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CLASS ASSIGNMENTS. IX. Form new words by adding the prefixes

IX. Form new words by adding the prefixes. Translate the words:

a) un---- doubtful, favourable, impaired, preserved, treated;

b) intra----- tracheal, abdominal, venous, muscular, cellular;

c) sub----- acute, febrile, cutaneous, sternal, divide;

d) over---- dosage, strain, work, estimate, pressure, weight

X. Choose the appropriate participle given in brackets. Translate the sentences:

1.... an acute pain in the heart which radiated to the shoulder the patient was administered a strict bed regimen, (being developed; having developed; developing; having been developed) 2.... for rheumatic endocarditis at the in­patient department the patient was discharged from the hospital in good state, but had to be followed-up at the out-patient department, (having treated; treating; being treated; having been treated)

XI. Translate the following sentences using Complex Object with Participle:

1. Дежурная сестра слышала, как больная в палате № 6 кашляла всю ночь. 2. Мы видели, как показания электрокардиограммы постепенно изменялись. 3. Студенты наблюдали, как лечащий врач прослушивал сердце у больного.

XII. Use the English words instead of the Russian ones; translate the sentences:

1. Last year for several weeks the patient had been suffering from constant cardiac pain (распространявшуюся вниз по руке). 2. (Нарушения тока крови) were revealed by numerous instrumental examinations. 3. Having undergone a course of (соответствующих инъекций) the patient stated that the cardiac pain considerably decreased. 4. (Физическое и психическое перенапряжение) increases the incidence of heart attacks in persons suffering from angina pectoris.

XIII. Finish the sentences choosing the appropriate statement to correspond to Text C:

1. For several days the patient had been suffering from... (a) pains of various intensity in the chest and behind the breastbone; b) severe attacks of productive cough which occurred at night and in the morning) 2. It was revealed that the patient had areas of particularly sensitive skin... (a) over the anterior surface of the chest from the 2nd to the 4th rib; b) from the 7th cervical vertebra to the 5th upper thoracic one)

XIV. 1. Read Text D. 2. Entitle it. 3. What data important for a future doctor does it contain? 4. Put questions:


Last year my father was ill with angina pectoris. He suffered from constant attacks of chest pain. He was admitted to the in-patient department.

After he had undergone all the necessary laboratory examinations and several electrocardiograms had been taken both during the attack of chest pain and at the time when the chest pain was relieved the cardiologist administered him an adequate treatment.

To relieve a sharp pain in very severe attacks my father was given the injections of 1% omnopon solution. It was given in combination with 0.5 ml of a 0.1% atropine solution.

If the attacks were mild or moderate he took nitroglyc-erin in an adequate dose of 3 drops-. Nitroglycerin was dropped on some sugar which my father put under the tongue. My father said that nitroglycerin relieved the pain immediately and a moderate attack or a mild one was controlled within 3 or 5 minutes. The cardiologist explained that nitroglycerin relieved the spasm of coronary arteries which caused chest pain.

My father stayed in the hospital for about two weeks. Now he is followed- up at the out-patient department. His condition has considerably improved. The last electrocardiogram readings were neither diminished nor deviated.



1.1. Сгруппируйте (письменно) слова по частям речи и подчеркните в них суффиксы:

various, severity, hospitalize, doubtful, radiation, favourable, sensitive, incidence, measure, disturbance, frequently, slightly, duration, characterize, improvement, eliminate, rupture

2. Сгруппируйте (письменно) однокоренные слова:

dilate, disturb, eliminate, unit, different, dilated, union, eliminated, differ, recurrence, dilatation, disturbance, elimination, unite, recur, difference, undilated, unity, disturbing

П. Прочтите сообщения и запомните факты, о которых в них говорится:

Do you know that

1. at rest the blood makes a complete circle in our body within 20-25 seconds? 2. within 70 years of life the human heart contracts about 2.5 milliard times and pumps 145 million litres of blood? 3. at rest the human heart pumps 4 litres of blood per minute but on great physical exertion 40 litres? 4. the man can live without water for 10 days and without food for more than a month?

III. Запомните чтене следующих слов и переведите их: academician [a, kaed3'mijh], coronary ['кэгэпэп], defect [di'fekt], bio­chemical ['baio(u)'kemik(3)l], manipulation [m3, nipju'leij(3)n], interval [lint9v(9)l], characterize ['kaeriktaraiz], hypothermia [, haipo(u )'0a: mi9]

IV. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания: suffer ['sAfa] страдать (from); переносить congenital [кэп'ёзепШ] а врожденный

besides [bi'saidz] adv кроме того; ргр кроме failure ['feilja] п остановка; повреждение; нарушение heart failure внезапная остановка сердечной деятельности (паралич сердца, остановка сердца)

fibrillation [.faibri'leifn] п трепетание, фибрилляция arrest [a'rest] п остановка, задержка; прекращение; v задерживать, (приостанавливать)

damage [*daemid3] п повреждение, поражение; v повреждать result [ri'zAlt] in v заканчиваться, приводить к чему-л.; result from происходить в результате, быть следствием danger [ldeind33] п опасность exclude [iks'klu.d] v исключать bandage ['baendid3] v перевязывать; n повязка incision [in'si3n] n разрез

V. Прочтите и переведите следующие слова и словосочетания:

1. congenital [kan'd3enitl]: congenital disease, congenital heart defect, to suffer from a congenital heart defect;

2. failure ['feilja]: heart failure, cardiac failure, to reveal heart failure, to prevent the development of heart failure;

3. result [ri'zAlt]: to result in the impairment of heart function, the inflammation resulted from infection

VI. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания, обращая внимание на предлоги:

in the presence of, to result in, to result from, to suffer from, to be operated on for smth, to be preceded by, a damage to some organ, because of, a bad state, within a certain period of time.

VII. Составьте вопросы к данным ответам:

1. Yes, there are about ten main kinds of congenital heart defects which can be treated both therapeutically and surgically. 2. Yes, heart defects result in the impairment of heart functions and the changes in its anatomical structure. 3. Yes, heart failure may occur during the operation on the heart.

VIII. 1. Прочтите текст E. 2. Найдите и переведите предложения: а) с усилительной конструкцией 'it is... that'; б) с глаголом в одном из времен группы Perfect Continuous; в) с местоимениями в качестве заменителей существительных. 3. Выпишите английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетании:

при наличии этих нарушений, порок сердца, выявление сердечных шумов

4. Напишите аннотацию к этому тексту:

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 4896. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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