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I. Перепишите тексты писем, переведите их на русский язык, ответьте на вопросы:


London, 12th June, 20…

1. Dear Sirs,

Paraffin Wax

We are indebted for your address to the Trade Delegation Russia

in London who have informed us that you are the sole exporters of Paraffin Wax from Russia.

We are regular buyers of this commodity and request you to send us samples of different grades of Paraffin Wax stating your best prices and most favorable terms of payment. We would add that at the present time we are interested in about 1,000 tons of Paraffin Wax for immediate shipment.

Yours faithfully,



1. What organization gave the Buyers the address of the Sellers?

2. What did the Buyers ask the Sellers to inform them of?

3. What quantity of paraffin wax were the Buyers interested in?

4. Which words in the letter show that the Buyers wanted shipment to be made at once?



London, 15th February, 20…

2. Dear Sirs,

Peroxide of Manganese Ore

We are in the market for Peroxide of Manganese Ore containing minimum 89% of MnO2.

We would ask you to inform us by return post whether you are in a position to supply us with 1,000 tons of such ore for immediate shipment quoting us your lowest price and best terms.

Your price should include delivery c. i. f. London.

Yours faithfully,


1. What kind of goods did the Buyers intend to purchase?

2. What quantity of ore did the Buyers want the Sellers to supply them with?

3. How many tons of ore did the Buyers want the Sellers to send them an offer for?

4. Who is to pay for the transportation and insurance when the goods are sold on c. i. f. terms: the Sellers of the Buyers?


London, 23rd January, 20…

3. Dear Sirs,

With reference to the previous contracts concluded with your organization, we shall be glad to receive your for the sale to us of Caviar of 20 … catch.

We require the following quantities of barrelled caviar, viz.:

Beluga Caviar .......5,000 lbs.

Osetrova Caviar ......4,000 lbs.

Pressed Caviar ..... .. 3,000 lbs.

Total 12,000 lbs.

We should like the shipment of the Caviar to begin in May and continue at regular intervals until the end of 20 ….

We hope to receive your offer as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,


1. Did the Buyers have any previous business with the Sellers?

2. What was the total quantity of caviar required by the Buyers?

3. When did the Buyers want the caviar to be shipped?



Ottawa, 25th May, 20…

4. Dear Sirs,

At the suggestion of Mr. A. B. Ivanov, the Commercial Counsellor of the Russian Embassy in Canada, we write to enquiry whether you could supply us with Cotton Piece Goods.

We are wholesalers of cotton fabrics and normally draw our supplies from the U.S.A., the U.K., India and Czechoslovakia. From the last-named country we have been buying annually goods to the value of about £150,000.

Please let us know the types of Cotton Textiles available for export from Russia sending us samples and advising us of your prices and terms. We do not restrict our purchases of textiles to special types and are interested in both printed cotton cloth and grey cloth.

We look forward with interest to your reply.

Yours faithfully,



1. Who suggested to the Buyers that they should send an enquiry to the Sellers?

2. What kind of goods did the Buyers want to be supplied with?

3. From what countries do the Buyers draw their supplies of cotton goods?

4. Are the Buyers wholesalers or retailers of cotton fabrics?

5. What is the value of the Buyers annual purchases of cotton goods in Czechoslovakia?

6. What types of cotton fabrics are the Buyers interested in?


II. Вставьте, где требуется, предлоги и наречия и переведите на русский язык:


1. The goods must be equal … sample received … you … last week.

2. Referring … your letter … the 15th May; we should be pleased to receive your quotation … two Grinding Machines … … specification enclosed.

3. We are … the market … 1,000 tons … Manganese Ore according … the enclosed specification and would ask you to inform us … your price and terms.

4. Please send us your quotation … these goods … return … post. Your offer should be accompanied … detailed specifications and drawings.

5. … reply … your letter dated … the 15th May we request you to quote us your lowest prince … 300 tons … Jute (джут) … immediate shipment.

