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I.Определите реквизиты писем, переведите и обсудите их.



  EMIL KELLERMANN & SOHN   Telex: 0367 emkel Telephone: 143-9256     Your Ref: Our Ref: Fw/ng 21 November 20…   John Wistler Bros. Ltd. 39 Ciry Road London E.C.1 England   Dear Sirs   We have received the goods about which you advised us on 12 November 20….   We appreciate your prompt delivery and sincerely hope this will be the beginning of a mutually profitable cooperation.   Yours faithfully Fwolff Friedrich Wolff Export Manager  


    Vanlaar & Desmedt, Pty.   South-African Republic Capetown Telex: 16875 vande Telephone: 163-1579   Your Ref: Our Ref: WR/eh 10 February 20…   A. & E. Chapoteau et Cie 197 Lower Vancouver Avenue Montreal 6 Canada   Dear Sirs   Re: Order for Diesels   We have please in enclosing our Order No. 152/AS for diesel engines.   We ask you to return the duplicate to us, duly signed, as an acknowledgment.   Yours faithfully     Wrhode Werner Rhode Sales Manager  


  A. & E. CHAPOTEAU ET SIE   Canada   Telex: 0396 Fax: (163) 9876   15 February 20… Your Ref: Our Ref: RH/as   Vanlaar & Desmedt, Pry. 15 Burg Street Capetown Republic of South Africa Attention: Mr W.Rhode     Dear Sir   Order for Diesels   We acknowledge receipt of your Order No. 152/AS for diesel engines dated 10 February 20….   As requested, we enclose the copy, duly signed, as order acknowledgement.   We sincerely hope that you will be able to place repeat order with us in the near future.   Yours Faithfully   Rholfeld   Richard Holfeld Branch Msnsger   Enc. copy of the order.  



Exercise 1 Read and translate the letters.


Acme Manufacturing Co.   Telex: 35679 acman Telephone: 396-7965   Your Ref: Our Ref: HG/bj 24 November 20…   Mehnert & Sturm 123 McLeod Road Karachi Pakistan   Dear Sirs   Thank you for your letter of 17 November, enquiring about the types and sizes of our bathroom showers. We have pleasure in enclosing a detailed quotation for bathroom showers. We also enclose our illustrated catalogue showing various types of bathroom fittings. Building contractors in Britain and France have found our equipment easy to install and attractive in appearance.   Please do not hesitate to write if you require anyfurther information.   Yours faithfully Acme Manufacturing Co. HGreen   Harry Green Sales Manager   Enclosures: 1. Quotation; 2. Catalogue.


  TOYO MENKA Your Ref: Our Ref: TY/ns 1 September 20…   This letter has been sent to firm   Dear Sirs,   We have pleasure in informing you of the merger of our company with NIKKO PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY which will come into effect on 1 December 20…. The new company will be known as UNIVERSAL TOYO OPTICS with head offices in Tokyo (14-27, Akasaka 2 chome, Minato-ku) and Osaka (64 Kawaramachi 2 chome, Higashi-ku).   Nikko Photographic established in 1953, are well known as manufacturers of first-class optical equipment and instruments. We have been buying their lenses for over 30 years, and we intend to cooperate closely.   As a result of this merger we shall be able of offer you a larger range of cameras, projectors and optical equipment. Our new catalogue is enclosed.   No further changes will be made. We look forward to maintaining our business and personal ties and continuing the prompt service that our customers appreciate. Please give us an opportunity of supplying you with extended range of goods.   Yours faithfully   Universal Toyo Optics TYamanoto T.Yamamoto President   Enclosure  


  DOVER CORPORATION (CANADA) LIMITED   Telex: 3564 dovco   157 Lover Vancouver Avenue Montreal   Telephone: 358-6795   Committee for Foreign Your Ref: Economic Relations Our Ref: WC/rl 32/34 Smolenscaya pl. Moskow 2 May 20…   Letter to Interested Parties In Russia   Dear Sirs   Dover Corporation (Canada) Limited is a subsidiary of Dover Corporation of New York, engaged in the design and manufacture of elevator equipment. Despite American ownership, Dover Canada operates as a fully autonomous company with its own research and manufacturing facilitates. We offer a full range of geared and gearless traction elevators, hydraulic elevator and modern microprocessors control systems. We are enclosing copies of the most recent annual report of Dover Corporation for your general information For further details please contact me at the above address.   Yours faithfully   Wcloves   Mr. Walter Cloves General Manager   Encl.
VALMEN Valmet-KMW AB,   P.O. Box 1C14, S-651 Karlstad Sweben   KMW Telephone: 54 17 10 00, Telex: 66181 vkk s, Telefax: 54 18 15 77.   Your Ref: Our Ref: NV/sk 3 November 20… Collins Paper Supplies 7 Bond Street Sydney Australia   Dear Sirs Finish Valmet and Swedish KMV – two of the world’s leading paper machine manufacturers have joined hands to form Valmet-KMW AB. A superb partnership in the area of tissue, board and pull drying machines as well as the multelayer technique. Comprehensive research facilities and product know-how, a wide range of experience and efficient production facilities are some of the advantages which will directly benefit the customer. We aim to be equally affective with new deliveries and with optimisation of existing equipment. Please find enclosed our new catalogues and do not hesitate to contact us as the above address.   Yours faithfully   NVikstrom Nils Vikstrom President   Enclosure
OLYMPIA HEAVY INDUSTRIES, LTD. Your Ref: Our Ref: TM/ng 5 July 20…   Asia Bank 23 Soi Salasdaeng Bangkok Dear Sirs   Olympia today is one of the largest internationally famous industrial and financial groups in the USA.   Olympia Heavy Industries, Ltd. is America’s leading manufacturer of ships and material handling equipment, construction machinery, iron and steel making equipment, presses, presses, chemical plants, speed variators and reducers, prime movers and steel structures and bridges as well as many other kinds of machinery and equipment for various industries. Olympia Heavy industries, Ltd. at present has modern manufacturing facilities in seven states of the USA, each specialized in the manufacture of different products. In order to give you an idea of the capacity of our organisation, we are enclosing our comprehensive illustrated brochure. Yours faithfully JMerchant Tony Merchant President Enclosure    


Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 1178. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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