Ex. 7. Translate the sentences from Russian into English
1. Мост, который предстоит реконструировать, был возведён в 18-м веке. 2. Основная проблема заключалась в том, чтобы найти необходимое оборудование для эксперимента. 3. Джордж Пульман не только изобрёл спальный вагон, он первым спроектировал и построил вагон ресторан. 4. Двигатель, который будет установлен в этой машине, очень мощный. 5. Железные дороги должны увеличивать скорость перевозок, чтобы конкурировать с воздушным и автомобильным транспортом. 6. Много пассажиров ожидают поезд, которой должен прибыть на станцию с минуты на минуту (any minute). 7. Очень трудно завести (to start) двигатель в такую холодную погоду. 8. У него был небольшой багаж, который следовало упаковать. 9. Цель реконструкции этой железной дороги состоит в том, чтобы увеличить скорость движения поездов до 240 километров в час. 10. Для того чтобы добраться до Нового Орлеана (New Orleans), нам придётся сделать пересадку в Бирмингеме (Birmingham). 11. Новые вагоны, которые будут пущены в эксплуатацию в следующем году, состоят из 10 двухместных (two-berth) купе. 12. Для того чтобы защитить деревянные шпалы от разрушения, они пропитываются креозотом.
Ex. 8. Translate the sentences, paying attention to the Complex Subject.
Model: This busis supposedto connect with the train. – Предполагается, что этот автобус приходит на вокзал как раз к прибытию поезда.
1. Train fares are said to be raised by 7 % in summer. 2. The French train “Aquitaine” was reported to cover the 580 km distance fromParis to Bordeaux non-stop in 4 hours. 3. The U.S. is known to have a number of the world’s longest freight trains, some stretching for miles in length. 4. Passenger traffic on Vietnam Railways is expected to grow by 5-9 % a year and freight traffic by 15 %. 5. All passengers are sure to enjoy riding on a new high-speed train. 6. Proposals to link Moscow with the European high-speed network through Warsaw, Poland are likely to remain proposals because of a lack of funds. 7. When container cars were first introduced, they were thought to be used only for carrying valuable goods. 8. The share of railway transport in carrying freight and passengers is unlikely to be reduced in the near future. 9. At a large railway terminal, there are so many tracks that trains seem to be arriving or departing every minute. 10. In 1829, two locomotives were imported from England to the U.S., but they were found to be too heavy for the existing tracks. 11. The new high speed line is expected to have 100 trains daily in each direction operating at a 5 minute headway. 12. November 6, 1924 is considered to be the birthday of the first mainline diesel-electric locomotive in Russia. 13. In the United Kingdom, a train hauled by two locomotives is said to be " double-headed". 14. The Pendolino trains are reported to be introduced on this section of the mainline early next year. 15. Rock ballast appears to be the most suitable for lines with heavy gradients and steep curves.
Ex. 9. Make up sentences, using the Complex Subjects.
Model: The new high-speed linewill be opened for traffic next year. (to report) → The new high speed lineis reportedto be opened for traffic next year.
1. The train timetable is compiled for a long period, generally for six months. (to know) 2. You will miss the train unless you hurry. (to be certain) 3. The electric locomotive’s service life is about 30 years. (to suppose) 4. She has left her umbrella on the train. (to be likely) 5. The St. Petersburg underground system will have 2 more lines in the next decade. (to plan) 6. Japan will provide technological aid for the development of a high-speed train to run between Beijing and Shanghai. (to expect) 7. The Chinese and Japanese governments have signed an agreement to cooperate on the construction of railways and railway equipment in China. (to report) 8. The railways will serve man’s civilizations for many years to come. (to believe) 9. The introduction of new high-speed trains will reduce journey time on this mainline. (to be sure) 10. Wear and tear of rolling stock will be reduced if longer rails are used. (to suppose)