Времена группы Indefinite (Simple). The Indefinite (Simple) Tenses
| Настоящее время
| Прошедшее время
| Будущее время
Утвердительная форма
| I/we/you/they translate economic articles very well. – Я (мы, вы, они) очень хорошо перевожу тексты по экономике.
He/she translates economic articles very well. – Он (она) очень хорошо переводит тексты по экономике.
| I/we/you/they/he/she translated economic articles very well. – Я (мы, вы, они) очень хорошо переводил тексты по экономике.
| I/we/you/she/he /they
will translate economic articles very well. – Я (мы, вы, она, он, они) очень хорошо переведу тексты по экономике.
Вопросительная форма
| Do I/we/you/they translate economic articles very well?
Does he/she translate economic articles very well?
How well do I/ we/ you/ they/ translate economic articles?
What articles does he/she translate very well?
| DidI/we/ you/ they/he/she translate economic articles very well?
How well did I/ we/ you/ they/she/he translate economic articles?
What articles did I/we/you/they/she/he translate very well?
| Will I/we/you/they/she/ he
translate economic articles very well?
How well will I/we/you/she/he/they translateeconomic articles?
What articles will I/we/you/they/she/he translate very well?
Отрицательная форма
| I/we do not (don’t) translate economic articles very well.
He/she does not (doesn’t) translate economic articles very well.
| I/we/you/they/she/he did not (didn’t) translate economic articles very well.
| I/we/you/they/she/he will not (won’t) translateeconomic articles very well.
Глагол “to be”
| Present
| Past
| Future
| Plural
| Singular
| Plural
| Singular
| Plural
Positive form
| I am
| we are
| Iwas
| wewere
| Iwill be
| we will be
| you are
| you are
| youwere
| youwere
| youwill be
| youwill be
| he is
she is
it is
they are
| hewas
| theywere
| hewill be
shewill be
it will be
| theywill be
Negative form
| I am not
| we are not
| I was not
| we were not
| Iwill not be
(won’t be)
| we will not be (won’t be)
| you are not
| you are not
| you were not
| youwere not
| youwill not be (won’t be)
| youwill not be (won’t be)
| he is not
she is not
it is not
they are not
| he was not
she was not
it was not
| theywere not
| hewill not be
shewill not be
it will not be
(won’t be)
| theywill not be
(won’t be)
Interrogative form
| am I
| are we
| was I
| werewe
| will I be
| will we be
| are you
| are you
| were you
| wereyou
| will yoube
| willyoube
| is he
is she
is it
are they
| was he
was it
| werethey
| will he be
will she be
will it be
| willtheybe
Оборот there + to be(есть, находится, существует)
Positive form
| Interrogative form
| Negative form
1. There are rich deposits of diamonds in the country. – В стране богатые залежи алмазов.
2. There is also a wide variety of non-metallic minerals. – Существует также огромное разнообразие неметаллических минералов.
3. There were oil deposits in the country. – В стране были залежи нефти.
4. There was a big plant in the town. – В этом городе был большой завод.
5. There will be a lot of mineral resources in Europe soon. – В Европе вскоре будет много минеральных ресурсов.
| 1. Are there rich deposits of diamonds in the country?
2. Is there also a wide variety of non-metallic minerals?
3. Were there oil deposits in the country?
4. Was there a big plant in the town?
5. Will there be a lot of mineral resources in Europe soon?
| 1. There are not rich deposits of diamonds in the country.
2. There is not also a wide variety of non-metallic minerals.
3. There were not oil deposits in the country.
4. There was not (wasn’t) a big plant in the town.
5. There will not (won’t) be a lot of mineral resources in Europe soon.
1. Вставьте правильную форму глагола “to be”.
A) Употребите the Present Indefinite Tense.
1. The problem of making profit … of primary importance for any economist.
2. The words “economic” and “economical” … different in their meanings.
3. Economics … the study of how people make choices.
4. Inflation … the cause of a bad economic situation in the country.
5. The main products in European industry … bicycles, rail, machinery, marine, aerospace equipment, food, chemical and pharmaceutical goods.