, to take, to know, to build IV. Выберите правильный вариант: 1. Vehicles driven by internal combustion engine were _________at the end of the 19th century. a)begun b)become c)taken d)developed 2. First cars were _________two-seated cars without roof a)small b)common c)possible d)big 3. Huge capital __________to flow into the automobile industry in the 19th century. a)begin b)began c)are beginning d)begun 4. At the beginning of the 20th century cars ___________ standard shape and appearance. a)began b)got c)came d)drove V. Выберите правильный вариант перевода следующих предложений: 1. No other industry had ever developed at such a rate. a)Никакая промышленность не развивается с такой скоростью. b)Другие отрасли промышленности не развиваются с такой скоростью. c)Никакая другая отрасль промышленности не развивалась с такой скоростью 2. A car is not the product of any single inventor. a)Машина не была изобретена кем-то одним. b)Машина – это не продукт какого-либо одного изобретателя. c)Машина производится кем-то одним. 3. Huge capital began to flow into the automobile industry. a)Огромные капиталовложения начали поступать в автомобильную промышленность. b)Потоки капитала начали вливаться в автомобильную промышленность. c)Денежные поступления в автомобильную промышленность были огромны. VI. Найдите в тексте и переведите предложения: a)в страдательном залоге b)со сложным подлежащим c)со сложным дополнением d)с инфинитивом цели. VII. Прочитайте предложение №7. Как переводится «ones» в данном предложении? VIII. Прочитайте предложение №15. Как переводится слово «like» в данном предложении?