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Раскройте скобки и употребите прилагательное в нужной степени сравнения.

1. The central regions of the country are (industrialized) than northern parts.

2. Living conditions in some Latin American countries are (bad) than in developing Asian countries.

3. It was (easy) to make a decision than economists thought.

4. This is (important) stage in the processing of the product.

5. Nowadays mining plants use (modern) machines than ten years ago.

6. Bananas require (hot) climate for growth than potatoes.

7. Consumers were interested in (cheap) goods of (high) quality.

8. Sometimes the work of a farmer is (difficult) than that of an industrial worker.

9. Food, clothes and a house are (necessary) things for man's life.

10. Angola is known as a (little) developed country.

11. The new production process should be as (profitable) as the old one.

12. This enterprise is one of (good) in the market.

13. Today the share price is (bad) than it was yesterday.

14. Coca-Cola is (big) soft drinks manufacturer in the world.


5. Вставьте пропущенное слово: than, as … as, not so … as, the, most, the … the.

1. The London Stock Exchange is … oldest on the security market.

2. He is one of the … difficult producers our firm has ever dealt with.

3. This restaurant is … expensive … that one.

4. The first round of negotiations was easier … the second one.

5. … bigger the company, … greater its profits.

6. The budget of our company is … … big … our competitors’ budgets.


Раздел III

Числительные (The Numerals)

Числа от 0 до 19

Numbers Числа Cardinals Количественные Ordinals Порядковые Numbers Числа Cardinals Количественные Ordinals Порядковые
  nought -   ten tenth
  one first   eleven eleventh
  two second   twelve twelfth
  three third   thirteen thirteenth
  four fourth   fourteen fourteenth
  five fifth   fifteen fifteenth
  six sixth   sixteen sixteenth
  seven seventh   seventeen seventeenth
  eight eighth   eighteen eighteenth
  nine ninth   nineteen nineteenth


Десятки от 20 до 90

Numbers Числа Cardinals Количественные Ordinals Порядковые Numbers Числа Cardinals Количественные Ordinals Порядковые
  twenty twentieth   sixty sixtieth
  thirty thirtieth   seventy seventieth
  forty fortieth   eighty eightieth
  fifty fiftieth   ninety ninetieth


Простые дроби Десятичные дроби
1/2 one-second (a second) 1.25 one point twenty-five
5/7 five- sevenths 70. 11 seventy point eleven
  three hundred and forty-six
  seven hundred and seven
5,829 five thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine
82,345,971 eighty-two million three hundred and forty-five thousand nine hundred and seventy-one

Цифры, обозначающие даты и годы

  eighteen twelve/ eighteen hundred and twelve
  eighteen hundred
  two thousand and two
25th December, 2011 the twenty-fifth of December, twenty eleven
December 25th, 2011 December the twenty-fifth, twenty eleven


1. Произнесите по-английски следующие числитель­ные:

13; 43; 39; 789; 205; 4,500; 6,130; 88,239; 105,111; 723,984; 412,701; 2,641,333; 11,168,558; 20,279,113.

2. Произнесите по-английски:

The 8th month, the 365th day, the 11th book, the 1st house, the 1,023rd model.

3. а) Произнесите по-английски следующие количественные числительные:

22; 643; 2,980; 334,100; 71,325; 1,434,516; 9,154,603; 970,000.

Б) Сделайте эти числительные порядковыми.

4. Произнесите по-английски следующие даты:

1998; 1834; 2001; 1960; 1972; 1805; 1799; в 70-е годы, в 40-е годы; в 30-е годы XX века; в 90-е годы XIX века

Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

1. Unemployment in Northern Ireland has decreased substantially in recent years, and is now roughly at 14.5%, down from a peak of 17.2% in 1986.

2. As of December 2008 the public sector in Northern Ireland accounted for 30.8% of the total workforce.

3. In 1992 the public sector accounted for 37% of the workforce.

4. Northern Ireland has a total of 24,820 km (15,420 mi) of roads, or 1 km for each 68 people (1 mi for each 109 people), which is considerably more than in the United Kingdom as a whole (1 km per 162 people).

5. The Port of Belfast is one of the chief ports of the UK, handling 17 million tonnes (16.7 million long tons) of goods in 2005, equivalent to 2/3 of Northern Ireland’s seaborne trade.

6. The economy reached bottom in the winter of 1932-33, then came four years of very rapid growth until 1937, when the Recession of 1937 brought back 1934 levels of unemployment.

7. Between 1933 and 1939 federal expenditures tripled, but the national debt remained about level at 405 of GDP.

8. By 1943 during World War II all of the relief programs had ended with the exception of Social Security.

Раздел IV

Дата добавления: 2015-10-19; просмотров: 1075. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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