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Упражнения. 1. Вставьте модальные глаголы can, could или модальный оборот to be able to в нужной форме

1. Вставьте модальные глаголы can, could или модальный оборот to be able to в нужной форме.

1. Even at present computers... (not) translate from one foreign language into another without mistakes.

2. By means of computer programmes economists... make more complex economic models in future.

3. In the past members of a farmer's family... produce most necessities on their farm, such as clothes and other things.

4. Small nations... ensure their economic security only by effective cooperation with other nations.

5. The firm was closed as it... (not) to pay its debts.

6. Manufacturing... (not) develop before the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century.

7. Developing countries... (not) become economically independent until they import less than they export.


2. Вставьте модальные глаголы can, could, may, must.

1.If there are a few firms in an industry, the change in the behaviour of one firm... influence other firms.

2. …developing countries enter the European Union? — No, they....

3. The firm... increase its profits by means of new materials or technologies.

4. Any crisis in the economy of the USA... seriously influence the economies of other nations.

5. Any country... follow some rules in international trade.

6.... Russia supply its population with necessary amounts of gas and petrol? — Yes, it....

7. British farmers... (not) ensure the required quality of meat when there was an infection among animals a few years ago.

8. You... have a special license to import or export exotic animals.

3. Вставьте модальные глаголы must, should, have to или be to в нужной форме.

1. The company... advertise the new product to attract more buyers.

2. The firm... provide quality certificates for all its goods.

3. The government... stimulate the production of necessities and it... prevent the increase in prices.

4. The company... pay taxes on its profits.

5. The new government policy... ensure more jobs for population.

6. The trade policy of the Japanese government in the 1950s... ensure rapid economic growth.


4. Употребите указанные в скобках глаголы в нужной форме, измените порядок слов и вставьте частицу to,где необходимо.

1. They (should/ not) tell the manager about their difficulties.

2. We (have) cope with a lot of difficulties last year.

3. The company (have) reduce prices for its goods if the demand falls.

4. The economist (be) finish the analysis before the manager makes a decision.

5. The seller (be) deliver the goods as soon as the buyer paid for them.

6. He (ought) follow their advice?

7. The firm (have) buy new equipment or it (can) use old machines?

8. He (have/not) pay any tax last year.

5. Вставьте must, should, have to, be to в нужной форме.

1. The building firm... finish the construction of the new plant this year.

2. There are no parking facilities for manufactured cars, so the company... buy some land.

3. The workers... produce the first 100 cars by the end of the year.

4. African countries... buy a large part of machinery and equipment for their plants from developed countries.

5. The engineers... follow the instructions how to use new equipment.

6. Last year the local government... (not) spend much on transport facilities as they were well maintained.

7. Companies trading in the world market... ensure high standards.

8. When most countries of Central Europe exhausted their coal resources they... import large quantities of gas and oil from abroad.

9. The government... spend more money to improve sports facilities in the country in order to involve more children in sports.

10. Such large countries as the USA and Canada... (not) import wheat because they produce this crop on large areas in their countries.


6. Замените слова в скобках на модальные глаголы сап, could, must, should, have to или be to в нужной форме.

1. Today they (должны будут) prepare the document for tomorrow's meeting.

2. In the late 1940s, the Japanese government (могло) maintain only a very low level of living for the most part of population. However, the country (смогла) develop its industry by introduction of new technologies.

3. The country did not harvest enough crops last year, so it (была вынуждена) import additional foodstuffs.

4. Some small European industrialized countries (могут) provide large credits for developing countries.

5. Some economists think that such rapidly developing Asian countries as China and Taiwan (смогут) overtake the USA in high-tech in future.

6. Nowadays some goods manufactured in developing countries (могут) compete successfully in the world market.

7. The scientists (следует) study better how people's activities influence the earth's climate and ecology.

8. Belgium (вынуждена была) specialize only in some manufactured goods, for example, in cars.

9. Early in the 20th century, developing countries (не мог­ли) enter the world market as there were strong trade barriers.

10. A small nation (не должна) produce all manufactured goods as it (может) import them at a lower price from other countries.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-19; просмотров: 1323. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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