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July 15, 2004.


Dear Sirs,


La Bella Co. Ltd. was established in 1992. There are we have two production plants, which are located in the northeastern part of China, Shandong and in the southeastern part of China, Shandong. The company introduced four complete automation tile production lines from Italy with annual output of more then 4,000,000 square meters. Sizes of tiles are 400x400mm, 500x500mm & 600x600mm etc. We employ more then 800 employees for production and over 70 selling offices in China. All of our products have been sold to over 80 large cities of China.


By using of modern technology and production equipment supplied from Italy, our tile features are consistently above the European standards. Our products are very suitable for heavy-traffic areas such as airports, shopping malls, fast foods restaurants and bank.


On January 22, 1998, we have obtained the Certificate of ISO9002 from UK & U.S.A. and certified that the company has an effective management system that guarantees quality of manufacturing and servicing. We are the first China tile manufactories that have obtained the ISO9002. We enclosed herewith a copy of our IS9002 Certificate for your reference. The high quality of our products is well known and universally acknowledged over 80 cities of China. We are confident that a trial order would convince you that our goods are worthy of your support.


Best regards,

J.Lariti (Miss)

Chief Manager




Smolensky Combinat Stroitelny Materialov

attn. M. Dimitrievich Lenonov, Gen. Mgr.

M/r-n Gnezdovo

RUS 214034 Smolensk




Your ref.: Our ref.: Date: April 29, 2004


Dear Mr. Leonov:


Ferro is a major supplier of Colour Pigments for the Ceramic Industry.

Ferro Holland is specialized in the manufacture of Complex Inorganic Colour Pigments. Mixed metal oxide pigments are man-made minerals, manufactured by calcining (firing) an intimate mixture of metal oxides at temperatures ranging from 800 to 1400 degrees. During the calcination process, a chemical compound is formed with individual crystal structure such us zircon, rutile or spinel.

Desired colours are obtained by selecting specific metal oxides. The resulting product is milled to a fine powder with optimal particle size. Colour pigments have numerous technical advantages over raw oxides such as good heat stability, insolubility, chemical resistance, weathering and light fastness.



The following are some of the applications of Inorganic Colour pigments in the Ceramic Industry:

Ceramic Tiles for floor and wall coverings.

Ceramic Mosaic Tiles.

Ceramic Roofing Tiles.

Ceramic Sanitareware (Bathroom furniture).

Ceramic Tableware or Dinnerware.

Ceramic Artware.


Please let me know if you are interested in receiving technical or product information, Ceramic Pigment Catalogues, samples, or any other assistance that you might need on any of the high or low temperature Product Applications listed above.







PS: I would like to receive your fax number for future reference.



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