I. Render the letter and write an answer to it.
Москва, 15 декабря 2000 Уважаемые господа! В дополнение к нашему письму от 2-го декабря посылаем Вам претензию, предъявленную нашими комитентами в связи с повреждением партии приборов, вызванным несоответствующей упаковкой. В результате повреждения приборы оказались недоброкачественными, что подтверждается соответствующими документами. Приборы были отгружены 15-го ноября п/х «Свифт» по коносаменту № 20. Согласно акту экспертизы сумма претензии включает стоимость приборов, прибывших в поврежденном состоянии. Вы, несомненно, увидите (поймете), что наша претензия обоснована, и мы поэтому предлагаем урегулировать ее следующим путем: мы согласились бы оставить приборы у себя при условии, что Вы предоставили бы нам скидку в 15%, чтобы возместить нашим клиентам убытки, которые они понесут в связи с ремонтом приборов. Мы надеемся, что Вы удовлетворите нашу претензию и нам не придется передавать дело на решение арбитражного суда. Что касается недогрузки приборов по контракту № 30, наши комитенты намерены настаивать на уплате им согласованных и заранее оцененных убытков, т. к. такая недогрузка считается грубым нарушением контракта. С уважением, Росимпорт Questions: 1. Why do the Buyers make a claim on the Sellers? 2.What way of settling the claim do the Buyers suggest? 3. Why do the Buyers claim a discount of 15% off the price? 4. Why is the question of short-shipment brought up?
I. Read the letters and do the assignments following them: No. 1 Moscow, August 10th, 2000 Brown & Co., London Dear Sirs,
We write to draw your attention to the fact that no shipments have been made so far under Contracts Nos. 125 and 129. We have informed you several times that if shipments were not made in the time provided for by the contract any losses sustained would be for your account. In fact the point of delays was brought up prior to signing these Contracts and during the execution of the previous contracts. We remind you that under our General Conditions to the above Contract all disputes must be settled by arbitration. We have no desire to threaten you but under the circumstances we have no option. The time of delivery under the Contracts expired on 15th June 20... and 10th July 20... respectively, therefore we would be pleased to learn if you are agreeable to accept the claim or whether you have an alternative suggestion to put forward to settle the matter. Yours faithfully, Rosimport
Assignment: Speak on behalf of the Buyers and insist that the firm should speed up deliveries. State the conditions on which you would be prepared to put up with the delay under one of the Contracts.
No. 2 Messrs. Rosimport, Moscow London, September 15th, 2000
Dear Sirs,
Your claim of August 20th in connection with the inferior quality of the goods shipped by s.s. Volga has been given our careful attention. We have carefully studied the matter and admit that the quality of the goods is somewhat inferior to that of the sample on the basis of which we concluded the contract. We are ready to meet your claim, but we consider the compensation of £... too high, as the difference in quality is very slight. We agree to pay to you... as compensation for the substandard goods. We hope, you will agree to our suggestion to have the claim settled in an amicable way. Yours faithfully, Parker & Co. Assignment:
Speak on behalf of Rosimport on the amount of the claim and on the difference in quality. Also express your opinion as to the possibility of settling this matter amicably.
No. 3 London, October 17th, 2000 Exportkhleb, Moscow Shipments of Wheat
Dear Sirs,
We are writing to inform you that you were to have shipped us 10,000 tons of Wheat bys. s. Neva sailing from Archangel for London on August 10th. However, you failed to dispatch the goods by the said vessel and the goods arrived with a delay of 3 weeks. We, therefore, were not in a position to fulfill our obligations to our clients Messrs. Cortwight & Co. in time and they have made a claim on us for damages. We hold you responsible for the losses we shall sustain in connection with this delay in delivery and we request you to remit to our account with Midland Bank the amount of $... representing agreed and liquidated damages stipulated in p. 24 of our Contract. Yours truly, Stevenson & Co. Assignment: Speak on behalf of Exportkhleb and give your reasons for rejecting the claim. Also request the Buyers to compensate you for additional storage expenses