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III. Восполните пропущенную часть предложения. 1. The woman at the agency gave Peter_______________________

1. The woman at the agency gave Peter_______________________

2. The room Peter rented overlooked__________________

3. Peter told the landlady that he would take the room and paid


Прослушайте текст два раза и выполните следующие задания.

I. Выберите и запишите правильный вариант окончания предложения.

1. Miss Manning was puzzled because

a) she had never seen any diaries

b) she hadn't seen the diaries since her father's death

с) she had never thought that the diaries would be of any interest to anybody

2. Weston wanted to find Colonel Manning's diaries because

a) he was interested in the colonel's private life

b) they were mentioned in one of the Colonel's letters

c) he wanted to write a complete story of the Colonel's life

3. Miss Manning said that the diaries

a) may have been destroyed by her father before his last illness

b) may be in possession of Colonel Manning's friend

c) may have been thrown away after her father's death

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What happened to Colonel Manning's library after his death?

2 Why was it dark in the attic room?

3. How did Weston learn that Colonel Manning kept a diary?

4. How did Weston understand that the exercise books he found in one of the boxes were Colonel Manning's diaries?

III. Восполните пропущенную часть предложения.

1. The attic room hasn't been opened for______________________

2. Miss Manning was happy because Weston_________________

3. There were about_________________________boxes in the attic



Прослушайте текст два раза и выполните следующие задания.

I. Выберите и запишите правильный вариант окончания предложения.

1. Helen felt nervous because

a) there were only twenty minutes left before the departure of the train

b) there was only half an hour left before the departure of the train

c) she didn't have enough money to hire a taxi

2. When the accident took place Helen

a) was still far from the station

b) wasn't very far from the station

c) was at a walking distance from the station

3. When the bus conductor saw Helen running he

a) didn't ring the bell for the bus to start

b) rang the bell for the bus to start

c) rang the bell before she had got on

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. How did Helen know that she had missed her bus?

2. How much was the taxi fare to the station?

3. What happened to Helen when the taxi ran into a car?

4. What did both the drivers do after the accident?

III. Восполните пропущенную часть предложения.

1. The taxi driver said he would take a shortcut to get Helen to the station__________________

2. The taxi ran into a car when it was coming out of a side-street into the main road that______________________

3. If Helen had waited for the taxi driver to stop arguing, she would


Прослушайте текст два раза и выполните следующие задания.

I. Выберите и запишите правильный вариант окончания предложения.

1. Nick's «little adventure» started when he was

a) on the bus

b) waiting at the bus-stop

c) sitting on a bench

2. When Nick got off the bus

a) a man pushed something into his hands

b) a police inspector approached him

c) a man approached him

5. In the envelope the police found

a) important documents

b) false diamonds

c) false money

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

. Where did Nick work?

. Why did the man give the envelope to Nick?. What criminals were the police trying to catch?

4. Why did Nick feel disappointed after his «little adventure»?

III. Восполните пропущенную часть предложения.

1. The man sitting next to Nick got off the bus before Nick _____

2. When Nick entered the police station the man_________________

3. Nick was______________________________late for his office.


Прослушайте текст два раза и выполните следующие задания.

I. Выберите и запишите правильный вариант окончания предложения.

1. The narrator didn't finish his meals because

a) the ship was turning round rather violently

b) the Chief Engineer had left the dining-room

c) he couldn't continue his meal in peace

2. When the narrator came up on deck

a) the saving operation had been completed

b) a lifeboat had already been lowered into the sea

c) the ship had covered a distance of two hundred yards

3. The sailors in the lifeboat began to row as soon as

a) the officer gave an order

b) the lifeboat had been lowered

c) they were able to make out the position of the man in the sea

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. When did the passengers first notice that something unusual was happening?

2. Whom did the narrator see in the lifeboat?

3. How did the man in the water manage to keep afloat?

4. Why wasn't it easy to pull the man aboard the lifeboat?

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 719. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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