6. We thank you … your letter … the 23rd May enclosing Contract No. 250 … the sale … us … 300 tons … Jute.

7. The Oil must be shipped … regular intervals … the end … 20 ….

8. We can quote you … 2,000 tons Rolled Steel (стальной прокат) … … specification enclosed.

9. We have received a letter … Messrs. Smith & Co. who are wholesalers … Clocks and Watches. They would like to establish business relations … us and are prepared to buy watches … Russian origin … the value … £100,000 … exchange … other goods … the same value.

10. … the suggestion … the Russo-British Chamber … Commerce we write to enquiry whether you could supply us … two Gas Turbines.

11. We look forward … pleasure … received your catalogues and samples.

12. The machine required … us is similar … the type advertised … you … the last number … “Machinery”.

13. Please advise us … your current prices and terms … delivery.


III. Переведите на английский язык:


1. Мы получили Ваших изделий, посланные Вами почтовой посылкой, и просим сообщить нам Ваши цены на эти товары.

2. В ответ на Ваш запрос от 16 января на два компрессора мы с удовольствием посылаем Вам наше предложение.

3. Просим прислать нам список химикатов (chemicals), которыми Вы интересуетесь, и мы с удовольствием сообщим Вам наши цены.

4. Нам требуется силовой кабель (power cable), согласно прилагаемым техническим условиям (technical conditions) и спецификации. Мы были бы признательны, если бы Вы нам с обратной почтой, можете ли Вы нам такой кабель, указать цену, срок поставки и условие платежа.

5. Мы намереваемся купить 300 тон технического вазелина (technical baseline) и просим Вас сделать нам предложение на этот товар. Качество (the quality) вазелина должно полностью соответствовать образцу, полученного от Вас на прошлой неделе.

6. Мы просили бы Вас сообщить нам, по какой цене, в какой срок и на

каких условиях Вы могли бы послать нам 2000 тон сахара (sugar).

7. Если сорта А не имеются в продаже в настоящее время, мы просили бы Вас сделать нам предложение на 500 тонн парафина сорт Б, назначив Вашу крайнюю цену и лучшие условия платежа.

8. Назначенная нами цена включает поставку сиф Стокгольм (Stockholm).

9. Посылаем Вам при этом письме два экземпляра нашего контракта на продажу Вам 20000 тонн керосина.

10. Если Вы можете назначить нам конкурентоспособные (competitive) цены и если Ваши условия платежа являются приемлемыми (acceptable), мы готовы заключить с Вами контракт на поставку этого товара.

11. Мы можем отгрузить 2000 тон машинного масла (machine oil) немедленно. Остальное количество (the remaining quantity или: the balance) может быть отгружено через равные промежутки времени до конца этого года.

12. Мы являемся постоянными покупателями эфирных масел (essential oils) и в настоящее время намереваемся купить гераниевое масло (geranium oil) и кориандровое масло (coriander oil). Мы будем признательны, если Вы пришлёте нам образцы и спецификации этих масел и назначите Ваши цены и условия платежа.

13. Мы ведём оптовую торговлю часами и научными инструментами (clocks, watches and scientific instruments) и хотели бы получить от Вас каталоги и прейскуранты на часы разных моделей, экспортируемых из России. Если качество Ваших часов удовлетворяет наши требования (to meet somebody’s requirements) и Ваши цены конкурентоспособны, мы готовы поместить у Вас заказ (to meet somebody’s requirements) стоимость в 20000 фунтов стерлингов в обмен на наши изделия, список которых прилагается к этому письму.



I. Прочитайте тексты писем, переведите их на русский язык,

ответьте на вопросы:


Moscow, 5th May,20 …

1. Dear Sirs,

We require a 6 Cylinder Diesel Engine of 900 H. P. and would ask you to send us your tender in accordance with the specification and technical conditions enclosed, stating:

1. The lowest prince of the engine without foundation plate.

2. The price of the foundation plate.

3. The time of delivery.

4. The terms of payment.

5. The overall dimensions and weight of the engine.

6. The number of cases necessary for the packing of the engine, their measurements and weights.

7. The cost of packing for sea transportation.

We also request you to send us a list of spare parts stating the price of each part




The price for the engine should be quoted by you both free on rail your works and free on board English port.

