Студопедия — Глагол (The Verb)
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Глагол (The Verb)


Времена группы Indefinite (Simple). The Indefinite (Simple) Tenses


  Настоящее время Present Прошедшее время Past Будущее время Future
Утвердительная форма I/we/you/they translate economic articles very well. – Я (мы, вы, они) очень хорошо перевожу тексты по экономике. He/she translates economic articles very well. – Он (она) очень хорошо переводит тексты по экономике. I/we/you/they/he/she translated economic articles very well. – Я (мы, вы, они) очень хорошо переводил тексты по экономике. I/we/you/she/he /they will translate economic articles very well. – Я (мы, вы, она, он, они) очень хорошо переведу тексты по экономике.  
Вопросительная форма Do I/we/you/they translate economic articles very well? Does he/she translate economic articles very well? How well do I/ we/ you/ they/ translate economic articles? What articles does he/she translate very well? DidI/we/ you/ they/he/she translate economic articles very well? How well did I/ we/ you/ they/she/he translate economic articles? What articles did I/we/you/they/she/he translate very well? Will I/we/you/they/she/ he translate economic articles very well? How well will I/we/you/she/he/they translateeconomic articles? What articles will I/we/you/they/she/he translate very well?  
Отрицательная форма I/we do not (don’t) translate economic articles very well. He/she does not (doesn’t) translate economic articles very well. I/we/you/they/she/he did not (didn’t) translate economic articles very well. I/we/you/they/she/he will not (won’t) translateeconomic articles very well.

Глагол “to be”

  Present Past Future
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Positive form
  I am we are Iwas wewere Iwill be we will be
  you are you are youwere youwere youwill be youwill be
  he is she is it is   they are hewas shewas itwas theywere hewill be shewill be it will be theywill be
Negative form
  I am not   we are not (aren’t) I was not (wasn’t) we were not (weren’t) Iwill not be (won’t be) we will not be (won’t be)
  you are not (aren’t) you are not (aren’t) you were not (weren’t) youwere not (weren’t) youwill not be (won’t be) youwill not be (won’t be)
  he is not she is not it is not (isn’t)   they are not (aren’t) he was not she was not it was not (wasn’t) theywere not (weren’t) hewill not be shewill not be it will not be (won’t be) theywill not be (won’t be)
Interrogative form
  am I are we was I werewe will I be will we be
  are you are you were you wereyou will yoube willyoube
  is he is she is it   are they was he wasshe was it werethey will he be will she be will it be willtheybe

Оборот there + to be(есть, находится, существует)

Positive form Interrogative form Negative form
1. There are rich deposits of diamonds in the country. – В стране богатые залежи алмазов.   2. There is also a wide variety of non-metallic minerals. – Существует также огромное разнообразие неметаллических минералов.   3. There were oil deposits in the country. – В стране были залежи нефти. 4. There was a big plant in the town. – В этом городе был большой завод. 5. There will be a lot of mineral resources in Europe soon. – В Европе вскоре будет много минеральных ресурсов. 1. Are there rich deposits of diamonds in the country?     2. Is there also a wide variety of non-metallic minerals?     3. Were there oil deposits in the country?     4. Was there a big plant in the town?     5. Will there be a lot of mineral resources in Europe soon? 1. There are not rich deposits of diamonds in the country.     2. There is not also a wide variety of non-metallic minerals.     3. There were not oil deposits in the country.     4. There was not (wasn’t) a big plant in the town.     5. There will not (won’t) be a lot of mineral resources in Europe soon.


1. Вставьте правильную форму глагола “to be”.

A) Употребите the Present Indefinite Tense.

1. The problem of making profit … of primary importance for any economist.

2. The words “economic” and “economical” … different in their meanings.

3. Economics … the study of how people make choices.

4. Inflation … the cause of a bad economic situation in the country.

5. The main products in European industry … bicycles, rail, machinery, marine, aerospace equipment, food, chemical and pharmaceutical goods.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-19; просмотров: 662. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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