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I. Render the letter and speak about the steps they are going to take

October 29th, 2000

Dear Sirs,

We regret to inform you that we have carried out a careful inspection and test of machine-tool C-45 manufactured at your works and come to theconclusion that the above machine-tool neither in respect of efficiency nor workmanship conforms to the description given in your specifications. In the opinion of our experienced engineers its low efficiency is the result of some alterations in the design you made for some reason or other without our con­sent to it.

Therefore you bear full responsibility for what has occurred and unless otherwise agreed we shall be forced to send the said machine-tool back and ask you to postpone shipment of the balance of 2 machine-tools of this type under the same Contract until the matter has been cleared up.

We expect to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully,


II. Discuss the letters:

London, July 13th, 2000

Dear Sirs,

In view of the considerable expansion which has taken place during the last two years in our work, it has been regarded as fair in the interests of our customers to transfer one side of the business to Automatic Business Ma­chines, Ltd. — which will specialize in calculating machines. We guarantee you every assistance in your requirements.

To those customers who have a service agreement with us, we are hereby giving respective notice of our intention to suspend these agreements, and ABM will send them a new agreement of the Manufacturing Works with a number of amendments and alterations for their consideration on or before August 1st. In respect of those customers whose machines are still under guarantee, i. e. the period of guarantee has not expired yet, ABM has agreed to take over this responsibility for these machines.

We thank all our customers for their support in the past years, and know that they will receive every attention from the staff of the new company.


Yours faithfully,

Spark & Co.


1. What is the main purpose of writing this letter? 2. Why was one side of the business transferred to Automatic Business Machines, Ltd.? 3. What kind of assistance is guaranteed by Messrs. Spark & Co.? 4. Why do they in­tend to suspend their agreements towards some of their customers? 5. Why does A.B.M. agree to take over responsibility for these machines in respect of another group of customers? 6. Why does A.B.M. intend to send a new agreement of the manufacturing works with a number of amendments?



27 Июня, 2000,

Уважаемые господа!


Настоящим еще раз напоминаем Вам, что мы до сих пор не полу­чили от Вас сведений о ходе выполнения нашего заказа на десять

сверлильных станков.

Как Вы знаете, контракт был заключен на условиях фоб и от­сутствие сведений о положении заказа не дает нам возможности зафрахтовать пароход заранее, так как в этом случае, возможно, нам придется платить за его простой (demurrage).

Кроме того, мы хотели бы своевременно направить к Вам на завод наших приемщиков, чтобы испытания проходили в их при­сутствии и чтобы дефекты, которые могут быть обнаружены в отделке станков, могли быть немедленно устранены.

Просим Вас поэтому немедленно сообщить нам о положении

нашего заказа.

Напоминаем Вам также, что срок поставки шлифовальных стан­ков по нашему второму контракту № 2674 истекает 15-го июля текущего года и просим Вас, во избежание задержки в производстве на заводе наших комитентов, отгрузить их точно в срок и телегра­фировать нам название парохода и дату его выхода в море. Аккре­дитив на сумму, обусловленную в контракте, будет открыт нами в течение десяти дней со дня получения Вашей телеграммы.

Искренне Ваши,




1. What made Rosimport unable to charter a vessel beforehand? 2. Is it possible that the tests at the manufacturing works are carried out in the pres­ence of the Buyers' inspectors? 3. Why do the Buyers want their inspectors to take part in all the tests but not only in final inspection? 4. What were Rosimport's reasons for buying machine-tools in one case on f.o.b. terms, in the other on c.i.f. terms? 5. On what delivery terms do Russian foreign trade organizations usually buy machinery? Why?

III. Render the letter and speak in accordance with the assignment following it:

Фирме Glyde and Co.

Нью-Йорк Москва, 15 апреля 2000г


Уважаемые господа!


Мы признательны Вам за Ваш запрос от 3-го апреля с. г. отно­сительно оконного стекла и с удовольствием предлагаем необхо­димое Вам стекло высшего качества, которое во всех отношениях будет отвечать Вашим требованиям.

В качестве окончательного доказательства качества, мы обязу­емся представить Вам свидетельство по качеству, выданное заво­дом-изготовителем.

Вы просите поставить Вам это стекло двумя — тремя партиями по нашему усмотрению во второй половине сего года, на условиях сиф Нью-Йорк с перегрузкой в Амстердаме. Мы обсудим этот во­прос при встрече.