Your offer should be accompanied by specifications, drawings and publications giving a full description of the engine as well as by a list of firms to whom you have supplied Diesel engines similar to the required by us.

Your tender with all enclosures should reach us by the 20th May at the latest.

Yours faithfully,


2 Enclosures.


1. What documents did the Buyers enclose with their enquiry?

2. Must the price for the engine be quoted free on rail Sellers' works only?

3. What documents and publications should the offer be accompanied by?

5. For what purpose do the Buyers want to get a list of firms to whom the

Sellers have supplied Diesel engines?

6. When must the Sellers' tender be received by the Buyers?



Bombay, 12th October, 20…

2. Dear Sirs,

We require for the expansion of our plant a Portable Air Compressor, Model KCE-6M, as shown on page 25 of your catalogue and would ask you to send us your quotation. The machine must be delivered complete with all essential accessories and tools together with manuals in English for service and maintenance.

We have already received quotations from three manufacturers who are offering us compressors of a similar design, for delivery in 5-6 months. As, however, most of the equipment for our plant was purchased in Russia, we should prefer to obtain this additional machine from your organization. We should be prepared therefore to place this order with you in the Compressor could be delivered in January, 20…, at the latest and if, of course, you could quote us a competitive price.

Your immediate reply will be very much appreciated.

Yours faithfully,



1. In what language should the manuals for service and maintenance be printed?

2. Do the Buyers want the accessories and tools to be included in the Sellers' quotation?

3. How soon did some manufacturers promise to deliver the compressor?

4. Why would the Buyers prefer to purchase the compressor in the Russia?

5. On what condition would the Buyers be prepared to place the order with the Sellers?


3.Dear Sirs, Moscow, 20thOctober, 20

We refer to the recent discussions with your Managing Director Mr. A. B. White here in Moscow, and in accordance with the agreement reached we request you to send us your tender in triplicate for two sets of Machinery for Coagulating, Extracting and Drying Synthetic Rubber as per specification enclosed.

The price, net weight and overall dimensions of each machine and each item separately must be indicated in the offer. Your quotation should also include two sets of rapidly wearing out parts.

We request you to enclose with your offer copies of your publications and drawings containing a full technical description of each machine included in the tender.

We await your quotation with interest.

Yours faithfully,




1. Who represented the Sellers during the discussions which had taken place in Moscow before this letter was written?

2. How many copies of the Sellers' tender do the Buyers wish to receive?

3. How many sets of machinery do the Buyers require?

4. What is the difference between gross weight (вес брутто) and net weight of goods?

5. What data do the Buyers ask the Sellers to indicate in the offer?



London, 15th October, 20 …

4. Dear Sirs,

During our visit to the Brussels Universal and International Exhibition we were very impressed by Russian Pavilion and had the opportunity of seeing the various machine-tools exhibited there. We examined with interest a Jig Boring Machine, Model ЛP-87 and consider that there should be a good demand for this machine in the U.K. We are members of the British Association of Machine-Tool Merchants and have many contacts with the users of this type of machine.

We should therefore be grateful to you if you could send us a detailed quotation together with booklets fully describing the machine. Please state in your quotation what time of delivery you could guarantee and what resale discount you could grant.

We look forward with interest to receiving your answer.

Yours faithfully




1. By which pavilion were the representatives of the British firm very impressed at the Brussels Exhibition?

2. What kind of machinery did they have the opportunity of seeing in the Russian Pavilion?

3. What association is the firm a member of (or What association does the firm belong to)?

4. Does the firm believe that it is possible to find purchasers for boring machines in England?

6. Does the firm intend to purchase such machines for itself or for resale?



II. Вставьте, где требуется, предлоги или наречия и переведите на русский язык:

Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 1823. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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