Это стекло будет застраховано в Ингосстрахе против обычных морских рисков согласно существующим Transport Insurance Rules.

Надеемся, что наши условия платежа будут для Вас приемлемы. Они следующие: по телеграфу Вы открываете безотзывный под­твержденный аккредитив во Внешэкономбанке России в Москве на всю стоимость товара в течение 3 дней по получении нашего изве­щения о готовности первой партии товара к отгрузке, и вместе с этим Вы сообщаете нам, получили ли Вы импортную лицензию и валютное разрешение на данный товар от своих соответствующих властей.

Это предложение делается нами твердо при условии Вашего телеграфного подтверждения в течение 15-дней от даты этого письма.

С почтением,





Say that you prefer to deliver the window glass in two lots in the third quarter of the year; change the port of transhipment and give your reasons; discuss the terms of payment you suggest and try to come to terms about them. XXVIII.


IV.Make up letters in accordance with these assignments:

1. Write to the firm to remind them that they have delayed payment for the first lot of the goods. Refer to your terms of payment and a respective clause of the General Conditions. Say that you may have to suspend the ful­fillment of the contract.

2. Write to the firm about the inferior quality of the goods you received under Contract 105/283. Tell them particulars of the analysis made at the port of destination, comparing them with the conditions set down in the Qual­ity Certificate.

3. Write to the firm stating that you are not satisfied with their guarantee period and ask them to prolong it. Point out that this is your first transaction with the firm and that the offered Model has just been altered. Put forward your conditions.

Уважаемые господа!

Москва, 25 февраля 2000

Мы тщательно рассмотрели ваше письмо от 20 января 19... и вынуждены подтвердить, что вы действительно нарушили контракт в отношении условий платежа и несете полную ответственность за

задержку в поставках.

Просим вас отметить,что пункт б контракта предусматривает отгрузку товара в течение 5 дней после открытия вами в нашу пользу безотзывного аккредитива в Банке... Мы послали вам извещение о готовности товара к отгрузке 16 ян­варя сего года, однако аккредитив был фактически открыт только 1 февраля, т.е. с опозданием на 15 дней.

Напоминаем вам, что формулировка пункта о платежах была предложена вами и полностью одобрена обеими сторонами во время переговоров в Москве. Прилагаем копии телеграмм, свидетельст­вующих о том, что мы неоднократно напоминали вам о ваших обязательствах в отношении условий платежа.

С уважением,



I.Render the letter and discuss it:


Rosexport 35, 20th December, 2000

Mosfilmovskaja street


Dear Sirs,

About Furnaces*

We would like to draw your kind attention to the series of discussions held with your people from the Trade Representation of the Russia in India, Calcutta, about your offer of an up-to-date electrically heated furnace.

We were slightly concerned about the fact that during the discussions we could only clear up the questions connected with the design and operation of the furnace. As to the commercial questions we failed to bring them up due to lack of time. The price question couldn't be settled either. In this connection we would like to mention the fact that several well-known inter­national suppliers have competed for the supply of furnaces. We are confi­dent that the quality of their furnaces is equal to that of yours and the prices quoted by them are quite competitive.

The prices of furnaces offered by the A. joint-stock Company for example are f.o.b. main Black Sea ports and are considerably lower than yours.

Your representative Mr. Sedov was accordingly requested to offer prices nearer to those quoted by the above firm, that is to give us a discount. Besides we would also like you to note that earlier we agreed that the prices for the Russian furnaces should be about 25% extra as compared with those the A. firm. 10% of the prices is due to insurance and freight

and the remaining 15 % — for availability of equipment for Rupee Currency, on payment by instalment terms.

The cost of erection and servicing, etc. during the guarantee period was to be covered by the price.

Since we are equally interested in speeding up the signing of the contract and since the revised prices could not be finalized during the discussions in New Delhi we agreed that to make matters smooth the price discount would be officially communicated by Mr. Sedov from Moscow.


We hope that we have succeeded in clearing up the position and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Khali & Co.

Furnaces* - доменная печь



1. Why couldn't the buyers settle the commercial questions during the discussions? 2. Why couldn't the price question be settled either? 3. In what connection do they mention other international suppliers of furnaces? 4. How can you explain the difference between the Russian prices and those of the A. company? 5.Whywas 15% charged for the availability of equipment for Rupee Currency? 6. Whose idea was it to effect payment by instalments and why? 7. Why couldn't the revised price problem be finalised during the discussions in New Delhi?

Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 692. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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